Extinguish Crime

Chapter 90: Fight crime


The key to everything

In order to collect genetic data in one's body, can you do such a thing without any worries

Zhang Heng was completely stunned on the spot. His body trembled violently, and his fists were just clenched. If he could, if he had enough strength, he really wanted to use his fists to awaken the sin.

There is no longer any meaning left.

For a leader like Sin who is unscrupulous for his own ends, Zhang Heng feels that he has nothing to follow.

The only thing you can't worry about is zero...

Lifting his head, Zhang Heng looked directly at Zero with hopeful and sincere eyes, stretched out his hand and said with a slight trembling lips: "Let's go, come with me, leave here, leave the fight against crime."

Zero was stunned.

Completely stunned on the spot.

I don't know how to answer or how to face Zhang Heng.


Where can I go after I leave

Zero confused staring at Zhang Heng, staring at the young man who made her feel uneasy, and for a while, she didn't know how to answer.

"Hey! Are you really crazy? Why do you want to leave us! Damn, you guy gave me an explanation! Don't say anything like leaving me casually!"

At this time, Greed Wolf was the happiest person of course. After all, he hated Zhang Heng. However, Greed Wolf suddenly remembered the pictures of Zhang Heng's life during this period of time, and the pictures of Zhang Heng saying he cared about him a few months ago. , It was the ridicule that just came to the mouth, and it turned into words that wanted to keep Zhang Heng.

"Although you don't know what happened, Zhang Heng, you have to understand that from the moment you join the fight against crime, you should have such an awareness..."

King Axe coldly said something that seemed to be comforting, but before he could finish speaking, Zhang Heng interrupted him with a roar.

"Enlightenment? Is the enlightenment being used at will and then abandoned? I'm sorry! I am not ready for such an enlightenment!"

Roaring out of the anger in his heart, Zhang Heng calmed down a bit, then he looked around the crowd, fixed his gaze on Zero, gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand again and said: "Will you go with me? I already know, I The lost memory, I have "seen"...Zero, I don't want to see you hurt, will you leave here with me?"

This sentence was full of hope and worry, which made Zero’s eyes clouded with mist. Such a performance was not because of moving, nor because of the things that sin did to herself, but what she could experience. Heng concealed a deep panic and helplessness at this moment.

That's right, Zhang Heng was flustered and confused.

Although the cover-up was very good, Zero still saw it, and a trace of panic could be seen in Zhang Heng's dark and bright eyes.

What are you afraid of

What is he afraid of

It was not clear why Zhang Heng was panicking at the moment, so that Ling also panicked. She was also very scared, afraid that Zhang Heng would leave herself and fight crime.

After waiting for a while without seeing zero reply, Zhang Heng roared, his lips trembled slightly and said, "Please, come with me! I, there is only you by my side! So, please, leave with me Come here! Please..."

Almost choked to say these words, Zhang Heng was very scared. He was afraid that he would become a monster, that the people around him would deny himself because of this, and he was even more afraid that Zero would be harmed by the use of sin.

No matter what it is, it is a result that Zhang Heng cannot bear.

It's about to collapse.

Zhang Heng, who was on the verge of collapse, half-kneeled on the ground like a lunatic, hugged his head in pain, tears of panic dripping in his eye sockets.

"look at me…"

Zero now stepped forward to hold up Zhang Heng’s head with both hands, stared at Zhang Heng with his big eyes full of mist, smiled slightly and said, “No need to be afraid, no need to worry, I’m always there for you. By your side, have you forgotten? We are all your family..."

She is like a mother who cares for her child. After speaking, she hugged Zhang Heng tightly and comforted her softly: "Don’t leave, okay? Promise me, don’t leave me, okay? No matter what happens, don’t leave. Me, can you promise me?..."

Zhang Heng clenched his teeth hard and didn't answer zero. He knew that he must be embarrassed when he was crying and weeping, but compared to the pain in his heart, what is this

Zhang Heng couldn't help thinking of everything that had happened in the past six months, flashing through his mind like a movie.

Miyoko's smile, Katia's smile, Daguerre's smile...

The smiles of everyone around him clearly came to mind at this moment.

Why, why in such a world, after experiencing such painful things, they can still show such a smile

Very confused, Zhang Heng was very confused. He didn't know the answer or why Miyuko and the others kept smiling like that until the moment they died.

"Want to know the answer?"

After a long time, until Zhang Heng's mood stabilized a little, Sin lighted a cigarette again, took a deep breath and then exhaled a punch of white mist, and looked at the night sky outside the door indifferently: "Actually...I also miss it. Know the answer to all of this."

"It's painful, isn't it? I'm always worried that I will become a monster, and that the family around me will leave me because of this... This feeling is really painful..."

Sinful laughter, everyone was silent at this moment, and some of the past that did not want to be remembered were drawn out because of the sentence of sin. Even the greedy wolf, who has always been cheerful and optimistic, is trembling slightly at this moment. Then, his eyes slowly turned scarlet.

"Do you know, Zhang Heng, do you know what all this is for?"

It wasn't until after smoking a whole cigarette that Sin looked at Zhang Heng who was numb and bewildered, and said with a serious expression: "I once promised that since God can no longer punish this sinful world, then let us Fight crime to implement all of this, no matter what kind of predicament, no matter how many people are going to die, this belief has not wavered!"

"There are always people who have to stand up, and there are always people who have to pay their lives for the pursuit of the lost beauty, because I know that this is the fate of those of us who bear the curse. We cannot escape, we must stand up, and only keep going. Go on unswervingly until the moment when our lives are burned out, we can't stop."

"Take up a weapon, Zhang Heng, use the weapon in your hand to slay the obstacles that stand in front of you!"

Sin stared at the bright red "blood-red handprint" embroidered on his chest with cold and hot eyes, and then tightly grasped the blood-red dazzling blood handprint with his hands, and shouted in a low and hoarse voice: "I live here as Mart. Swear to you! All the sins and evils of this world will be judged!"

"Exterminate all sin and evil!"

"Crime Fight!"

The loud, solemn roar, at this moment, at this second, came from the mouth of sin.

Whether it was Amy, King Axe, or even Greed Wolf, they wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes, and stretched out their hands to tightly grasp the blood-red handprints on the sleeves.

at this moment.

The blood-red, slightly curved, bloody handprints that seemed to be grasping something, blended perfectly with their outstretched palms.

This is not a ritual, nor does it have any special meaning.

This just represents their scorching heart that wants to kill all the sins and evils in this world, nothing more...