Extinguish Crime

Chapter 47: Journey to the war zone (3)


It's a cemetery again.

Only this time, it was not the wilderness where the extermination members were buried, but the popular cemetery inside the Anding District.

There are many tombstones, at least ten times more than the cemetery that Zhang Heng visited before. Most of these ordinary people who died are dead, and there are few people who have died of the virus like Anne's mother.

"Mommy mommy… "

Annie hugged her mother's tombstone sadly, and Zhang Heng felt extremely sad because of the red and swollen little round eyes.

Anne, who is only ten years old, faces the grief of losing her parents. What should she do in her future and life afterwards

Who will pay for such a painful incident

Are they the strange beasts that attacked Annie's parents

Is it the tough and cruel law of survival in Anding District

There is no answer.

To be precise, there is no real answer.

For Zhang Heng, all he knew was that Anne, who was only ten years old, had her parents dead and had left her forever. The once beautiful happy family had left her forever.

"New world."

Saying these three words in a non-emotional tone, Zhang Heng looked up at the blazing sun. It was so dazzling and so hot, but it couldn't warm his cold heart.

Zhang Heng understands, he understands, all of this, the decayed end is the gorgeous castle on the map protected by the steel city wall!

"This is my promise to you! It is a promise to this world from the fight against crime!"

Sin is here, everyone is here, they are like Zhang Heng, facing the dazzling sunlight, looking directly at the scorching sun, no one closes their eyes even if they are stung by the sun.

The moment of departure is here!

With that decayed belief, stepping on the step of never looking back, only by unswervingly walking down can we end all this!

War zone!

New world!

I'm here, I'm Zhang Heng, here is!

Like Amy’s previous plan, the team led by King Axe, Zhang Heng, Zero, Greed Wolf, and the four set off from the crime-fighting base, while Luo Lu and Arnold went to the war zone, just like Arnold’s previous The same thing is said, the new world cannot be found in the war zone and the stable zone alliance, at least before the official war begins, it can't be discovered!

"Big Brother Zhang Heng, I'll beg you for these things!"

In front of the villa's gate, Arnold waved his hand with all his strength, and was then pulled out by Loren pinching his ears. After walking out of the villa, the two each rode on a heavily armed black horse and disappeared in the billowing smoke.

War horses and mounts such as war wolves are unique to the war zone. Before, Arnold and Loren came to the stable area on war horses from a remote war zone.

"Okay, time is almost up."

After waiting for a few hours, Sin turned and looked at Zhang Heng and others with a smile. He waved his hand casually. The white windbreaker was swaying in the wind, hunting and screaming: "Go!"

The four Zhang Heng did not respond, and silently walked to the two armored vehicles parked outside the door.

Obviously, the greedy wolf who has "deep hatred" towards Zhang Heng and Ling, the "dog men and women", naturally chose to ride in a car with King Axe.

"Troublesome... so many things, how can it be stuffed."

Holding a lot of gift boxes bought by Arnold, Zhang Heng stood in front of the armored vehicle with a bitter face. Although the armored vehicle is already quite big, it will not be crowded if four or five people can sit on it. That guy Arnold, but packed more than a hundred gift boxes of different sizes...

"What a fool!"

At this moment, Ling was chewing on rabbit ear candy, staring at Zhang Heng with disdain, and said, "Are you planning to stuff these things into the car?"

"if not?"

Zhang Heng rolled his eyes angrily. In the current situation, besides stuffing things into the car, is there a second option


Zero suddenly raised his small head proudly, but did not notice that the huge murder weapon on his chest shook fiercely, causing Zhang Heng's face to flush slightly.


Zero walked to the rear of the armored car, and then pressed a green button under the chassis. The rear of the car shook slightly, and then suddenly a rectangular groove rolled out of the chassis of the car.

Zhang Heng was stunned. He didn't expect that this armored vehicle actually had such a device.

"What a dumb and stupid hillbilly!"

Seeing Zhang Heng's appearance, Zero relentlessly attacked: "Do you think it's just like this?"

With that said, Zero got into the car and didn't know how she operated it. Then, the entire armored car changed drastically...

Just like the "Transformers" in the movie, the armored vehicle that appears in front of Zhang Heng can not only become a three-meter-high mechanical small house, it can even become a mechanical submarine, even a helicopter. …

"Don't mind, these things are just "failed products" I made. Although they can change shape, things that are not practical like helicopters can't fly."

Amy stood beside Zhang Heng with a coffee, and casually said something that made Zhang Heng even more stunned.

It's just a failure...

Zhang Heng twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly. He felt that he needed to broaden his thinking. In fact, in such a high-tech era, he must also use a broad vision to examine the world.

A button to solve Zhang Heng's distressed problem, Zhang Heng and Ling got on the armored car, and under the leadership of the "old driver", the "old driver", Zhang Heng embarked on a journey to the war zone.

"Has the things been handed over to Zhang Heng?"

Sin looked at the two armored vehicles moving away and lit a cigarette.

"I have already transferred it to Zero. After all, something as meaningful as a ring. I think it is better for the two parties to transfer to the opposite sex."

Amy took a sip of coffee and made a rare joke.

"Haha, you guy, you really don't understand fun."

If Zhang Heng heard the remarks of Sin, he would definitely get goose bumps.

How much "sentiment" is it for a man to give another man a ring

Watching the armored vehicle drive onto the highway, with a laid-back look, he was about to go back to sleep well, but was stopped by Amy beside him: "Mie is about to return."

Sin spit out a cigarette from his mouth because of nervousness for the first time. He stared at Amy with an incredulous look on his left eye and said nervously, "Hey, hey, are you right? It's only half a year. Too much time, she, how could she come back!"

"This question, I think you should have a clearer answer than me."

Amy smiled, but not as nervous as sin.

"That's right... After all, if it's her, half a year should be enough..."

Sin smiled and shook his head. In his mind, there was a blue-haired woman standing in the cold wind with her back to her, and countless alien and alien corpses under her feet...