Extinguish Crime

Chapter 73: Let's get married


"Catch up... caught up... thank God... thank you for letting me catch up."

The trembling voice, indistinctly, came into Zhang Heng's ear... This is the most beautiful but very familiar voice he has ever heard, is it zero? Is she here

"Are you alive? Are you still alive? Zhang Heng? Woo...wake up...wake up...hey! Open your eyes!"

The girl kneeled beside Zhang Heng like a devout believer, trembling and hugging Zhang Heng with her hands. Her big shiny eyes were red at the moment, her lips and body were constantly trembling, she looked so panicked and sad.

Even Zhang Heng himself heard a faint and hoarse voice from his mouth. He didn't open his eyes because he was too tired. Making such a voice almost drew out all his strength.

Such a weak response was almost weak and inaudible, but the panicked Zero only heard this voice. She stared at Zhang Heng, whose face was pale in her arms, with her eyes wide open, and her heart was hanging high in her heart. His heart was finally put down slightly.

Alive? Are you still alive

It's great... it's great...

Without making a sound, Zero hugged Zhang Heng tightly, as if she was holding some of her most beloved baby. Even she herself didn't know why she was so happy. She obviously hated this big pervert, but now she couldn't stop her tears. Is it because of gratitude? Are you grateful that he was not dead and moved to tears

Five days later, the war zone.

After closing the door vigorously, Arnold shrank into a ball and squatted in the corner.

"Hey! Arnold! Open the door! You open the door for me!"

Ronnie's anxious voice sounded outside the door, but Arnold squatted in the corner and shivered and ignored it.

"Monster! Monster!"

"Go away! Stay away from my child! You monster!"

"It's disgusting, why a monster like you is still alive in this world!"

The hatred and disgusting faces continued to emerge in his mind, and Arnold's eyes were full of panic and panic.


Am I a monster

He raised his head dumbly and looked at the mirror on the wall.

The dilapidated mirror with cracks reflected the current appearance of Arnold.

Do not.

It should be said that it is the appearance of those "monsters" in the population.

Starting from the center of the forehead, the skin on the left half of the face completely disappeared, and the tiny blood-red blood vessels and tender flesh and blood looked like fresh rabbit meat with the skin peeled off.

The feeling of collapse came like a wave. Arnold opened his mouth wide and breathed. He smashed the mirror with one punch, ignoring the blood on his fist, and staggered back to the corner.

He was like an abandoned child, bowed his head and buried his face deeply between his knees.

"The Boy Scouts are assembled! Chief Arnold, please give instructions!"

A group of little guys appeared solemnly in Arnold's mind.

"Hey! Gary, are you bullying Kudu again? How can you bully your subordinates as an adjutant!"

"Little guys, this world will be liberated one day. At that time, your great Chief Arnold will personally take you to see the "Legendary Sea"!"

"Really, really? Officer Arnold! You are so great!"

"Hey hey hey! Don't be so excited, don't rub your nose on my clothes, hey!"

"Hahaha… "

The scenes of laughter, those innocent smiling faces, appeared at this moment like a movie.

"Garyll, Cudo, Bill..."

Hoarsely speaking out the names of those little guys, Arnold’s lips trembled and his eyes were scarlet. He still remembers that scene... Those little guys who had their faces cut off and drained of blood were like being drained of juice and completely dry. Lying on the cold floor like dead wood.

"It's my fault, it's my fault, it's all my fault..."

Arnold shook his head dullly, and he pushed the death of those little guys onto himself as a matter of course.

Isn’t that the case

Would they die if they didn't gather them up and bring them around by themselves

Would they die if they hadn't taken them into the ranch by themselves

If he didn't bring Zhang Heng into the ranch by himself, would Zhang Heng be injured

"Yeah, all of this is my fault..."

"The most damn person, it's me..."

Arnold smiled, sad and heartbroken, and the death of those little guys made him feel sad and desperate more than he became a "monster".

Why are you still alive

With such a sinful self, who has become a monster, what qualifications do he have to live in this world

Looking dumbly at the blue sky outside the window, Arnold seemed to have lost his soul, and walked over staggeringly... He had lost the reason to live.

At this time, the door was knocked open by Ronnie.

"Stop! You stop for me!"

Seeing this scene, Ronnie's eyes were red, and she bit her thin lips and started drinking.

Arnold turned his head to look at her blankly, and then with a sad smile, he jumped out of the window without any hesitation. He felt that for a person like him, only death is the best destination.

At the moment Arnold was about to jump out of the window, Ronnie slammed his whip strongly, wrapped it around his waist, and then violently pulled it back, causing him to fall heavily to the floor.

Looking dumbly at Ronnie, who was squatting beside him, Arnold was very confused. He didn't understand why a damn person like him should stop him from committing suicide.

"Stupid! You big idiot!"

Ronnie drank sorrowfully, and hugged Arnold in her arms with distress, sad tears continued to flow in her eyes: "Why commit suicide! Why leave me! You big fool, you still have me!"

"Even if the whole world abandons you, I will be by your side! I will always be with you! You bastard, how can you be so cruel to me..."

The teardrops that made Arnold dumbfounded fell on him, gleaming in the afterglow of the setting sun.


Suddenly the hope of living arose in his heart. Arnold became sober. He looked at Ronnie’s face and the girl who was crying for her sadness. He suddenly realized that even if everyone had abandoned him, this was since childhood. The girl who was by his side would not leave him.

What other reason to commit suicide

Is there any reason to leave her

Such sins can't be repaid even in hell, right

Arnold's body trembled slightly, even if he had a reason to live, the feeling of heartache did not fade.

The innocent smiles and corpses of those little guys appeared in his mind from time to time, which made Arnold cry bitterly. He did not expect that he, who was always optimistic and cheerful, would actually cry helplessly in a girl's arms like now.

But, is there any reason not to cry

How can we stop the tears from gushing out

There is no way to stop it, and there is no reason not to cry.

This is the reality, the reality of this world, Arnold has already experienced it, and at the same time he has seen the true face of this world clearly.

Uncontrollable tears and sad emotions made him hug Ronnie's waist tightly. He was very painful. This kind of pain made him worse than death, like struggling in hell in samsara, almost suffocating.

"It's okay, it's okay, I will always be by your side..."

Perceiving Arnold's grief and anxiety, Ronnie responded, and then she smiled and said a word that Arnold would never forget.

"Let's get married... Arnold... I will guard you forever..."