Extinguish Crime

Chapter 27: Invasion (10)


The flow of time seemed to slow down.

"Run! Run!..."

"It's hard to escape from that hell, you must, you must live!"

The very vague picture of memory made Zero completely stunned, and some very vague pictures appeared in her mind.

This vague picture seemed to be besieged by a group of unknown ferocious beasts, and a young man was standing in front of him roaring and let himself escape.

who is it

Zero didn't know, and couldn't remember, such a vague picture of memory, could not give her any answer.

Seeing the young man standing there, full of violence and killing, she vaguely felt an illusion of deja vu.

Zero stared at Zhang Heng, but Zhang Heng did not have any mood swings. His face, without the sunny temperament of the previous one, in absolute indifference, reveals a bloodthirsty tyranny, he just stood there like this , His body was stained with blood, and his right eye, which was originally dark and translucent, was scary red at the moment.

Not only the pupil, but the entire right eyeball, all wrapped in endless blood red, this right eye, in a sense, no longer belongs to human beings, but a real...eye from hell!

"Huh, is this?"

The collector was rarely surprised. He looked at Zhang Heng up and down, and said to himself in an uncertain tone: "The Eye of Shura? Well, it's not possible. If that experiment, it should have been terminated long ago. ."

"Ahhhh, how did you awaken?"

Jason's shocked expression quickly turned back to madness. He stared at Zhang Heng and shouted as if commanding: "The breath on you is very strange, I said, you should give me a word to explain."


As if he heard the "unintelligible" words, Zhang Heng moved a bit. He turned sideways and squinted at Jason. He had to say that being stared at by such a scary blood-red eye made demons like Jason a Feeling a bit bad.


Zhang Heng moved his lips and murmured in a low voice. In fact, in this state, Zhang Heng is no longer the original Zhang Heng. Although he has all the memories of "Zhang Heng", his consciousness and body seem to be Not under his control, but completely controlled by the emotions of violence and killing.


The desire from the bottom of my heart made Zhang Heng extremely excited. He needed blood, endless blood.

Only blood can suppress this irresistible desire in my heart!

This is like Jason becoming a monster. This is an instinct, a hungry beast, and a beast instinct that needs to be preyed!


"Give me... blood!"

This was Zhang Heng's roar with extreme excitement, but it was so strange to Ling's ears. He was like a cheetah running away, kicking his legs and rushing towards Jason frantically.

"Okay, so fast!"

Jason was stunned for a moment. He never expected that Zhang Heng's speed at the moment was only a bit slower than him.

This is a shocking thing!

As a third-level awakener who has activated four curses, Jason has spent at least ten years training, but Zhang Heng, who was originally weak and ant-like, had such terrifying strength just after he awakened


With a muffled bang, Zhang Heng did not give Jason time to think. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with endless evil charm, and he punched Jason's face with a punch, but was blocked by Jason's arm. However, To everyone's surprise, Jason was shot more than ten meters away by this punch.


Jason hit the ground fiercely like a cannonball. Such a strong impact did not cause him any substantial damage. He screamed and jumped out of the pothole with a ferocious and crazy look in his eyes. Staring at Zhang Heng: "It's funny, you're really funny, it seems that "that experiment" still missed the net? You should be..."

Before Jason could finish speaking, he saw Zhang Heng flashing strangely in front of him, staring at Jason with his blood-red right eye like a beast looking at its prey.

"Blood...Blood! Ah! Hahahaha..."

The moment Jason was stunned, Zhang Heng stretched out his hand with a crazy smile of excitement and pulled Jason's left arm hard.

The terrifying howls spread all over the country. Whether it was the soldiers who were fighting with King Axe and others, or the members of the fight against crime like King Axe, all were shocked, because they heard Jason's screams!

To be precise, they heard the screams of the New World Troops, the top ten generals!

who is it? Can you hurt Jason? Injured the ten powerful generals? !

The two fighting parties involuntarily stopped the fight and turned their attention to the residential building.


The blood exuding a strong rancid smell kept dripping, and Jason's twisted face was full of pain at this moment. His entire left arm was now out of his body and was grasped by Zhang Heng in front of him.

"God, my god..."

The soldiers of the Jason Legion were stunned. The cold sweat instantly covered their bodies. They couldn't believe the scene in front of them. Jason, who was almost invincible in their hearts, was actually torn down by a young man like Zhang Heng. arm

"Okay, such a powerful force! Isn't this... the power to fight crime!"

In a hidden jungle one kilometer away from a residential building, the middle-aged man with a beard broke out with cold sweat on his forehead and almost threw the telescope in his hand on the ground, the scene where Zhang Heng ripped off Jason’s arm. It brought him an unimaginable impact.

"Ah? What powerful power? Is it because the crime-killing boss is here? Quick, show me!"

Beside his beard, the young man with thick eyebrows, who was originally dozing bored, grabbed the binoculars with excitement and nervousness after hearing these words, and looked at Zhang Heng's side.

"I, my goodness! That young man actually tore off Jason's arm? Is he the boss of crime-killing? Strange, isn't it that the boss of crime-killing is one-eyed..."

The thick eyebrow youth yelled in surprise, but greeted a violent shudder from his beard.

"Ouch! It hurts!"

The thick-brow young man screamed while clutching his headache.

The beard stared at the young man with thick eyebrows with a helpless expression of regret, and whispered: "How can you be an excellent scout like this? You must know that our job is extremely dangerous. No matter when, we must Keep calm, otherwise, you won't live long!"

"Yes, yes, my most respected "War Zone" Scout Loren, the younger one understands."

The thick-brow youth grinned nonchalantly, obeying Luoren on the surface, but muttered softly on his mouth: "Really, Lord Luoren didn't keep calm just now..."

Hearing this, Luo Lun's face blushed and gave him a fierce look, but this time he didn't try to teach him, after all, Luo Lun did not keep calm just now.

The screen returns to the residential building.

"Ah! I want to kill you! I want to kill you!"

Jason's heartbreaking howl hardly stopped. He had always inflicted pain and punishment on others, but he had never experienced what it was like. At this moment, he finally experienced it. This kind of pain seemed to plunge him into the abyss of hell.

I have to say that this is a ridiculous feeling.

Compared to the dead Charles, Daguerre, and Miyoko, Jason just lost an arm, and the pain was unbearable. Looking at it from another point of view, the pain and torture that Miyoko and the others endured, how could it be? Isn't it true hell torture

"Blood! Blood! Blood!"

Zhang Heng's mind was in a mess, he almost forgot his existence. In his eyes, there was only endless blood and killing in his mind. He tore the broken arm frantically in front of Jason.

Everyone was horrified, and began to have a trace of fear for this young man in their hearts. Such crazy behavior and demeanor made everyone wonder if this young man was crazy.


There was a tingling voice, Jason's broken arm in Zhang Heng's hand, strands of rancid and unpleasant blood seemed to be drawn, floating in the air along the blood vessels, slowly forming a mass of blood cells the size of a palm. .

"Not enough! Not enough!"

Zhang Heng glanced at the blood ball floating in the air, completely plunged into madness. He stared at Jason and stretched out his hand swiftly, as if intending to continue to tear off Jason's remaining right arm.

Jason was seriously injured. Under such circumstances, he could not avoid it. He could only stare at Zhang Heng with horror. However, at the moment when Zhang Heng was about to grab Jason’s arm, the collector on the side was fast. He came and threw Jason out with a punch.

"Oh, your eyes are great!"

The collector ignored Jason, but stared at Zhang Heng's blood-red right eye. His eyes were full of obsessive expressions. Even because of this excessive excitement, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably. , "Perfect, so perfect! Give it to me, let your perfect eyes become my collection!"

"Ahahaha! Blood, blood!"

What makes the collectors stunned is that Zhang Heng's laughter is more excited and crazy than him!

"not good!"

The moment the laughter fell, the collector felt a kind of crisis instinctively. He didn't even think about it, so he pulled away and retreated quickly.


At the moment the collector retreated, the blood cell floating in the air suddenly exploded. The blood cell, which was originally only the size of a palm, exploded like a "blood rain".

Since Zhang Heng's location is within a radius, this terrifying rain of blood will almost cover the entire residential building!

"no no!…"

The soldiers of the Jason Legion who were touched by the blood rain gave out heart-piercing howls. The dazzling bright red raindrops, like strong sulfuric acid, corroded their flesh, even their bones. Clean!

In an instant, hundreds of soldiers, at a speed visible to the naked eye, turned into a pool of stinky and unpleasant blood!

This scene completely shocked King Axe. His eyes changed and he quickly cut the arteries of his wrist with the blood axe in his hand. Then, with a shake of his hand, a large swath of blood was sprayed from his wrist, and the blood that was sprayed out turned For the dazzling red mist, to wrap the zero, Xina and all other members of the fight against crime in the field. It is the red mist that prevents them from being exposed to the highly corrosive blood rain. Give corrosion.

King Axe has noticed that Zhang Heng's ability to awaken at this moment is similar to him, it seems that he can manipulate blood!

But then, this idea of King Axe was subverted!

Zhang Heng laughed frantically, and then suddenly opened his right hand to grip the void tightly, and with his action, the rancid pool of blood on the ground around was dragged to float, the same as before, gradually The ground has condensed into a ball of blood!

And this time the blood cells condensed were more than ten meters in size!

It is conceivable that the previous palm-sized blood cell has covered the entire residential building for about one kilometer, and if this huge blood cell bursts open, the entire seventh district of the Anding District will definitely be affected by those extremely corrosive. Covered by the rain of blood!

"Stop! Zhang Heng, stop!"

King Axe’s eyes were red and he roared. Because of his excessive use of the power of the curse before, he almost drained the blood in his body, causing him to look pale and very weak at the moment. It is undoubtedly that he wants to release the blood mist once again to protect everyone. Unrealistic.

Obviously, in the seventh community at this moment, whether it is the thousands of fighting crime members or the innocent residents, the life and death of everyone is only between Zhang Heng's thoughts!