Extinguish Crime

Chapter 40: cruel


There is an old saying in Longshuo that "the flood rushes into the Dragon King Temple, and his family does not recognize his family."

Sitting in the armored vehicle with his hands handcuffed, Zhang Heng felt almost like this.

To be counted, Zhang Heng's current status in the anti-crime organization should be considered to be hovering between "core members" and "official members."

But no matter what kind of status it is, it is obviously higher than the youth at the bottom of the two organizations in the car.

"Hey, hello, is it the captain? We caught a suspicious person in the first community... um, um... ok, we have taken him to the headquarters..."

Sitting next to Zhang Heng was the tall young man who had handcuffed his hands. He was holding a portable satellite phone and reporting to his captain with a look of excitement at the moment, apparently thinking that he had caught a "suspicious person" like Zhang Heng. , Will improve his merits.

"Hey, you fellow, aren't you worried at all?"

The young man hung up the phone and looked at Zhang Heng with a relaxed look beside him. He couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. It stands to reason that a suspicious person like Zhang Heng fell into his own hands at this moment, and he should be panicked somewhat.

Zhang Heng smiled faintly, raised his handcuffed hands, and said, "Since they are all in your hands, it's useless to worry, right?"

The young man sneered: "The psychological quality is good, but it's a pity, no matter how you are pretending, when you arrive at the base, we still have a way to make you show your true shape!"

Zhang Heng was a little speechless. He thought about it, and then suddenly asked, "Have you never seen the senior staff of your organization?"

He was arrested for no reason, so Zhang Heng had to wonder if the "Lengtouqing" beside him had never seen someone like Amy and Zero, otherwise, he would not be caught with his hands clasped for no reason. NS.

"Huh? You are really a good "spy". At this point, are you still thinking about compiling information from the top of our organization?"

What makes Zhang Heng speechless is that this stunned green obviously regards himself as an enemy.


They live in the same villa as Sin, and the one who bows his head and looks up, what kind of information is still used for him

However, to speak of it, the names of Sin and Zero do not seem to be real names, but code names. Zhang Heng really doesn't know their real names.

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng just wanted to ask, but after reacting, he gave up.

He hadn't even seen him before, Zhang Heng wouldn't think that this stunned youth would know their real names.

The first community is not very far from the fight crime headquarters. In fact, the headquarters of the fight crime organization is located on the outskirts of the first community.

"Ah, it's still the same..."

Zhang Heng looked outside through the car window, only then came to realize that the headquarters in the stunned green mouth beside him was the villa and manor where he lived...

"It's finally here!"

The car stopped on the highway, and Zhang Touqing took Zhang Heng out of the car, looking very excited.

"Hey, you fellow, don't think of any thoughts of escape! Here are the defensive alarm nets set up by our organization, you can't escape!"

Frozen Touqing warned Zhang Heng.

"Okay, I won't run away, so don't worry."

More than just not running away, Zhang Heng even wanted to "thank" them for sending themselves home.

As he said this, Zhang Heng was held in a daze, and his companion, who was as excited as his face, walked to the villa in the distance.


"Well, what's going on?"

Amy, as usual, sits in his office and manages the stable area. When he inadvertently saw the display screen, Zhang Heng was handcuffed and escorted into the villa like a criminal. He just drank in his mouth. The coffee is all sprayed on the display.

"It's the headquarters, it doesn't need any guards."

All the way to the door of the villa unimpeded, the stunned young man holding Zhang Heng was very generous. In his heart, the "seven sins" of the Fight Crime Headquarters were unmatched.

Zhang Heng sighed helplessly. He wanted to tell the stunned boy around him that the reason why there would be no one here was because those people were sent by Amy to supervise the defensive nets outside the Anding District.

After the last invasion, Amy strengthened all the defense systems in the Anding District. Not only that, he also sent a large number of manpower to patrol the periphery of the Anding District. It is precisely because of this that most of the old members of the guards have been transferred away, and those who remain are new members like Zhang Heng escorting them at this moment.

"Zhang, Zhang Heng?"

Just when the stunned young man was hesitating whether to walk directly into the villa like this, he saw Greedy Wolf walking out of the villa hall with an ancient bow on his back. After seeing Zhang Heng’s helpless expression and his handcuffed hands, he was greedy. The wolf's eyes widened and his face was full of doubts.

"Well, are you from the headquarters? I am a member of the guard of the first community. This person is a suspicious person I caught in the first community and I am going to hand it over to you."

The tone of Leng Touqing's speech was a bit nervous. After all, it was the first time facing a core person like Greed Wolf, and nervousness was inevitable.

"Huh? You said this guy is suspicious?"

Greedy wolf stared, and it took a moment to react. Not Zhang Heng's expectation, even if this guy figured out the situation, he wouldn't explain anything for himself. Instead, he laughed and covered his stomach, "Hahaha, you guys. What you did is right, a nasty guy like this should be arrested! Well, you guys did a great job!"

This sudden praise made the two young people stunned. From the behavior and behavior of the greedy wolf, they can see that the greedy wolf seems to be, know Zhang Heng

This is really strange...

This farce was finally resolved by Amy.

"Amy, I want to know about the security issues in Xia'an Ding District."

In the lobby of the villa, Zhang Heng took a sip of coffee and said to Amy who was sitting across from him and reading a book seriously.

"Why suddenly want to understand this?"

Amy replied without looking up, still reading the book seriously.

Zhang Heng thought for a while, raised his eyebrows and said: "When I was in town, I saw a little girl who was trapped by the shopkeeper because of stealing something, and even the guards showed up. I think..."

Before he finished speaking, Amy closed the book, pushed the frame and said, "I see, you want to ask about the "crime" handling mechanism in the Anding District, right?"

Zhang Heng nodded, and talking to a wise young man like Amy obviously didn't need him to waste too much energy.

"The mechanism is very simple, and you should also know that crimes must be judged. There is no doubt about this. Regardless of the degree of the crime, as long as it is a crime, it must be punished."

Amy took a sip of coffee and calmly explained to Zhang Heng.

Hearing this explanation, Zhang Heng suddenly became a little annoyed: "Such a little girl, don't you think the so-called trial is too cruel for her?"

"Is it cruel? I don't think so."

Amy said something that made Zhang Heng even more annoyed, but before Zhang Heng could speak, Amy went on to say: "Since you think the security mechanism in the Anding District is cruel and unkind, then five days later, you and Zero and they go to the war zone together, when you get there, you will understand what is truly cruel..."