Extinguish Crime

Chapter 45: Journey to the war zone (1)


Zhang Heng's first reaction when he opened his eyes was to hug his head. It is rare that his sober brain felt a tingling sensation just now.

It's like, something more...

Zhang Heng shook his head and found that he was lying on the fourth floor of the villa, in his room.

"what happened?"

Zhang Heng has a weird look. He always feels that there is something extra in his mind, but when he thinks about it carefully, he can't remember at all.

At this moment, the door was opened and Amy walked in with a coffee and a smile on her face.


There are no extra words, just three simple words, let Zhang Heng understand everything.

"Really, really?!"

Zhang Heng was excited to lift the quilt and wanted to get up, but found that his lower body was chilly, he blushed and drew back into the quilt: "Then, that... is it really successful?"


Amy took a sip of coffee, nodded and said: "The data shows that it was successful. I was also surprised. Originally, I thought the same as you, thinking that a sober brain cell like yours is not easy to be changed. , But it was unexpectedly successful."


Zhang Heng took a deep breath. This was his most happy moment in the past few months. "In this case, am I "stable"?"

To stabilize refers to the "self" after awakening.

"Um… "

Amy pondered for a moment, pushed the frame and said: "So far, it is stable, but the actual effect depends on you."

"by myself?"

Zhang Heng didn't quite understand the meaning of Amy's words. After awakening, he even forgot his own existence. How could he rely on himself

"I have carefully studied the state of your last outbreak."

Seeing Zhang Heng’s doubts, Amy explained: "You can understand the "you" in the runaway state as "li personality". Of course, this is just a hypothesis. A clear-headed person like you looks at it from a scientific point of view. , You will not have dual personality, but at present, I can only use the assumption of dual personality to make inferences."

"So, back to the topic, your current normal state can be regarded as a "personality" for the first time, and the violent and bloodthirsty "you" is the "inner personality" hidden in your heart."

"So far, your li personality has appeared twice. I have studied it carefully, and the inference I have obtained so far is that your "emotion" has affected the "li personality."


Hearing this, Zhang Heng seemed to understand something, "You mean, as long as my mood changes, I will become like that?"


Amy nodded: "Although this is only my inference, I think there is a 70% accuracy rate. Although you in that state are not the so-called Li personality, it is obvious that in that state, You in a normal state have "disappeared"."

"Why, how could this be..."

Zhang Heng was shocked. He never expected that after awakening, he would actually be like this.

"It's weird... Amy, don't you think it's weird?"

Zhang Heng frowned, "Why is I the only one in this state? Axe, Zero, even if they are greedy wolves, they should all be awakened? Why can't I control myself?"

"Is it weird? I don't think it is weird."

Amy's reply surprised Zhang Hengda, but the following sentence made Zhang Heng sober again: "Don't you think that cursing the existence of genes is a very incredible thing? It can't be explained by science like that. The supernatural powers of the people are mastered by ordinary humans like us. Therefore, I think your state is not strange, on the contrary, it is normal."

"...Okay, then you just said to rely on me, what's the matter? In that case, I don't even realize my existence..."

Zhang Heng was a little frustrated. He thought the matter was solved perfectly, but he didn't expect it to be the result.

Amy patted Zhang Heng on the shoulder, seeming to be comforting: "Those indifferent things, you don’t have to deliberately think about it. I believe you can do it. Even without my help, you can also control what is hidden in your body. strength."

"...I hope so."

Zhang Heng sighed and forced a smile. Although Amy has confidence in himself, he does not have much confidence in himself...

Just like what Amy said, is such a powerful force beyond imagination really controllable? And the curse gene... Who developed this unimaginable and world-changing thing

Three days passed in a flash.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, after Zhang Heng had breakfast, he went to the room with him to help carry the luggage under the advice of Arnold.

"Uh, this is too much..."

Looking at the room almost filled with gift boxes of different sizes, several black lines appeared on Zhang Heng's forehead. He did not expect that in the past five days, Arnold actually bought so many things.


Arnold touched the pair of thick eyebrows with embarrassment, "I can't help it, because I don't know if I have any chance to come here again, so this time I am going to buy more preparations, and most of these things are to be given away. Yes, so, Brother Zhang Heng, the safety of these gifts is all on your behalf."

Zhang Heng was a little bit dumbfounded, "please ask me what you mean? I'm just helping you carry things into the car, don't make any mistakes."

"Yes, but!"

Arnold stared at Zhang Heng in admiration, his eyes full of hope: "Big Brother Zhang Heng, you are so powerful, so even if I'm not by "them", you can easily protect "them", right?"

"What's the meaning?"

Zhang Heng seemed to understand but not. Hearing what Arnold meant, it seemed that he didn't go with him

"Big Brother Zhang Heng doesn't know yet?"

Seeing Zhang Heng’s doubts, Arnold explained: “Because our war zone and your stable zone have always been "well water does not violate river water", the New World has not increased its efforts to launch a war. If we let the New World know about us. If the two parties are in an alliance, it is very likely that they will be on guard! So, Lord Laurent and I cannot walk with you."

"That's it, I understand."

Zhang Heng pursed his lips, only then did he react, but then he changed his mind and frowned again: "Even so, why don't you bring these things by yourself?"

Hearing this, Arnold's face suddenly reddened, and he sighed very frustratedly: "Master Laurent said, carrying so many things is too conspicuous, it will be prone to accidents, so..."

Zhang Heng interrupted Arnold directly, and said dumbfounded: "Although I agree with Mr. Laurent's words, I will try my best to help you take care of these things."

"Really, really? Although I know this is causing you trouble, but, thank you! Thank you very much!"

Arnold is still the same, as long as he is excited, he will be nervous, as long as he is nervous, this young man with thick eyebrows will be incoherent.

"Ah, yes."

After being excited for a while, Arnold calmed down a bit. He seemed to remember something, and took out a wooden cross pendant in his pocket and handed it to Zhang Heng: "This is the last time the little girl’s mother asked me to give it to Yours, and...Her mother seems to say that as long as you wear this, God will always be with you?...Uh, Brother Zhang Heng, who is God? I have worn this necklace before, why didn’t I see it? God?"

Suddenly, Zhang Heng was silent when he took the wooden cross pendant in Anuo's hand with an unexpected and confused look, and tightly grasped the necklace in his palm.


Zhang Heng ignored Arnold, who was still asking "Who is God?". With a smile on his face, he looked at the blue sky blankly through the window.

Arnold didn't know that this pendant was of great significance to Zhang Heng.

The crystal cross pendant that was once cruelly crushed and turned into countless fragments, floating towards the starry sky, is back, and finally, is back...

With a sunny smile on his face, Zhang Heng put the pendant solemnly on his chest. He is not a believer of God. At this moment, for the dead Miyuko, for the dead members of the fight against crime, he scratched his chest. A cross gesture that is not a standard, but very pious.

Like the immortal faith and persistence rekindled in his heart, Zhang Heng looked into the distance, looking directly at the rising sun: "You are wrong, Arnold, it is not God who has been by my side, but ...My partner! My...family!"