Extinguish Crime

Chapter 62: Disguised human heart (2)


Who undressed me! By the way, at least leave me a pair of underwear!

Zhang Heng's first reaction when he recovered was to pull the quilt on the bed and wrap him around him.

It's too small! What kind of broken quilt is this! It can't cover the whole body at all!

In the case of an obviously "girl boudoir", even with a strong chest, Zhang Heng's face was red.

But right now he can only cover his lower body with this little quilt, and don't care about his upper body. "Abandon the car to protect the handsome" is the most important thing!


The girl standing at the door holding her face, her body trembling slightly, did not dare to remove her hand at all, but she seemed unable to bear the curiosity in her heart.

Really naughty.

Naughty your sister! Don't do this soon! My body is not good at all! If you are not ashamed, I'm almost ashamed to death! By the way, don't stand here! Go out quickly and let me change clothes!

Zhang Heng blushed, but he was silent. He felt that no matter what he said now, he must be very "dirty" language.

The thought of an adult who is actually showing his "low body" in the room of another girl, such a behavior! Such a move! It's a fighter in a pervert!

In other words, this girl is still very pure and lovely.

She is about the same height as zero. It is estimated that she can barely kiss Zhang Heng with her feet. She is wearing a light red small dress with no knees. The upper body and lower body are embroidered with thorny red roses. Two small feet are She is wearing a pair of mini cartoon red boots, and her small soft red curly hair is draped straight on her shoulders.

Such a costume makes her look small and exquisite, just like a hard-covered "mini cartoon girl", indescribably cute and charming.

Although she was covering her face at the moment, Zhang Heng saw her face when she entered the door before.

A very pure girl.

The small Yao nose, pink lips, round little face, especially those big watery eyes, almost equal to zero, but the murder weapon that is as small and exquisite as the figure is not as amazing as zero.

Well, although there is no perfect figure like Zero, it is surprisingly cute too!

Zhang Heng burst into tears at his sudden thoughts and a series of actions to observe the girl. It's over. Under such circumstances, I still have the mind to think about these "bad" things. It seems that I am about to step into the abyss of "abnormal"...

"That, that!..."

At this time, the girl shyly moved her fingers away, only to find that Zhang Heng had actually covered her lower body with her own quilt, but her upper body was still uncovered, and she quickly closed her fingers again, and her body trembled more and more. Da: "Hug, sorry! Me, me!..."

Don't apologize soon! You should go out quickly! Ah, is it because you saw me cover my lower body with your quilt, so you considered me a pervert

But it's not my fault! Who asked you to strip me naked! I have never had the habit of sleeping naked!

Ah, it doesn't matter! Find clothes to put on first!

Zhang Heng blushed, pulling the quilt tightly with one hand, and began to look around. However, to his disappointment, his clothes did not seem to be in the room.

Where's my clothes? !

Zhang Heng is about to explode. The original appearance of naked naked in the strange girl's boudoir has made him shameless. At this moment, even the clothes are gone. Why does this make him feel so embarrassed

Is it possible to go out like this with your hand under the quilt

Just kidding, if this is the case, Zhang Heng believes that he will be treated as a pervert every minute.

"You, what are you looking for?"

The girl suddenly asked, but the hand covering her face still didn't let go.

Of course it's looking for clothes! By the way, how do you know I'm looking for something? Ah, did you peek again? What about my body attracts you? If you tell me, I will cut it off now!

Zhang Heng suppressed the shame in his heart anyway, coughing a few times and said, "Where are my clothes?"

"Oh! Your clothes have been washed and they are still drying out. I, I will help you get them!"

The girl had a suddenly realized expression, and then turned and ran outside with her face covered in this way.

Hey Hey hey! Don’t you have to look at the road if you cover your face like this? Are you sure this won't hit the pillar at the door? What are you doing with your face covered when I am behind you! Could it be that my majestic figure has been deeply imprinted in your mind, even if you turn around and close your eyes, can it emerge? Then what did you peek at just now!

Sure enough, the girl slammed her head against the pillar outside the door. She knelt on the ground with her legs spread, clutching her swollen forehead, tears of pain were about to come out.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Heng realized that this girl and Zero had another thing in common.


Putting on the long-lost crime-fighting red uniform, Zhang Heng couldn't help letting out a long sigh, finally he could leave the room that made him ashamed.

Suddenly, Zhang Heng frowned.

He found a very serious problem.

How can I appear here

Where is this place again

can not remember.

Can't think of it at all.

Zhang Heng shook his head. He only remembered that when he encountered the girl being attacked by a bison, he seemed to have rescued him, but he couldn't remember anything afterwards.

"Big, big brother... mother, mother, let me take you to see her..."

The young girl was just like Zhang Heng guessed, she was utterly stupefied. She was already wearing her clothes now, and she was still covering her face, even her words were unclear.

Zhang Heng looked helpless, but in order to understand the mystery and doubts in his happiness, he nodded and agreed to go to see her mother with the girl, believing that the girl's mother should know something.

Well, although the current situation is the clearest to ask the girl, she is the client after all, but looking at her shy and cute appearance now, I am afraid that I can't explain it clearly after asking.

No words all the way.

When he walked out of the room, Zhang Heng was a little surprised to find that this house seemed to be a European-style manor. From the room, the door was a long mahogany spiral staircase, and the room at the moment was the third floor of the manor.

Follow the stairs to the lobby on the first floor.

In the empty hall, some girls in maid costumes are tidying up the room. A luxuriously dressed young woman is sitting on the sofa with a glass of red wine that can almost match blood. With her eyes closed, she listens to the old pin-type gramophone from the side Beautiful music coming out of

Judging from the woman's appearance, she was somewhat similar to the cute girl around her, and she seemed to be the mother in the girl's mouth.

In addition to these, Zhang Heng also discovered one thing.

Except for himself, there seems to be no other man.

Zhang Heng walked around a maid who was half-kneeling and mopping the floor with a rag, standing in the center of the hall, looking around in confusion.

On the walls around the hall, there are "skin paintings" that appear to be made of animal skins.

Soon, Zhang Heng discovered something unusual.

The skin paintings hanging on the wall were all human faces, including old people, young people, and children. What Zhang Heng cared about was that these human skin faces, without exception, were all men's faces.

A manor that seems to have no men inhabits, but there are so many men's skins on their faces.

Zhang Heng suddenly felt that this manor was a little weird...

It is worth mentioning that the human faces on these skin paintings are extremely vivid in shape. At first glance, they thought they were torn off from the faces of living people and hung up. They even have the eyeballs, nose, and even eyebrows, but they don’t. Know that they were cut from those animals and put on them.

I have to say that such vivid leather paintings are very artistic.

But at the same time...it was a bit horrible.

Looking at the face paintings on the wall, Zhang Heng had a creepy feeling. He couldn't help wondering if he would be scared to death by these vivid face paintings when he passed by here at night

Depressing the inexplicable horror in his heart, Zhang Heng glanced over the paintings with an eye for art, and soon he suddenly discovered that in the corner of the wall of the hall in the distance, there seemed to be several familiar faces hung. ".

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Heng walked in and took a look, but the next second he was stunned.

As he had guessed, the group of "Boy Scouts" hung on the wall board was indeed the group of "Boy Scouts" who had met several times before...