Extinguish Crime

Chapter 31: Trial


There is always sunshine in sunny days, and that sunshine is always full of warmth.

the weather is nice today.

For the Fight Crime Organization, today is a very bad day.

Open trial!

Today is the first time since the establishment of the anti-crime organization that criminals have been publicly tried!

Outside the suburbs of the first community, there is a sparsely populated anti-crime organization base, but today, there is a surge of people, but no one speaks.

The atmosphere is very solemn.

Everyone's face is full of sadness and resentment.

"Time is up."

On the front of the open space in front of the manor, Sin is still wearing the white windbreaker, but a circle of white cloth is wrapped around his wrist at this moment. Although his expression is very pale, Zhang Heng on the side can see that this one-eyed young man is sure in his heart at this moment. Uncomfortable.

Not only the sin, but Zhang Heng himself, and Ling and the others are the same, and they all have an unspeakable uncomfortable taste.

"Zhang Heng."

Sin glanced at Zhang Heng and motioned for him to approach the tied up William in the center of the field.

Zhang Heng hesitated for a moment, and came to William silently, slightly lowered his head and looked down at the Tianchi youth with a terrifying scar in the corner of his eye.

"As for the invasion three days ago, everyone must have doubts in their minds."

A cigarette on the crime point, with a heavy tone: "Why can the enemy invade so easily? Why can they bypass Amy's defensive net so safely?"

"The answer is simple."

Sin took a deep breath and spit out a large circle of white mist: "Our partners, the partners we have been protecting with our lives, Crewe and William, have betrayed us!"


"The sin must be judged!"

Thousands of Fighting Crime members, with scarlet eyes, fixedly staring at William who was surrounded by the center, holding their weapons and shouting angrily, being betrayed by their friends around them, is the thing they least want to see, least want to experience.

Sin stretched out his hand to slightly suppress the excitement of the crowd, and then looked at Zhang Heng.

Unanimously, everyone followed and turned to Zhang Heng.


After a long silence, Zhang Heng clenched his fists, almost squeezing these three words out between his teeth. He didn't understand or understand why William had to betray the crime and attack himself.

"Why? Ha ha ha..."

Kneeling on the ground, William raised his head and looked directly at Zhang Heng. With his squinting motion, the scars on the corners of his eyes shrank into a line, like a beast: "You actually asked me why... you weak, what right do you have to ask? My question?"

Zhang Heng frowned, unable to understand what William was talking about.

William suddenly laughed. The laughter was a little bleak and crazy. His eyes were filled with flames of jealousy and anger: "You bastard, what right do you have to judge me! Without you, I would have been this war." The biggest winner!"

"The biggest winner?"

Zhang Heng couldn't understand William's words more and more.


Sin eyes became cold.

Amy on the side nodded, took off her glasses, and the pair of eyes that were shining with wise light turned dark red.

At the same time, William was manipulated by Amy's mind, and his face was suddenly distorted in pain. Then, his eyes flashed red, his expression was crazy, and the corners of his mouth were drawn with exaggerated arcs: "Ah! What a pity! Obviously agreed with Captain Crewe. Okay, let me save those idiots who were arrested and become "heroes"! What a trouble, those so-called partners are just a bunch of drags!"

"Ah, as long as I become a "hero" in this war, I can become a core member and gain stronger power? Hahaha..."

"In order to avenge the family, even if a few partners die, so what! In such a world, if the strength is not enough, you should have died! Hahaha..."

"That damn Zhang Heng! What's good about him?! It's just a waste that hasn't been awakened. Where can I be strong! Damn, damn!"

"Ahhh! Damn Daguerre! How dare you stop me, how dare you stop my path of vengeance, die for me, die!"

The morbid distortion was perfectly presented on William's hideous face.

At this moment, everyone was silent. They already knew that this Tianchi youth, who was buried in vengeance and had no reason, had fallen into an abyss of hell that was irreparable.

Suddenly, Zhang Heng raised his fist and slammed it on William's face.

William's teeth were all blown away. The corners of his mouth were filled with blood, and he grinned and said with a grinning grin: "Is it just this strength? It's too weak, hahaha..."

"You bastard!"

Zhang Heng originally wanted to punch him down, but he held it back, his eyes were scarlet and roared: "Can you abandon your so-called revenge, and all your friends around you can kill them! You are like this, and that of the new world? What's the difference between a group of demons!"

"You shut up!"

As if being said to have been in his heart, William roared excitedly: "I did not do anything wrong! For revenge, what is wrong with me doing this! Captain Crewe, isn't it because of his own family that he betrayed me? Unlike you, I will not wear that disgusting hypocrisy. You, a poor worm who has lost his memory and has not carried the past, have any qualifications to comment on me!"

"you are wrong!"

This sentence is not what Zhang Heng said, but sin loudly and loudly: "You are wrong! William, whether it is Zhang Heng or Kru, they are not the same type of people as you."

William looked at him for a moment. When he looked up at Sin in confusion, Sin went on to say: "Do you know why Crewe gave Zhang Heng the previously planned captain position when he was in the group?"

"Because Kru understands what he is doing and he is committing an unforgivable crime, so he will distribute the combat power of each team evenly. His purpose is to let Zhang Heng and the others do as much as possible. Survive!"

Amy pushed the frame and said indifferently after accepting the crime: "You may not know, William, you are buried in hatred for sensible things. In fact, Crewe has reported to me a long time ago, but even if it is like For a sick partner like you, Crewe also asked me to let you stay in the organization, and the reason why you have not passed the promotion trial to become a full member in these years is precisely because Crewe and I are not worried about your state, Crewe Although he betrayed us in this battle, he is a qualified captain! Not a lunatic who is buried in revenge!"

This sentence, like a giant hammer, hit William's heart fiercely, his thoughts became extremely chaotic, and the reason that had been buried in hatred was gradually awakened at this moment.

Is all this wrong

In order to avenge the family, plan to become a core member of the fight against crime, in order to gain more powerful strength, is it all done wrong

"No! Nothing wrong! I did nothing wrong!"

Tears of regret flowed all over the place, but William had not yet fully awakened. He had been drawn into the abyss of hell by the seeds of hatred. The scarlet eyes flashed with the flames of sorrowful revenge: "Even so, in this world, Strength is everything! Yes, as long as I am strong enough, I don’t have to join the fight against crime, and I don’t need to be judged by you hypocrites here! Hahahaha!"

"Madman! You are a madman!"

"Do you think you are the only bastard carrying the past! We, we want revenge more than you!"

"You bastard who betrayed your partner, even if we are hypocritical, we are a hundred times stronger than you!"

Thousands of anti-crime members in the surroundings ignited raging anger in their hearts. They could have been sympathetic in William's state, but these vicious and unreasonable words made them unable to sympathize with this crazy young man.

Suddenly, as everyone watched in astonishment, Zhang Heng suddenly drew out the long sword hanging from his waist and cut the rope from William.

"Hehe, what, you hypocritical fellow, don't you want to kill me?"

William was stunned and looked at Zhang Heng sarcastically. He didn't think Zhang Heng did this to let him go.

"Ah, yes, I really want to kill you."

Zhang Heng stared at William indifferently, then retracted the long sword, and said coldly: "You stabbed Daguerre, right?"

William shrugged indifferently: "That's right, that stupid guy actually helped you with a sword. A stupid person like him should have been damned."

"Did you deserve to die?"

Zhang Heng took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and said to William, "Come on, since you think strength is everything, then fight with me. Whether it is life or death, let strength decide."

"This this…"

There was an uproar in the surroundings. Sin they reacted at this moment, but no one stopped it. Not only that, Sin also raised his mouth slightly, threw a steel sword to William, and said in a deep voice: "If you win this battle , I can let you go."

"Oh? Hahaha..."

William was stunned, then picked up the steel sword and stood up. He licked his dry lips, the scar on the corner of his eye shone like a snake, "Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, William roared and raised his sword to sweep Zhang Heng.

This battle was not only for his own survival, but also to prove that his ideas were correct. William wanted to prove to the hypocritical people around him that everything he did was correct, with only absolute strength and power. Strength can survive in this world full of sin and evil!

The speed of the sword was so fast that even most of the official members around did not see it clearly. Zhang Heng struck a sword with a cold expression, and a fast and precise sword penetrated William's arm.

The dazzling blood, flowing all over the place, made William stunned on the spot.

"This sword skill was taught to me by Miyuko..."

Zhang Heng's voice trembled a little, and before William could react, he pierced William's other arm with a quick sword.

"How, how could it be..."

William didn't seem to feel the pain. Compared with these, he couldn't believe that Zhang Heng, who was originally weaker than himself, could be so strong

In fact, even Zhang Heng himself didn't know that after he awakened three days ago, he had activated the first stage of curse power, which greatly increased the strength of all aspects of his body.

"Have you experienced it?"

Zhang Heng stared at William with cold eyes, and every word made everyone in the field feel a bit of pain: "Have you experienced the feeling of being betrayed by your partner when your partner dies before your eyes?"

"You know, it's painful to feel that way!"

A grieving roar fell, and Zhang Heng pierced William's left lung with a fierce sword, almost piercing his entire lung: "I will return this sword to you for Daguerre!"

William knelt down.

From these words of grief and indignation, from Zhang Heng's face full of anger and pain, he saw something.

He stared at the blood flowing from the wound and lungs, and finally awake, this feeling that even breathing was so painful made him completely awake.

"Ah, is that so."

"I... was wrong."

Daguerre's dying smile appeared in his mind, a relief-like smile, and then appeared on William's face. He raised the steel sword and slowly pierced his heart with a smile.

Quietly, with a smile of relief, left the world.

There was silence in the field.

No one feels happy, no one feels sad, but all of this must be implemented, and such results will inevitably occur.

Just as the meaning of the establishment of the eradication of crime, all sins and evils will eventually be judged.

Did William do it wrong

No, he did nothing wrong, in order to avenge his family, from his point of view, he did not do anything wrong.

What was really wrong was his extreme thinking, this world full of sin and evil.

"Sin, the guards of the sixth community have caught two suspicious characters!"

The silence and dull atmosphere was broken by Amy's speech.

Suspicious person

All the crime-fighting members present, including Zhang Heng, felt tight in their hearts, and what ignited was the unquenchable raging anger in their hearts!

Obviously, after experiencing the painful incident three days ago, everyone regarded the so-called "suspicious person" as the group of sinners in the new world!