Extinguish Crime

Chapter 29: Invasion (12)


"Appeared! That guy... really is as strong as the rumors, is this the strength of the first-level awakened!"

A kilometer away, Luo Lun was holding the telescope excitedly, and his beard was trembling slightly because of the excitement.

That scene was too shocking!

Appear silently and with a simple kick, the collector is knocked into the air.

Although Loren had already estimated the power of crime in his mind, reality told him that he still underestimated the one-eyed youth.

"Huh...Fortunately, our theater is not an enemy of Fighting Crime. With this kind of combat power, I am afraid that only "General Beard" is his opponent? No...even General Beard is not necessarily his opponent..."

"By the way... and the red-eyed youth, the energy fluctuation that just broke out just now seems to be the first level?! But... not stable, that young man seems to be unable to control that kind of power."

At the same time of shock, Luo Lun was also secretly grateful in his heart that as the chief reconnaissance officer of the war zone, this mission has been successfully completed.

Loren took out a palm-sized recording instrument, and the white display read "Evaluation Report on Fighting Crime."

He pondered for a long time, then pressed the button on the instrument to grade the evaluation report as...S!


The young man with thick eyebrows next to Luoren was stunned, but he remembered Luoren's reprimands before, so he stuck his tongue out, lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "Master Luoren, you actually condemned the crime as "S". Such a high-level evaluation of combat power? Is this really okay? They are obviously just a few people..."

The young man was shocked, because he knew that an "S-level" combat power assessment like this was not something that ordinary legions could have. Only a group of tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of low-level awakened troops, could win such a battle. Power evaluation.

Therefore, with the combat power of only a few people like the Fight Crime Organization, Luoren actually gave a high evaluation of S grade, which made the youth unable to understand and was very surprised.

"Ah, so you guys are still too tender."

Luo Lun smiled faintly, and touched the beard of his mouth: "Give an S-level evaluation, which is actually not accurate. If the blood-eyed youth has stable abilities, I might decide on the comprehensive combat power of the anti-crime organization. class"!"

The youth was completely shocked this time. The SS-level combat power, in their war zone, only one legion had such combat power, and at this moment, one kilometer away, the anti-crime organization led by the one-eyed youth could actually have such a combat power. Strong combat power

With just a few people from the Fight Crime Organization, how could it be possible to fight an entire army!

The young man was puzzled. In fact, it was precisely because his judgment was not mature enough that he would follow Luoren to sneak into the stable area this time.

The result of this experience shocked the young man too much, because he was not an awakened one, so he couldn't believe that a team of only a few people could actually have the combat effectiveness of an entire army...

"Hey, Arnold, you are still too tender. If you want to be a qualified investigator, you must first relax your thinking."

"After all... this world has changed..."

Loren touched Arnold's head lovingly and raised his head to look up at the night sky. The pair of muddy eyes with a hint of brilliance flashed with vicissitudes and self-deprecation. From the look in his eyes, he was full of disappointment in this world .

In front of the residential building.

"Zhang Heng, I will beg of you."

Sin was still the indifferent expression. After smoking a cigarette, he stepped on the cigarette butt, almost losing consciousness in his hand, and handed it to Zhang Heng, who was unable to stand still.


Zhang Heng was stunned. He endured the sharp pain from his left fist and hugged Zero with his right hand. His condition at the moment was actually not much better than Zero. Although his head was regained sober, his physical strength was almost overdrawn.

It seems that in the state of confusion and madness before, Zhang Heng's physical strength was squeezed by the limit, causing him to just close his eyes and sleep for a while.

But I can't sleep yet!

Can't close your eyes yet!

Zhang Heng clenched his teeth, even if Zero’s huge weapon was resting on his arm, he didn’t feel anything. With his bloodshot eyes open, he stared at the distance and fell into the pit. Collectors who don't respond, can't wait to step forward and bite every piece of blood on the collector's body!

This is not an exaggeration!

Miyuko's eyelids were cut off by this demon!

And Katia, that cute little loli, was also hidden there by the demon who didn't know it!

Even the untidy clothes in his arms, the delicate arm skin, had many cuts, and even a small piece of skin on the left arm was cut in whole pieces, revealing the shocking red blood under it.

How can Zhang Heng sleep peacefully if he doesn't watch this demon go to hell with his own eyes

"Oh, is it you?"

Sin smiled faintly and lit a cigarette at random. The white smoke accompanied his footsteps and slowly greeted the collector in the distance, "That's right, it can interfere with my speed, I am afraid that only you can do it, you Say yes, the "Uncle Victor" I have ever respected most."


The collector Victor, who was lying in the pothole, burst into laughter. Then, the explosive muscles swelled up, and he stood up from the pothole like a little giant. The half-human face of the skeleton looks even more horrified, "Yes, it's been a long time, that's it, you have been hiding here? I thought you died in the war zone, hahaha..."

This kind of opening remarks that resembled an old friend meeting made Zhang Heng on the side stared for a moment, but immediately, Sin continued with a faint smile and said: "Hidden? Are you wrong? This is the home that my partner and I built. As a member of this big family, do you think I should hide at home?"

"Compared to these... it's Uncle Victor, you outsider, bothering me a lot."

The corners of Sin’s mouth raised slightly, and the enchanting meaning emerged spontaneously. His left eye began to emit a faint red light, and the angular left eye socket suddenly appeared some very complicated, black like tattoos. Stripes.

"Hell Judgment!"

With a dreamlike mutter, the guilty mouth floated out. When these four characters fell, his body was floating out of thin air. Around his body, circles of black flames suddenly appeared, and the temperature around him suddenly rose. , Even the surrounding air has become twisted and undulating.

An expression of indifferent to no emotions, like a black flame burning from hell, and the blood-red eye full of lines, all together, make this one-eyed young man look like a judge returning from hell at this moment !

"Oh, eyes of hell?"

Victor's obsessive and fanatical expression reappeared, but this time he did not dare to make a move. Instead, he shook his head regretfully and smiled lightly: "It's a pity that such a perfect ability should belong to me. but… "

"Ah, you talk a lot. I'm sorry, I don't have the time to listen to your nonsense."

Victor hadn't finished speaking yet, sin's blood-red left eye, which was full of stripes, suddenly shot a red light like ultraviolet rays!

In an instant, the red light pierced Victor's chest, and a pool of rotten, dazzling dark red blood flowed out of the wound, quickly staining the ground under his feet blood red.

"Oh? Are you actually stronger?"

Victor didn't even look at the wound. He raised his brows and sneered: "That's it, you must have solved the sixth curse, right? No wonder you dare to fight me head-on."

"Then, although this is very unaccustomed to doing, this battle will continue until we meet next time, ha ha ha..."

Victor smiled weirdly, and then, the space behind his body suddenly became distorted and bulged, as if the "space" that could not be captured had been strongly disturbed.

"Hehe, soon, I believe it will not be long before we meet again, hahaha..."

Crazy laughter echoed in every corner of the stable area. Victor leaned towards the twisted and bulging space behind him. Under Zhang Heng’s shocking gaze, it seemed as if Victor had been swallowed by the "black hole", and the whole person was out of thin air. Disappeared in place!

"It disappeared?!"

Zhang Heng's eyes widened in disbelief. How to explain this ability? Is that Victor a god? Can even space be disturbed and used

"Does the space transfer? In this way, his body will probably endure that kind of torture again, right?"

Sin was floating in the air, looking at the place where Victor disappeared indifferently. He knew very well how the "skeleton face" on Victor's right came from. As long as he used the space transfer power like the one just now, Victor's body would definitely be. Eroded in the crevices of space.


At this moment, Zhang Henghong frowned and looked at Sin, and roared: "Where did he go? Why didn't you just make the move? Could it be... you know him, so you deliberately let him go?!"

Watching the demon run away, Zhang Heng was completely angry.

Sin was silent for a moment, and fell from mid-air. The black flames around his body disappeared and his left eye returned to normal. He came to Zhang Heng, stared at Zhang Heng with cold eyes, and said coldly: "You give me Remember, in the fight against crime, no matter what the situation is, you can't question your friends around you. If you can't do this, you can leave now!"

"me… "

Zhang Heng was speechless, and at this time, Amy, who was pale and bloodless, stumbled into the court from a distance with the support of others.


When Amy saw the ruins and the corpses and blood all over the ground, he knelt down and knelt heavily on the ground. The wise eyes were full of deep grief and self-blame at this moment.

"stand up."

Sin glanced at the battlefield and said faintly, but Amy did not stand up, still trembling and kneeling on the ground. The tears filled with regret and sorrow continued to drip from his eyes and penetrated deeply. In the soil that was stained red with blood.

"You stand up for me!"

With a rare sigh of sin, even Zhang Heng was shocked. This one-eyed young man was shaking slightly at this time, as if he was forcibly enduring the grief in his heart. He turned to face Amy who was kneeling on the ground and the depressed surrounding people. The Fight Crime members shouted: "Everyone lifts up my spirits! Don’t forget, this is our homeland! At this moment, we are still standing here, still standing in our homeland alive! So this battle , We did not lose!"

"Yes, but..."

Amy's tears couldn't stop, because he saw Xina lying on the ground with blood on her back, saw the bloodless King Axe, saw Zero and Zhang Heng who was covered with scars, and saw the greedy wolf in the distance. The left eye, which was swollen and full of blood, saw the residential building turned into ruins in front of him and the corpse all over the floor!

He saw everything! At the same time I saw my own failure!

Was the fight against crime really not lost in this battle

So many innocent residents died, so many organized casualties, in the final analysis, all because of Amy's misjudgment, and the battle deployment that she believed to be perfect without any omissions was the result of this.

"Wrong! I was wrong! All of this is my fault..."

The feeling of heartache and self-blame made Amy almost collapsed. This calm and wise young man who was usually calm and wise, now has the wise and confident attitude before disappearing, and some are just the disappointment and deep despair of the loser.

The applause sounded abruptly, and Amy's gold glasses were all shot out.

"Ah, yes, the deployment of this battle is indeed your responsibility."

Put a cigarette on the crime point, help Amy pick up the glasses, stretched out her hand and said seriously: "Get up, I have lost too many family members, so I don't want to hear resignation or leaving from your mouth. Since you think this battle is your fault, then, give me strength, for those dead partners, for the dead innocent residents, work hard for me to become stronger!"