Extinguish Crime

Chapter 28: Invasion (11)



In the distance, the collector was dying with his dying breath, and his whole body was corroded with tiny blood holes. He stared at Zhang Heng feverishly: "Unexpectedly, someone could control such power. It seems that the experiment should be Was it successful before the termination? It's really interesting."


The collector suddenly took off half of the mask on his face and laughed wildly with excitement: "Such a perfect power should belong to me, hahaha..."

Unlike the intact face on the left, the collector took off the mask's right face and looked through the moonlight. It turned out to be completely rotten to the point of no fleshy bones. In this skeleton-like eye socket, a red eyeball, and The pitch-black right eyeball turned up and down completely asymmetrically, as if this eye was not his.

"Hey, Jason, since you are going to die, why not give me your power."

The collector smiled faintly and looked at the dying Jason in his hand. Such a terrifying smile with half a skeleton and half a human face was enough to scare any ordinary people who saw this scene to death.


Jason gasped weakly. He didn't feel scared by seeing the collector's face. Instead, he smiled grimly: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore, as long as you can help me kill that girl, my strength , You can take it away."

"Ah, I will."

The collector still smiled, "Such a perfect artwork, even if you don't say it, I will collect it."

"Hahaha! Good, good!"

Jason laughed happily, and then closed his eyes. He understood what would happen next. It might be painful, but he had to hold back the thought of being able to avenge his son even if he was in pain.

"Then, I'm going to start."

When the voice fell, the collector stretched out his hand, the red halo of his fingertips swayed out, wrapping Jason around, and the moment Jason's body came into contact with the halo, it began to shrink slowly, dazzling the eyes. The red mist was drawn from his body and penetrated into the collector's body.

"Ah! It's a wonderful feeling! It's amazing, it's amazing!"

The collector's face is full of greed and enjoyment at this moment, but in fact, this process of the awakened being devouring the awakened is a mental and physical torture for both parties.

Perhaps such torture is beyond the reach of other people, but compared to the collector’s skull-like right face, this pain is probably not worth mentioning. It’s hard to imagine that when that half of the face was destroyed, the collection How does the home endure.

Jason couldn't help it, hissing horribly. This feeling of blood being drawn away made him extremely painful. As time passed, his body gradually shrank and became shriveled, as if it was the flesh and blood inside. The blood was drained, leaving only a skeleton and human skin.

"Oh! Is it over? Oh, you guys disappointed me a little bit. As the top ten generals, is this the only level?"

After a while, the collector glanced at Jason's body casually, his eyes were full of disdain and irony, but despite what he said, the curse power absorbed from Jason was beyond the reach of the Awakened.

Under the moonlight, the collector's originally thin body is now full of explosive wild muscles, and even the breath is full of Jason's unique violence.

Obviously, after absorbing the power of Jason's curse, the collector's strength has soared at this moment, and Zhang Heng, who is in a crazy state in the distance, is probably not half as powerful as him.

"Then, the game...began!"

A breeze blows, and the collector has disappeared in place. All that is left is Jason’s shriveled human skin and skeleton. What’s horrifying is that until this moment of death, Jason’s face remained that same. A hideous and distorted smile...

At the same time, residential buildings.

"Zhang Heng! Stop, stop! Bastard, you're sober!"

King Axe collapsed to the ground weakly and roared at Zhang Heng. He must stop Zhang Heng. Otherwise, if Zhang Heng detonated the blood cell, hundreds of thousands of innocent residents would be killed in the entire seventh community. Corroded into dirty blood.

However, this is not the main thing!

The important thing is that Zhang Heng seems to have completely lost his mind at this moment, and even the cry of Zero is unheard of. If he detonated the blood cell this time, who knows if Zhang Heng will continue to use the blood of the hundreds of thousands of corpses. Condense a bigger blood cell

At that moment, I am afraid that the entire stable area will be destroyed in Zhang Heng's hands!

Who could have imagined that this youth who was once the weakest youth in the fight against crime organization is now in control of everyone's life and death!

"Zhang Heng, Zhang Heng! Hey! Pervert, answer me quickly!"

Ling stood up with difficulty, and swayed close to Zhang Heng. She shouted Zhang Heng's name loudly. She even called out the name of the big pervert which made Zhang Heng disgusted. However, Zhang Heng didn't even look at it. Looking at her, she still looked indifferent and ruthless.

Inexplicably, the appearance of Zhang Heng made Ling feel distressed and sorrowful, as if Zhang Heng would become like this, completely because of himself.

But how is this possible

Who can think of Zhang Heng becoming like this

Moreover, it has only been a few months for Ling and Zhang Heng to meet and know each other, and the number of meetings is only a handful. Therefore, Ling does not think that Zhang Heng has become like this because of himself.

Maybe something else made Zhang Heng look like this

Until now, Zero can only comfort herself in this way.

"Huh? Can you actually move? This is really a miscalculation."

Suddenly, Zero Zheng was about to venture closer to Zhang Heng, but he heard the collector’s piano-like sound coming from behind him. However, such a beautiful voice fell in Zero’s ears, and it was no different from the death knell from hell. She broke into cold sweat instantly.

As an excellent assassin assassin who keeps calm at all times, Zero will rarely experience the taste of fear, because what she usually does is to bring fatal fear to people in the dark. At this moment, thinking that he would be stripped of his skin by the man behind him, even if he was so calm, he couldn't help but feel a chill.


As before, the collector pinched Zero White's neck with one hand and held it high in the air. His left hand, the delicate dagger that had cut countless human organs, was held in his hand. In the moonlight, the dagger was glowing. The cold light that makes one's heart palpitating.

Seemingly hearing Zero's sobs, Zhang Heng turned his side slightly and glanced at Zero who was struggling with the corner of his eye, but the next second, he turned around indifferently, seemingly blind to this scene.

how come…

Zero was completely desperate, not because Zhang Heng didn't come to save her, but because Zhang Heng's indifferent and ruthless eyes irritated her deeply.

"Then, let's go ahead. Although I think we should defeat that young man first, if a perfect artwork like you is damaged in battle, it will be troublesome. I don't like incomplete artwork the least. !"

The expression of zero despair is undoubtedly the most perfect expression in the eyes of collectors. He licked his dry lips due to excessive excitement, and took a dagger to cut to Zero's skin.

"Stop, stop..."

Xina's desperate cry was hardly heard. She was seriously injured at the moment, and it was luck that she was not in a coma, and even if the axe on the side was so angry, she could only watch zero being abused and killed by collectors. .

"Zhang Hengjun... Zhang Hengjun..."

Suddenly, Zhang Heng, who was standing in the same place, closed his eyes, completely forgetting where he was now and what he was doing now. He seemed to have become a dead soul. Everything around him became pitch black. In the darkness, Miyuko's gentle angelic voice reached his ears.

"Yuko? Is it Yuko?"

Zhang Heng was extremely happy, a faint light approached him in the distance, and in the light, he saw Mi Yuko.

"Yuko? Is that you? You, are you still alive? Great, great!"

With silent tears streaming down Zhang Heng, he stretched out his hand, trying to touch Miyuko, but found that his hand passed directly through Miyuko's body.

"Zhang Hengjun...Don't cry... You promised me that you want to live with a smile."

Mi Yuko, who looked like a phantom state, opened an angel-like charming smile. She just floated in the void, floating in front of Zhang Heng, only half a hand away.

Sadly, neither of them can touch each other.

Is it really dead

Is all this just my fantasy

Zhang Heng looked at Miyuko's phantom numbly. He felt that he could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion. Everything that happened in these three days, the deaths of Daguerre and Miyuko, had completely destroyed the kind and sunny person. youth.

"No... Zhang Hengjun... I'm not dead yet, I said, I will always be by Zhang Hengjun's side."

Mi Yuko still has that sweet smile, whether she is a phantom at the moment, or just Zhang Heng's fantasy, this smile has never changed.

Kindness, justice...

Seeing Mi Yuko’s smiling face, the two things Zhang Heng once believed so deeply bounced from the depths of his mind like springs. What's ridiculous is that this belief that he had firmly believed in at the beginning makes him hate so much at this moment, which is ridiculous. How could justice and ridiculous kindness exist in such a desperate world

That's right, the loss of memory, the loss of Miyuko, and the loss of faith have made Zhang Heng hate and hate the world. Therefore, at this moment, he chose to escape.

"Can't escape... Zhang Hengjun, you should wake up, I saw it, in your heart, you are a person who wants to pursue and protect, I saw her."

Is this really just my own fantasy

Hearing what Yuko Perfect said, Zhang Heng began to question again.

"Wake up... Zhang Hengjun... I will always be with you by your side... wake up..."

Gradually, Mi Yuko's figure became blurred, and she was like a drifting cat. At the same time as her figure disappeared, she was gradually moving away from Zhang Heng.

"Zhang Heng...Zhang Heng...do you remember it?...please...you must remember it..."

Miyuko's figure disappeared, and immediately came the weak voice that appeared at that time.

Very familiar feeling.

This kind of voice is very familiar.

Zhang Heng was stunned, and at the same time, the endless darkness all around, like glass, shattered completely, and the dazzling light illuminated the entire space...

At this moment when he opened his eyes, Zhang Heng let out a subconscious roar, which made the collector who was preparing to cut the skin stunned.

"It's her, it must be her! That's right...it must be zero!"

At this moment, Zhang Heng, although his right eye is still blood red, but the indifference on his face has disappeared. He was very excited because he finally understood that the sound that sounded in his mind at that time seemed to be zero!


At the moment when Zhang Heng's consciousness returned, the huge blood cell floating in the air also fell and hit the ground heavily, corroding the ground into a huge pothole.

"Zhang, Zhang Heng..."

The unconscious zero seemed to have heard Zhang Heng calling her. She moved her eyes with difficulty and found that the indifference on Zhang Heng's face had disappeared. Inexplicably, she felt a burst of joy and warmth in her heart.

"Oh, are you sober?"

The collector looked at Zhang Heng up and down, as if looking at some rare species, and said incredibly, "No, you shouldn't be the test product of "that experiment"?"

Zhang Heng regained his consciousness and finally noticed the collector on the opposite side. After seeing the half of the skull face, Zhang Heng was startled at first, and then he discovered that he was almost suffocated by the collector in his hand. zero.

Zhang Heng was immediately furious. For some reason, he saw the miserable appearance of Zero, like an inexplicable impulse from the bottom of his heart, causing him to run away in an instant.

It was more than three times faster than usual, and Zhang Heng rushed to the collector in an instant, but compared to the previous crazy state, he was much slower.

As a result, Zhang Heng just smashed his fist in anger and was easily pinched by the collector.


The sound of bone fracture sounded, and the collector squeezed Zhang Heng's fist forcefully, almost crushing the bone.

Zhang Heng screamed, but the collector didn't care at all, staring at Zhang Heng's blood-red right eye that was slowly returning to normal with that scary blood-red skull eye.

"Ah, what a pity, did it disappear?"

The collector frowned. Zhang Heng might not know it. His performance showed that the man was very angry at the moment. Losing the "perfect artwork" was something that this man could not accept.

"Oh, it's really disappointing. Since it disappears, you have no collection value."

The collector smiled slightly, his palm suddenly increased, as if he was planning to squeeze Zhang Heng's entire arm. For him, all imperfect artworks are not qualified to survive in this world.

"no, do not want!…"

Ling watched Zhang Heng being tortured, with big tears overflowing from her eyes. The unexplainable pain from the bottom of her heart made her suffer.


This second.

Amy, who collapsed on the ground in the distance, made a faint sound at the moment his watch used to keep time.

Those five minutes, which lasted as long as a century, finally... arrived!

In the billowing dust and smoke, the white windbreaker swayed in the eyes of all the crime-fighting members, and masses of white smoke drifted in the wind.

This one-eyed young man with a cigarette in his mouth and wearing a white windbreaker, at the moment he appeared, the collector was like a torn sack, kicked out by him.

"Ah, I seem to be late, I'm so sorry."

Holding Zhang Heng and Zero with both hands, he took a deep breath of smoke and spit out a large cloud of white mist. The handsome smiling face in Zhang Heng's memory was full of indifference that shocked him at this moment.

"This bastard, is he finally here..."

Hearing the indifferent voice in the apology, Xina, who was already exhausted physically and mentally lying on the ground, finally burst into a charming smile and fell asleep.

She knew that everything that was like a nightmare began at the moment this man appeared, and it was over.