Extinguish Crime

Chapter 3: who I am


"who I am?"

"Why am I here?"

"Here, where is it?"

"My past...what is it?"

As always, Zhang Heng was alone in the bar to buy drunk, his eyes were confused, even a little...dead ashes!

That's right.

If other people "know nothing" about themselves, I am afraid that Zhang Heng will feel like this.

I don't know when it started, or even how old he was. Even the name "Zhang Heng" was the only thing he could think of when he opened his eyes and woke up.

However, apart from memory, Zhang Heng is lucky. He has no arms or legs like those with disabilities, and he has no illnesses.

He is dressed in clean and simple white casual clothes, about 1.8 meters in height, and his face is slightly pale, but if he laughs, there is a hint of immature face in such determination, it will definitely be very sunny.

On the surface, Zhang Heng is a seemingly twenty-two-year-old, ordinary-looking young man without any characteristics.

"why why why!"

"Obviously I drank so much wine, but my mind is so clear..."

"Why can't I remember, why..."

I didn't know after a few more glasses of wine. When the bartender was surprised to fill Zhang Heng with a glass of wine again, Zhang Heng drank it in one go. He lowered his head slightly with a look of pain on his face.

He is about to collapse.

Yes, crash.

Such days have lasted for three months.

From the beginning, full of hope, slowly turned into numbness, until now despair.


The moment Zhang Heng opened his eyes, he found himself sleeping in a rental house with a bank card with a password marked with tens of millions.

In addition to these.

He can't remember anything.

It was as if the brain had been stabbed, and the memory had been taken away.

However, Zhang Heng discovered and checked countless times. Not only did he have no traces of surgery on his head, but he was also extremely awake. He could remember and remember everything that happened in these three months. It shows that his brain is normal.

So, why can't I remember the past

Although his current life is what many people are pursuing, there seems to be a voice calling Zhang Heng in the midst of it.

"Remember it? Please, remember it..."

It seemed that it was a weak female voice with a hint of crying, and it came into Zhang Heng's ears vaguely again.


Zhang Heng suddenly stood up from the bar, shouted with deafening music, his expression extremely painful.

Because it was a night market, even if those people around saw Zhang Heng's crazy appearance, few people cared. They all thought Zhang Heng drank too much or "did on drugs."

"Hey, big brother, how do you think you are unhappy?"

At this time, a barely dressed girl with a hot figure walked towards Zhang Heng, with a playful face as if he was hitting up a conversation.

Zhang Heng slowly raised his head. His overly sober mind quickly calmed him down. He stared at the girl faintly, but when he saw the girl's cute smiling face, his heart shrank slightly inexplicably.

A moment of pain spread throughout the body, causing Zhang Heng to shiver.

"Hey, hello, what's wrong with you?"

The young girl tilted her head slightly and looked at Zhang Heng with some doubts, and shook her hand in front of him.

At this time, Zhang Heng subconsciously discovered that even though the girl's wave of hands was small, the proud pair of weapons would tremble with it...

"Uh, that... sorry, just lost focus."


The girl didn't notice Zhang Heng's embarrassment. She raised her index finger and placed it on her soft lower lip even more puzzled. She seemed to be thinking about why Zhang Heng was distracted.

Zhang Heng's face suddenly became a little unnatural, and he felt that the lovely girl in front of him seemed a bit... dumb.

"Please, we don't know each other, okay? Even if I'm distracted, it doesn't seem to be your business, right?"

Zhang Heng thought so in his heart.

"Ah, yes!"

In a daze, the girl suddenly cried out in surprise.

Zhang Heng was startled, thinking that the girl had guessed why she was distracted, and her face suddenly became embarrassed.

"I don't know your name yet, oh, yes, my name is "Zero"."

When the girl "Zero" said these words, she opened a very cute and charming smile.

Zhang Heng was stunned for a moment, completely forgetting that the girl's name seemed a little weird and the sudden introduction of herself.

"Huh? My name is Zhang Heng...hey?..."

When he said his name, Zhang Heng realized the problem he had missed earlier.

"What's going on? I am very calm when I meet anything, how could something like that happen just now?"

Zhang Heng had doubts in his heart, and his eyes were full of doubts when he looked at the girl.

"Zhang Heng? It's strange, why are there two words?"

The girl didn't seem to have noticed Zhang Heng's doubts at all, and she didn't seem to care about her sudden way of making friends. Instead, she began to think about why Zhang Heng's name was two characters.

Several black lines appeared on Zhang Heng's forehead.

"Zero, we should go now."

At this moment, a man who was so burly that Zhang Heng's eyes widened walked to Girl Zero's side, and his voice was very deep.

This man seemed to be one or two years older than Zhang Hengda. At this moment, Zhang Heng noticed that the clothes of this man and girl were a bit strange.

The man wore a blood-red windbreaker, even in such a trendy bar, it was very eye-catching, especially the pattern engraved on the back of the blood-red windbreaker, which made Zhang Heng's scalp numb.

That is a hand.

A slightly bent, dark red bloody hand that wanted to grab something!

"Ah, this is too fast, I haven't played enough yet..."

Compared with the exaggerated dress of the burly man, although Zero is also in a tight and hot red dress, after all, he is so cute that Zhang Heng ignored this at the beginning.

It's just that... that bloody hand made Zhang Heng feel that the girl and man in front of him seemed... not ordinary people.

Although Zhang Heng didn't know why he felt this way, he still chose silence and kept a certain distance from Zero and the man.

However, Zhang Heng's small movements did not escape the man's observation. He turned his eyes slightly and glanced at Zhang Heng.


Suddenly, the man's complexion changed slightly, and his dark eyes were instantly covered with bloodshot eyes. Then, they became completely crimson, like hell evil spirits!

At the same time, Zhang Heng seemed to be staring at him by something. The scary red pupils seemed to have turned into bloody hands, grabbing at him fiercely!


Zhang Heng yelled in horror, stepped back a few steps, and accidentally knocked over someone else's wine glass on the back bar.

"Hey, is your kid looking for death!"

The middle-aged man who was knocked over the cup cursed dissatisfiedly.


Zhang Heng didn't hear the middle-aged man's scolding at all. He was sweating profusely, his breathing became rapid, his face pale and terrible.

"Is it an illusion?"

"No, that's not right, my consciousness has always been awake, it shouldn't be an illusion, that man's eyes, that bloody hand..."

For the first time, Zhang Heng felt a little hypoxia in his brain. He was panting in horror. He grabbed the glass beside him who didn't know it was, and drank half of the beer left in it.

After calming down again, the terrifying red-eyed man in Zero and has... disappeared!

leave here!

Zhang Heng only thought of this at the moment. He even forgot to give the wine money and ran straight out of the bar.

Zhang Heng's speed was very fast. In just a few seconds, he had already rushed out of the bar and ran into an alley that he had to go through every day to go home.

The moonlight tonight is very bright and charming, but Zhang Heng didn't have the intention to appreciate it. He ran, his heart beating faster and stronger.

Go home through the curve ahead!

Zhang Hengqiang endured the inexplicable fear in his heart. At this moment, he just wanted to return home, and then lock the door to hide. Only in this way, might he be able to suppress the sudden fear in his heart!

"what!… "

At this moment, Zhang Heng was about to pass through a curve one meter away, but he heard a scream that resembled a human heart-piercing scream.

It was quiet at night.

All around, there was only Zhang Heng alone.

Boom, boom boom...

In the quiet surroundings, he seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat, Zhang Heng's scalp was numb, his mind was still abnormally clear at the moment, but the feeling of fear was also very clear.

Zhang Heng clenched his hands into fists, and his palms were in cold sweat. Although he knew that such a scream could not be as simple as a normal fight, but now, he can only comfort himself, bite the bullet, and Take a step forward!

One step, two steps...

A distance of one meter, passing by in a flash.

Lift your head and look forward.


At this moment, Zhang Heng trembled all over, lowered his head and vomited frantically.

Ahead, blood is all over the floor, internal organs, corpses, rancid smell...

Like hell on earth!

"Hey, aren't you the big brother in the bar?"

Next to the scattered pieces of the corpse, the girl "Zero" was holding a delicate bloody dagger, with a puzzled expression on her face, looking innocently at Zhang Heng who was vomiting.

"Zero, do you know him?"

The burly, blood-red windbreaker man next to Ling was indifferent and wiped his blood-filled palm with a handkerchief. The scarlet blood pupils appeared again!

"I don't know."

Ling shook his head, and didn't notice Zhang Heng who was completely frightened, and began to mutter to himself: "However, he always feels that the "smell" on him is very similar to ours."

"Yeah, I felt the same way at the bar just now."

After the burly man wiped his palms, he came to Zhang Heng who was paralyzed in fright at an unbelievable speed, and stared at Zhang Heng with those scarlet eyes that looked like evil spirits.

"Don't come here!"

Zhang Heng trembled all over, touched an abandoned rusty iron rod beside him in a panic, and smashed the burly man with all his strength with a roar.

"The speed is too slow and the strength is not enough."

The burly man still had that indifferent expression, letting Zhang Heng's stick hit his forehead. However, this stick didn't hurt him at all, but almost dislocated Zhang Heng's wrist.

what happened

how is this possible!

That feeling, as if hitting a hard iron plate? !

No, this is absolutely impossible, this cannot be the defensive power that humans should have!

He, isn't he a human

At the moment when there was a sharp pain in his wrist, Zhang Heng's clear mind had already analyzed the result.

That is, the man in front of him seems... not human!

"It's weird."

The burly man's face rarely showed a trace of doubt. He still stared at Zhang Heng and said something that Zhang Heng could not understand at all: "You don't seem to be an "Awakened", but you have an "Awakened" on your body." breath."

After he finished speaking, regardless of Zhang Heng's reaction, he stretched out his right hand, and the next second he stretched out his hand, there was a scene of extreme horror.

A dazzling red mist hovered in the right hand of the burly man, and when the mist cleared, a huge, sharp blood-red long axe, at least two meters long, appeared in his hand so abruptly!

"You only have one chance."

The burly man ignored Zhang Heng’s reaction when he was about to collapse. He indifferently raised the blood axe and swung it against Zhang Heng’s neck, and said coldly: “Then tell me, you, what is it? Who?"