Extinguish Crime

Chapter 94: Goddess article


Just like the identity of sin, the "Goddess of Earth" is the absolute only leader in the war zone.

No one questioned the goddess of the earth, and no one felt wrong about being led by a woman in the war zone.

This is not only the personality charm of the goddess of the earth, but also because if the war zone does not have this woman, then the new world will instantly break through.

This is not an exaggeration.

The goddess of the earth, who possesses the "power of the earth", is the only patron saint of the war zone. Outside the steel city wall on the edge of the war zone, there is a ring of tough stone walls about 100 meters high. It will recover in just a few seconds.

This is the patron saint of the war zone... the powerful curse power possessed by the goddess of the earth.

There are three areas in the theater.

Looking down from the sky, the huge war zone is like a "circular compass."

The marginal position is the "frontline area" of war.

The middle level near the edge is the "slum area" where the civilians live. This is the place where Zhang Heng and others live at the moment.

The most central location is the only palace made of steel in the war zone... the Temple of the Goddess.

At the top of the silver-white steel palace, which is neither gorgeous nor crude, stands the "white dove flag" that Zhang Heng has seen before.

The flag is still swaying in the wind, and the white dove that seems to represent "freedom" is spreading its wings in the sky, soaring freely.

Longing for freedom

Under Luo Lun's leadership, Zhang Heng, Sin and others rode to the Temple of the Goddess. Zhang Heng stood in front of the palace, staring at the flag. He seemed to see something.

"Then, I can only send you all here."

As the guide, Loren bowed slightly with a little apology and guilt, then stepped forward and murmured a few words with the soldiers outside the palace gate, and then rode out of here.

"Hey, what are you dumbfounded about, let's go."

Zhang Heng stared at the banner in a daze, and Zero habitually knocked on his head, and walked into the palace gate with a sweet smile jumping and sin.

"Damn it, do you need to hit this place every time!"

Zhang Heng held his head, complained a few words in his heart dissatisfied, and then walked into the palace.

When entering the gate, the two soldiers at the door bowed slightly to pay respect to Zhang Heng, thinking it was Luo Lun who had explained Zhang Heng's identity to them before.

"That, excuse me."

The bows of the two soldiers made Zhang Heng a little embarrassed. He scratched the back of his head and walked in with an awkward smile.

Walking on the red carpet in the palace, Zhang Heng looked around, and found that there were only a few pillars around, except for a few high-brightness lamps hanging on the walls, there were no other decorations at all.

It's really ordinary.

As Zhang Heng walked, he continued to observe the surrounding environment. He knew that the layout of a room could well see the character of the owner.

"You guy is so slow."

After a while, Zhang Heng came to the center of the palace, and while sitting on a chair by the side, Zero puffed his mouth and glanced at Zhang Heng with some dissatisfaction. Then he pointed to the empty seat beside him and signaled Zhang Heng to take his seat.

"Is this the palace where the goddess of the earth lives?"

Sitting next to Zero, Zhang Heng asked a little curiously. He didn't expect that as the supreme ruler of the war zone, he lived in such an ordinary place.

It seems to be an easy person to get along with, right

Through the observation of the palace, Zhang Heng felt that the goddess of the earth he was about to see should be a woman who was relatively easy to get along with. Otherwise, if she had a savage personality like Ling, he would be very concerned about the layout of the room.

Suddenly recalled the zero room in the villa.

Zhang Heng sighed helplessly. Compared to Zero Room, this place is simply ordinary and can no longer be ordinary.

"Hey! You guy sighed for no reason!"

Even though Zhang Heng was covering up well, she still did not escape zero observation. In fact, she was always paying attention to Zhang Heng when she was sitting next to him.

There is no reason, and Zero does not know why he would “observe Zhang Heng secretly”.

"Uh... it's nothing."

Zhang Heng was taken aback obviously, and shook his head in embarrassment. In order to prevent his innocent head from being ravaged, Zhang Heng naturally couldn't tell the truth.

"Huh... I always feel that you are not at ease."

Petty glared at Zhang Heng with distrustful eyes.

"Hey, I sigh as if it's my business, right? Do you even have to take care of such a thing?"

Zhang Heng frowned. Zero's behavior simply restricted his personal freedom and made him very dissatisfied.

"I said, you two be quiet and don't forget that we are now guests."

At this time, Sin said helplessly, rubbing his forehead with quite a headache. As a leader, he allowed his subordinates to fight in other people's places, which made him feel that he was a "failure" as a leader.

Zhang Heng gave Zhang Heng a fierce look, and turned his head as if he had no anger.

what! It's best to ignore me!

Zhang Heng twitched at the corner of his mouth and turned his head too.

Like children arguing, their actions left everyone speechless.

Ta Ta Ta...

After a while, the sound of wooden clogs landing abruptly sounded in the palace. Then, a young man wearing a black samurai robe with three "black, red and white" samurai swords hung around his waist appeared in the sight of everyone.

Weiss people

Zhang Heng carefully looked at the expressionless young man in black samurai robes standing next to the "throne" in the palace. He was a little surprised to find that this young man was one-eyed like sin, but he didn't wear a blindfold like sin. .

The young man's expression at the moment was meticulous and full of the samurai's unique fortitude. His closed left eye had a "cross-shaped scar", and his right eye was clear and bright, as if he was always looking around.

"Not bad... this person is very strong."

Ling looked at the young man plainly and muttered in a low voice, seeming to warn Zhang Heng that this man is not weak.

Zhang Heng pursed his lips and did not express anything, but he knew that there were not many opponents that could be admitted by Zero, so Zhang Heng would naturally not underestimate the strength of this young man.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting."

A clear and sweet voice resounded abruptly in the palace. Listening to the voice, it should be a woman.

Everyone looked at the throne involuntarily.

On the silver-white throne, a woman with long hair and waist is sitting at the moment. She is wearing a pale white gauze that resembles a wedding dress, with an inexplicably reassuring smile at the corner of her mouth, both in appearance and in words and deeds. All make her look very elegant.

Zhang Heng was stunned, and the others except Sin and King Axe were also stunned.

Whether it was Zhang Heng or Zero, this was the first time they saw such a classical and elegant woman, and also the first time they saw the "Goddess of the Earth"... the supreme patron saint of the war zone!