Extinguish Crime

Chapter 71: Disguised human mind (11)


Elena had this desire when she was very young... to be an angel who accompanies God.

Because of this, she can see her late parents in heaven.

This wish was completely shattered when Fia was born.

Elena is confused.

Whose is it

Whose will it be

Whose daughter is this lovely baby girl

What should I call her

Elena was confused... She didn't know who she was born with the baby girl in her arms.

Being in "hell", she was called to and fro by a group of demons every day, and tortured life was not as good as death. At this moment, she gave birth to such a cute baby girl, which made her about to collapse.

But seeing the baby girl in her arms and looking at this cute baby girl who was just born in this world, Elena’s thoughts of suicide disappeared instantly. After all, the child is innocent. At least until the baby girl grows up, she can’t die.

Until one day, the confused Elena saw a second lieutenant of the army... a handsome man with the eyes of a baby girl, her confusion disappeared instantly.

"It's you! So it's you!"

Elena was extremely happy, but the man in front of her looked confused, not knowing what she was talking about.

"It's yours! This is your daughter! It's me and your child!"

Elena experienced what it was like to cry for the first time and couldn't tell how it felt, but she was very happy because she found her daughter's father. Shouldn't she be happy

To Elena’s surprise, the man suddenly got angry and slapped her in the face, while the soldiers all around looked at the man and the crying woman in her arms with laughter and irony for some reason. infant.

Did you actually give birth to a child

Did you actually give birth to such a humble bitch

The man was very angry, because Elena's behavior made him feel ashamed. He lifted the crying cute baby girl and slammed it to the ground in front of Elena.

I didn't know where the courage came from to resist those demons, or how she could have such a strong speed, Elena caught the baby girl who was about to fall to the ground.

In such despair.

She awakened unexpectedly.

She escaped from that hell with her daughter and the sisters who had become slave girls.

In the following days, Elena built a ranch and manor with the wealth left by the ensign who was killed by her own hands.

Elena firmly believes that this will be the place where her new life begins.

However, reality is always cruel.

She received a powerful curse and at the same time became a "vampire".

Without the supplement of blood, she will age rapidly, and her daughter Fia has inherited her cursing power.

So much.

When Fia was ten years old, she was raped by more than ten men in the war zone...

Elena is crazy.

Being driven crazy by this cruel world, by those demons.

"In such a world, it is a pain to live!"

With such a distorted belief, Elena decided to "retaliate."

She wants revenge on this world, revenge on those demons, revenge on those men!

Zhang Heng didn't know the past of Elena and Fia, and he was not interested in knowing these things.

He only knew that the mother and daughter were crazy, no matter how sad they had in the past, they shouldn't do things that distort human nature like this.

What is the difference between practices like cutting off the skin and drawing human blood from those demons in the new world

There is no doubt that they are guilty, and they are unforgivable sins!

"What are you going to do?"

Elena looked at Zhang Heng calmly. She did not tell Zhang Heng about her and Fia's past, because she knew that a rational man like Zhang Heng would not influence his judgment because of these things.

What are you going to do

have no idea.

Zhang Heng didn’t know what to do, what to do with the frenzied mother and daughter. Although Elena didn’t say anything, he could guess that if it hadn’t been an incurable trauma, it would be right for the mother and daughter. May do such a frenzied thing.

Zhang Heng still firmly believes in the decadent kindness and justice abandoned by the world.

Because Miyuko is such a person, and Katia is such a person. Every partner and family around him still firmly believe in such a belief!

Why does he abandon such beliefs

Looking at Arnold's face that had been cut in half, looking at the corpses and children in the prison, he was shaken, and the faith he had always believed was shaken.

Does it exist

Does this mother and daughter still have a kind heart

Even with a little conscience, he wouldn't do such a thing, right


Taking a deep breath, Zhang Heng looked at Elena calmly and said lightly: "I will not judge you, but you must pay for these things you have done!"


Hearing these words, Elena smiled. She stroked her hair around her ears, smiled and looked at Zhang Heng, and said, "Do you pay the price? So, it seems that you still believe in that ridiculous kindness and justice. It exists."

This sentence seemed to have magical powers, which made Zhang Heng's heart startled. How could this happen? Why did she shake her conviction just because she said a word

"wake up…"

Elena's red eyes stared at Zhang Heng's eyes, as if they could draw out his soul. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her voice was filled with endless charm, making Zhang Heng's consciousness gradually blurred: "What you see now, This is the true face of this world. Wake up, your ridiculous belief is just your dream. Don't you feel tired if you live in a dream like you?"

Live in a dream

Zhang Heng looked at Elena's eyes in confusion. He suddenly felt abnormally tired, but this fatigue was not caused by the body, but mental fatigue.

Is it really

Am I always living in my own fantasy

Like a manipulative doll, Zhang Heng slowly loosened Fia’s neck and stood sluggishly on the spot. He was very frustrated because the faith he had always believed was broken. He was confused and didn’t know himself. Is this really alive

"Tired? Why don't you choose to rest?"

Elena came to Zhang Heng calmly, and lifted his chin with one hand. The alluring red lips started slightly, as if possessing some kind of magical power, which made Zhang Heng sunken and unable to extricate herself.

Yeah, very tired.

Zhang Heng suddenly felt the weight of his eyelids, and he tried to open it, but his eyelids were slowly pulled down uncontrollably, and an unusually exhausting message suddenly appeared in his mind.

With a bang... Zhang Heng closed his eyelids and fell heavily to the ground.

"Zhang, Brother Zhang Heng! Wake up! Wake up!"

Arnold hissed and roared on the side. He resisted the tingling on his face, slowly crawling to Zhang Heng like a lame wild dog, and screamed with all his strength in tears: "Wake up." Wake up! Wake up!"

"It's useless."

Elena hugged Fia who was sobbing and looked at Arnold indifferently, "He won't wake up, you should give up."

Elena is very confident in her curse power. Through the previous "game" of "Alien Raid Manor", it can be seen that this woman's curse power is not only for humans, but also for aliens. Manipulate freely.

"Uuuuu...Mom, I was wrong, Fia did it wrong..."

Fia was crying with great sadness. Only then did she know how big a mistake she had made. If she hadn't untied Zhang Heng's chains, nothing like this would have happened. You must know that her mother just now did it for herself. Almost gave up her body!