Extinguish Crime

Chapter 92: Christmas (1)


January 1, 3157.

For the war zone, today is a very special day.

According to the term "old world", today's day is equivalent to "Christmas" for the war zone.

Goddess Advent Day.

According to Amy’s untitled record, today is the so-called "goddess advent day."

Because the book didn't explain what the so-called "goddess descended" means, Zhang Heng approached Amy and asked about it this morning.

"I'm afraid I can't answer you with this question."

Amy took a sip of coffee from a generation, pushed the frame and said: "You can understand that the current supreme ruler of the war zone is a woman called the "Goddess of the Earth", and the Goddess of the Earth is here. Today, more than ten years ago, the war zone was established alone, so today’s day can be said to be the only festival worth celebrating in the war zone."

"As for the information about the Goddess of the Earth, I have not collected it yet, and I don't have any channels, so I can't tell you more about it for the time being."

With this answer, Zhang Heng couldn't help but become curious about the so-called goddess of the earth.

Has one person established a war zone

What kind of woman would this be

While curious, Zhang Heng was also surprised. He never thought that the leader of the war zone would be a woman.

Well, such a thought naturally has Zhang Heng's "male chauvinism", but it is more of curiosity about the strength of the goddess of the earth.

Leaving aside the combat power of the personnel in the theater for the time being, the number of personnel alone is more than ten times that of the stable area. Zhang Heng feels that since this woman can become the leader of the theater, her strength and personality charm will certainly not be worse than sin. many.

Speaking of sin, Zhang Heng didn't know how to treat this one-eyed youth until this moment.

What happened before, no matter what the reason, Zhang Heng could not forgive the sin.

Is it possible to hurt yourself and zero for the so-called "key"

For Zhang Heng, the partners and family around him are for guarding, not for exploiting and hurting. Therefore, he cannot understand the behavior of sin, so at this moment, his decision is to stay in the fight against crime for the time being. As long as the time is right, he will still withdraw. .

No matter whether Zero will follow him or not, Zhang Heng will withdraw because he cannot follow a leader who is not recognized by him.

"Zhang Heng, do you know the truth of "involuntary"?"

Just as Zhang Heng was about to leave the cabin, Amy suddenly raised her head and asked with a smile.

"I understand."

After a moment of silence, Zhang Heng nodded, but then shook his head again: "But this can't be used as an excuse. To use is to use, and to hurt is to hurt. No matter what reason is used, there is no reason to justify this."

"I believe you will understand one day..."

Amy smiled slightly mysteriously, then ignored Zhang Heng and looked down at the book seriously and intently.

"...Hope it."

Zhang Heng glanced at Amy, said lightly, and left the room.

If it is possible, Zhang Heng certainly does not want to leave the fight against crime.

Living with Ling and the others for so long, there have been laughter and tears, it feels like being with the family. As a member of this big family, Zhang Heng naturally doesn't want to leave so easily.

However, there is no alternative, Zhang Heng has no choice. He cannot agree with the extreme behavior of sin, which is unscrupulous for the sake of purpose. What is the difference between such behavior and those sinners in the new world

In order to achieve the goal, who knows whether sin will kill himself? Will you abandon zero and other partners

Therefore, in order not to experience such pain, only leaving is the best choice.


The starry sky at night in the war zone is still so gorgeous, giving people the illusion of living in the "old world".

But when people sniffed the pungent gunpowder in the air and listened to the battle horn that sounded at that time, all this became a little illusory.

No change.

None of this has changed. The world is still full of gunpowder smoke, and there are still people dying every day.

Therefore, today, on this sacred "Goddess Advent Day", whether it is soldiers in the war zone or ordinary civilians, everyone gathers in the "Goddess Square" in the center of the war zone.

Hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, like densely packed ants, occupy every corner of the square, and even because there is no place to stay, some adults will carry their children on their shoulders.

Everyone is admiring the "goddess statue" in the center of the square and praying for the goddess and her family.

"Wow... a lot of people!"

On the roof of a residential building near the square, Zero couldn't help sighing, her face full of curiosity and excitement. This was the first time she participated in such a grand festival.

Sin, Amy, King Axe, Greedy Wolf, Zhang Heng and others also came, but Zhang Heng was not with Sin and them, nor with Zero. Instead, he and Arnold stood near the square and looked out. The top of the tower.

"Not bad, I didn't expect to see you in a few months, you guys have changed a lot!"

Zhang Heng smiled and raised his fist and gently hammered the shoulder of Arnold beside him. He did not expect that in just a few months, Arnold's body had become so strong, and even his arms were slightly bulging. Strong muscles.

Arnold touched the thick eyebrows with some embarrassment. This simple and kind-hearted young man still can't change his simple character when facing friends: "It's okay, my strength is probably not as good Brother Zhang Heng is half of you."

Hearing these words, Zhang Heng shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression. He knew best about his own strength, and he was indeed much stronger than Arnold.

"I said, you guy and Ronnie have been married for almost three months, right? How is it going?"

Zhang Heng smiled and teased. To tell the truth, Arnold was a little envious that he could marry such a gentle and beautiful wife as Ronnie.

"Ah...don't mention it, Ronnie is always clinging to me, this kind of life is simply too bad."

Arnold looked like a headache.

"Haha, you guy, don't be blessed in the blessing. If I had a wife as gentle and virtuous as Ronnie, I wouldn't be stupid to be a soldier like you."

Zhang Heng said this because Ronnie had asked him before and asked Zhang Hengduo to persuade Arnold not to join the army.

After several months of training, Arnold has successfully passed the recruit test. If nothing else, he will officially go on the battlefield next month.

Obviously, Ronnie didn't want to see Arnold on the battlefield, even Zhang Heng thought that way.

"Hey... Brother Zhang Heng, don't persuade me."

Arnold frowned and looked firmly at the crowded square: "I have to join the army and I have to go to the battlefield. This is my long-cherished wish. Besides... the little guys in Garell once called me for As for the sir, as their sir, I will not back down! Never! Never..."

Bang bang bang!

As soon as the voice fell, colorful fireworks exploded in the sky over the square, rendering the starry sky illusory and colorful...