Extinguish Crime

Chapter 87: Key (8)


"Zhang Heng!"

"Is that you? Are you awake?"

"Zhang Heng!..."

The voice is very vague and familiar. It seems that sin is calling yourself

Opening his eyes laboriously, the dazzling sunlight made Zhang Heng feel dizzy.

He had to stretch his hand to cover it.

How could it become like this? !

After getting used to the sun, Zhang Heng saw sin as previously guessed, but everything in front of him was very strange with a vague shadow of blood.

It is as if I have come to the "world of blood".

Whether it was the crime in a white military uniform, the surrounding trees, or the sky, there were blood shadows that shocked Zhang Heng.

"Zhang Heng! Is that you? Answer me!"

With a sound of..., Sin waved the black lightsaber in his hand, and the hot air wave rushed towards Zhang Heng.

With a subconscious exclamation, Zhang Heng made a move that even he could not believe... He unconsciously stretched out his hand. This behavior is almost completely controlled by the mind conveyed by the brain, and the blood vessels in his wrist burst open at this moment. , What sputtered out was not blood, but a dazzling red mist.

Just like the blood-red long axe condensed by King Axe’s blood, Zhang Heng looked at the "blood-red long sword" in his hand with a red mist in disbelief... This is the blood mist that burst from the blood vessels in his wrist just now A weapon of cohesion.

The blood sword collided with the lightsaber emitting black flames, and there was no sound, but no one could do anything about it.

"Huh? Did you actually unlock the second curse?"

Sin looked at Zhang Heng in surprise, and said this sentence that Zhang Heng couldn't understand for a while.

Unlock the power of the second curse

It took a long time for Zhang Heng to react. He knew what it meant to unlock the second curse, which meant that "special skills" could be used.

Is this my "special skill"

Zhang Heng stared at the blood-red long sword blankly. He didn't know, nor did he understand how he condensed such a weapon that could not be explained by science.


The "Dreamland" just now!

Zhang Heng returned to his senses, turning his head almost collapsed to look at Zero who was lying on the side in a pool of blood. In his line of sight, Zero's figure looked even more blood red.

Recalling that the "self" in the "dreamland" seemed to have begun to transform into a different species, the feeling of despair swept like a wave of anger.

Has it become a different species

Am I still human

Although I don't know if the alien's vision is like his own, Zhang Heng can vaguely feel that he is no longer a human being, nor is he a "alien" or an awakened one.

What the hell is it

It's not an exaggeration to say that I am a monster like this

Zhang Heng was sweating all over, he opened his mouth, breathing heavily.

Zhang Heng is going crazy.

Although he knew some memories from the dream just now, the painful memories that he could not bear made him almost collapsed.

Zhang Heng did not blame Zero. Although Zero injected himself with a blocking gene, in that case, only this way could survive.


What makes Zhang Heng go crazy is his current state.

what is it

Is it human

Is it a different species

Or the awakened

Obviously there was an answer in his heart, but Zhang Heng still asked himself over and over again with a glimmer of hope.

He didn't want to become that scary monster.

"Hey! Zhang Heng, what's the matter with you?"

Sin realized that Zhang Heng was in a very bad state at the moment, so he shouted a few words loudly, and finally got Zhang Heng's "key". He didn't want any accidents.

Zhang Heng knelt on the spot in a daze, and did not respond to the sin. In fact, the voice of sin was extremely clear in his ears. Even at a distance of a few hundred meters, Zhang Heng was confident that he could hear him clearly.

However, as a result, Zhang Heng became more and more frightened and frightened.

Is it out of help

Has it become a monster

He raised his head numbly and looked at Sin. Zhang Heng hoped from the heart that the vague blood shadows on Sin could disappear. However, reality told him that these vague blood shadows had not disappeared, but became clearer, as if the whole person was sinning. Become a bloody shadow.

The vision is very broad.

Whether it is sin or the surrounding trees surrounded by blood shadows, Zhang Heng's eyes are extremely clear. Even if it is night, Zhang Heng believes that he can accurately capture the shadow of sin with these blood shadows.

It seems that hearing and vision have been strengthened at this moment.

However, Zhang Heng could not accept it.

After understanding that dream and the source of his power, such a change made Zhang Heng unacceptable.

Suddenly remembered the scene of Jason becoming a Hellhound.

Will he become such a monster

Such thoughts popped up in his mind, and Zhang Heng was about to suffocate. If he became such a monster, he would rather die.

Even if the power is strong and becomes a monster, it seems very sad.

"Sin, Zhang Heng's mood is very unstable right now! It's just a little time before the data collection on my side! You find a way to stabilize him!"

Amy, who was far away in the war zone, flew ten fingers on the keyboard. He closed his eyes and talked with sin through telepathy.

Knowing Zhang Heng's situation at the moment, as soon as he gritted his teeth, the blood-red lined left eye suddenly shot a red light like ultraviolet rays.

Unconsciously turning the blood-red long sword in his hand, Zhang Heng blocked the attack of sin.

The feeling of palm numbness made Zhang Heng sober. He raised his head and looked at Sin in doubt and shock. Only then did he remember what had happened before.

"Why, why?"

Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and stood up. The anger that arose in his heart temporarily overwhelmed the fear. He stared at the sin and shouted angrily: "What are you doing! Why are you doing this!"

Like Zero, Zhang Heng doesn't understand why Sin treats himself and Zero this way.

Isn't it a partner

Isn't it a family member

Why can you hurt yourself so ruthlessly

Is it all fake

Is all this just disguise

Numerous doubts and questions suddenly appeared in his mind. Zhang Heng stared at Sin, and he hoped that Sin’s indifferent eyes could be changed, but the facts told him that not only did the indifferent eyes not change. Instead, he became more indifferent.

"Is that right?"

Zhang Heng smiled and smiled sadly. He looked at Sin sarcastically, looked at this one-eyed young man who had been regarded as a writer by him, and said in an unhumanly cold voice: "You have been pretending all the time. People like me and Zero are actually tools you can use, right?"

Zhang Heng finally understood and saw the true face of sin.

Regardless of whether it is zero or himself, or the greedy king, in fact, in the eyes of sin, it is just a tool for performing tasks. Once there is no value that can be used, it can be wiped and discarded at will like it is now.



Zhang Heng thinks that such adjectives are really ridiculous when applied to sin. A person like sin can do whatever it takes for his purpose. How can such a person have the notion of partners and family

"Exterminate all evil?"

Zhang Heng looked at Sin sarcastically, and ridiculed himself by saying what he had told him. This sentence was so disgusting at this moment in comparison.

"If this is the case, these things should almost be returned to you."

Without any hesitation, Zhang Heng reached out indifferently and pulled off his red uniform, revealing his upper body full of scars.


Sin looked at Zhang Heng silently. When he saw Zhang Heng lift up the "red blood handprint" printed on the uniform and cut it mercilessly with a blood red sword, his heart trembled uncontrollably.

"I quit."

A voice without any emotion floated from Zhang Heng's mouth. When this uniform was ruined, he already understood that he was no longer a member of the fight against crime.

Such an indifferent and ruthless leader gave Zhang Heng no reason to stay in Fight Crime.

Only withdrawing is the most correct choice...