Extinguish Crime

Chapter 88: Key (9)


The two people just looked at each other with indifferent eyes. No one spoke, but they could sense something between each other.

This battle cannot be avoided.

Slowly raising the blood red sword in his hand, Zhang Heng had not paid attention to the things that scared him at this moment. Compared with these things, the zero lying in the pool of blood behind him felt even more uncomfortable.

"Is there really no reason?"

After a moment of silence, Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and asked, he still didn't believe that sin had no reason to do such a thing to himself and zero.

"Sin, fight, other data has been collected, only the battle data is left!"

Sin just opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again because of the words from Amy.

"As you can see, there is no reason."

Sin raised the lightsaber in his hand to point to Zhang Heng, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised. This familiar smile now disgusted him in Zhang Heng's eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Heng turned his head and glanced at Zero, then turned his head and clasped the blood-red long sword with both hands.

Having got the answer, Zhang Heng no longer hesitated, and with the grief and anger in his heart, he swept his sword fiercely towards sin.

It was more than three times faster than usual, and Zhang Heng blinked and sprinted to the front of Sin. The lightsaber and the blood sword collided with each other. There was no sound, no sparks were also wiped out, but only There was a sound as if an object was being dissolved.

Not caring that his blood sword was dissolved by the high temperature of the lightsaber, Zhang Heng gritted his teeth, staring at Sin with his blood-red right eye, and an angry roar erupted from his mouth, just as he wanted to kill this at this moment. The determination of the one-eyed youth.

In the face of Zhang Heng's stormy attack, Sin kept that faint smile from beginning to end. He just stood in the same place without moving a step, only relying on the lightsaber in his hand to stop it again and again. Zhang Heng's offense.

"Damn it! You bastard, why don't you fight back! Do you feel guilty for doing all this!"

Zhang Heng hissed and roared, even though he knew that his offense had no effect on Sin, he still ignored the frenzied offense.

There is no reason to stop the attack.

After experiencing such a reality, Zhang Heng's long-standing trust in sin and belief in the curse of fighting crime have completely collapsed. This is like a believer who loses his faith and becomes flustered and angry.

Sin remained silent, his expression unchanged, and such expressions and actions made Zhang Heng more flustered and angry.

Zhang Heng very much hoped that Sin could fight back and that Sin could explain all of this. Even if it was a reason that he could not bear, it was better than being silent like this.

"Okay! The battle data is collected!"

In the silence, Amy's excitement sounded in Sin's mind.


He sighed slightly, glanced at Zhang Heng with complicated sin eyes, then he swung a sword at random to force Zhang Heng back, and walked to the side of Zero who fell unconscious on the ground.

"Asshole! What are you going to do!"

Zhang Heng was immediately furious. Seeing Sin stretched out his hand as if he wanted to do something to Zero, the anger in his heart burst out uncontrollably.

As soon as he took a step, Zhang Heng instantly felt weak in his limbs, his whole body seemed to have been struck by lightning, and he was completely stunned on the spot.

Sin looked at Zhang Heng indifferently, holding the black ring removed from the zero finger in his hand, and then suddenly squeezed the ring into powder.

With a bang... without any sign, Zhang Heng suddenly felt his brain in a mess, his consciousness and thinking became blurred, and his whole person fell to the ground with his head up.

"how so."

He tried to open his eyes hard, but his eyelids were heavy, and the blood-red right eye began to return to normal. He struggled and glanced at Zero lying in a pool of blood for the last time, his eyelids closed together heavily.

"Zhang Heng... Zhang Heng... Come chase me..."

Opening his eyes again, what Zhang Heng saw was the never-ending "chase" scene last time.

"How is this going…"

Zhang Heng looked at the zero in front of him with his back facing him blankly. This time he did not chase the zero in front of him because his consciousness was very clear. He knew that this was his own illusion, no matter how hard he tried to chase it, Can't catch up.

"Is that so?"

"Is even Amy using me?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Heng laughed at himself. He remembered the "dream plan" that Amy said when he was in the villa. He thought that Amy was helping himself, but he didn't expect this wise young man to be like sin. They are all playing with and using their feelings.

Waking up from the dream is the night after three days.

Zhang Heng stared at the familiar ceiling blankly for more than an hour.

Heartache inexplicably.

Whether it was his past or current situation, Zhang Heng almost collapsed.

After sitting up, Zhang Heng screamed crazily while holding his head, holding his head in pain.

He was in pain, but his brain was so clear, only the mood was extremely uncomfortable.

He hated such a self very much, and had already understood Zhang Heng a little bit in the past, and felt that this was a punishment given to him by the heavens as a "monster".

The door was pushed open forcefully, but Zhang Heng ignored it, still holding his head in pain, curled up at the foot of the bed and trembling.

Very scared and lonely.

It was the same mood as Arnold, who lost half of his face, Zhang Heng even thought of suicide.

What's the point

Turning into a monster, what is the point of living in this world like this

If you die, you won't feel any pain, right

"Hey! You, what's wrong with you!"

Zero turned on the dim lights in the room and climbed onto the bed with a panic expression on her face.

"Don't, don't touch me!"

Just when Zero wanted to open Zhang Heng's hands, Zhang Heng choked and screamed, and his body trembled more and more.

"Please... let me take it alone... leave me alone... please..."

He did not look up to see Zero, nor did he wipe the tears on his eyes. Zhang Heng was like an abandoned child, curled up in the corner alone. His thoughts at the moment were confused and numb. He didn't know how to face it. To zero.

Seeing Zhang Heng like this, Ling bit her pink lips lightly, an inexplicable heartache arose in her heart, as if it was not Zhang Heng who was suffering at this moment, but her own.

"Don't come here! Don't touch me!"

Regardless of Zhang Heng's struggle, he stubbornly opened his hands and stared directly at Zhang Heng's eyes full of panic and pain with his big, shining eyes.

From those big lovely eyes, Zhang Heng could see a trace of sadness, a trace of worry, and a trace of panic.

Zhang Heng lowered his head. With such eyes, he could no longer look directly at him as before. He thought that the monster himself had lost such qualifications.

"Why don't you dare to look at me?"

A voice with sorrow and sorrow came from the zero mouth, but Zhang Heng didn't get a response.

"Why is it so painful?"

Asked again, but still didn't get any answer.

"What the hell are you taking! Hey! Talk to me! Tell me!"

With a cry of questioning, Zhang Heng gritted his teeth tightly. Even if he was suffering unbearably at this moment, he could not confide to the girl in front of him.

Only one person is enough to bear it, and there is no need to let an extra person share the burden for oneself.

In the silence and depression, the door of the room was knocked, and then there was a heavy voice from Greed Wolf: "There is a new mission."