Extinguish Crime

Chapter 89: Key (10)


After speaking, Greed Wolf went down the stairs. Although Zhang Heng did not look at his expression, he could hear from this tone that Greed Wolf, who was always optimistic and cheerful, seemed to be in a bad mood.

Ling was stunned for a moment. She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, then bit her pink lips and glanced at Zhang Heng. At this moment, she wanted to be with Zhang Heng, but as a member of the fight against crime, the task is more important to her. everything.

Zero is still gone.

Hesitated and left the room.

I don't know how long it has passed, and I can't feel the flow of time at all.

Zhang Heng just looked at the ceiling numbly.

Obviously encountered such a thing, why do you want to participate in the so-called mission

Could it be that even Zero was brainwashed by sin? Has it become a war machine that can only perform tasks

Zhang Heng suddenly felt a burst of heartache, whether it was the "true face" of sin or the look of reluctance and hesitation when Zero left.

No, it can't be like this!

Can't let zero stay here!

Zhang Heng's eyes were scarlet. At this moment, he thought of Katya, who was on the front line, and of the dead Miyoko.

All this is fake!

Everything we do in Fighting Crime is hypocrisy!

An unquenchable anger seemed to be ignited in his heart, Zhang Heng stood up resolutely, shaking his body and slowly walked out of the room.

He is going to leave here, he is going to save Katia, he is going to take Zero away from this hypocritical organization!

With such thoughts, Zhang Heng came downstairs and stared at the sin sitting in the center of the hall with his scarlet eyes.

He is still the same.

The white windbreaker swayed slightly in the eyes, a white cigarette was dangling from the corner of his mouth, and the bewildering white mist lingered around the room, but it did not choke the throat as expected.

"Why, are you here?"

Sin hadn't turned around, but he had already noticed Zhang Heng behind him. He took a breath of cigarette lightly, spit out a circle of white mist, and said faintly: "Since it's here, then sit down."

sit down

Hearing such easy and simple words, Zhang Heng was stunned.

After something like that happened, this one-eyed young man actually thought he would sit here as before and discuss the so-called mission with him

Suddenly it felt ridiculous.

It's really ridiculous.

Zhang Heng laughed sarcastically, then found an empty stool casually and sat down.

Is there any reason not to sit

If you don't sit down, you won't be able to listen to the mission that these hypocritical people will announce next, right

The corners of Zhang Heng's mouth curled up slightly, full of self-deprecating. He stared at Sin's back without saying a word, making the rest of the people frown when they looked at him.

"It's time to start."

Before King Axe and Amy could speak, Sin waved his hand and motioned to Amy to start talking about the next mission to be announced.

Amy pushed the frame, looked away from Zhang Heng, and muttered for a moment. He said in a deep voice: "The war has already begun. This time the mission is very important. The crime has been discussed with the high level of the war zone. Within three months, we will Fight crime sneaks into the new world to collect information on troops and other high-level personnel. Once the time is right, the war zone will start a raid on the new world from the front line..."

"Then the general plan is already clear to everyone."

After Amy finished talking about the details of the mission and the strategic deployment, Sin got up and went to the wall of the room, and pointed his finger at the map hanging on the wall: "In this operation, Zero will be responsible for sneaking into the new world to collect intelligence. Greedy Wolf, King Axe, you two are responsible for covering and assisting the soldiers in the war zone to win the front line stronghold..."

"Just enough..."

Sin Zheng said solemnly, Zhang Heng suddenly got up and interrupted him, and then in the eyes of everyone, Zhang Heng got up and walked towards Sin, staring at Sin with those scarlet eyes, word by word coldly. Said: "Give me enough! Don't you think everything you say and do now is so ridiculous? Why do people like you let us work hard for you? You scumbag!"

As soon as the word scum fell, Zhang Heng suddenly threw out his fist and smashed it into the face of sin.

The crime that could have escaped this punch easily, was knocked to the ground by Zhang Heng, his handsome and tough left cheek was red and swollen at the moment, and it seemed that he was injured.

"You! Are you crazy! What are you doing!"

Greedy Lang's eyes widened and looked at Zhang Heng angrily. He didn't know what happened the other day, so he couldn't understand Zhang Heng's behavior at the moment.

"Enough! Zhang Heng, calm down!"

King Axe frowned, sitting on the stool with his arms around his chest and shouting in a deep voice. He knew sin very well. Since this one-eyed young man did not choose to avoid Zhang Heng’s blow, it means he had his intentions, so at this moment he was just talking. Stop Zhang Heng without getting up to stop.

There was no speech, only Amy and Zero remained silent, but the attitudes of the two were completely different. Amy frowned tightly, seeming to be hesitating, while Zero bit her pink lips, looking a little sad. .

After a while, Sin stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, smiling at Zhang Heng: "In this case, you should feel better? If it is not enough, you can continue."


How to continue

Is it going to continue all this

Zhang Heng stared at Sin with great anger. He really wanted to punch Sin again and slam it on Sin’s face, but he didn’t do so, because he knew that sin, such an expression of no resistance, is a kind of atonement. the behavior of.

"You are really scary, sin, I didn't expect you to be such a scary man."

Zhang Heng laughed coldly: "Do you think this can redeem the things you did? It's ridiculous, you are really ridiculous."

"you are wrong."

Sin looked directly at Zhang Heng’s angry eyes with plain eyes, and said calmly: "Everything I did, I didn’t regret it at all. Even if I knew it would hurt you and Zero, I would still do it. ."

When the words of sin fell, Zhang Heng didn't hesitate, and slammed him to the ground with a fierce punch. At the same time, he roared: "Is there no regret? Are you not regretful? Is this true? You are. Bastard, do you know what you are doing!"

"Zhang Heng! You misunderstood. Actually, you did that because you wanted to..."

Amy couldn't stand it anymore. He gritted his teeth and just wanted to explain something, but Sin gave a cold drink: "Yes, I am the person you imagined."

With that said, Sin stood up again. This time, instead of wiping the bruises on the corners of his mouth, he looked at Zhang Heng indifferently and said indifferently: "Let me answer you, why should I do such a thing."

"In order to end all this, in order to end this decadent world, I must do this, because the curse gene in your body will be the "key" to unlock all of this..."

"No matter what you think, even if you think I'm hypocritical, in order to collect the genetic data in your body, Amy and I have indeed used you. In order to understand all this, in order to liberate the world, I must do this. do you understand… "