Extinguish Crime

Chapter 96: The mission code is to fight crime


Obviously, it is the same situation as Carl questioned the strength of the fight crime organization before, and Amy and Sin are equally worried about the overall combat power of the theater.


The Goddess of the Earth was stunned, and had to say that a classically elegant woman like her was very elegant no matter what she did.

After pondering for a while, the Goddess of the Earth pursed her lips, looked at Amy with a smile, and said softly: "Are you worried about the strength of our theater army?"

What he said was sin. He nodded, looked calmly at the Goddess of the Earth, and said faintly: "Although our approach is a bit rude, but after observation over the past few days, we have roughly understood the military in your war zone. Strength, with all due respect, the overall combat strength of your theater armies is probably less than half of that of the New World Army. Of course, I can’t deny the strength of the “Bearded General” who drank all day long. He is indeed a very strong man."

Hearing the term "General Beard" again, Zhang Heng couldn't help but think of the "sloppy middle-aged man" he had met at the Alliance meeting before.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man with his chin full of scum like that, drunk like his life, actually got the approval of sin.


At this time, Miyamoto Chief Soldier, who was standing next to the throne, looked indifferently at Sin, and said ironically: "Do you think this is the full strength of our theater? It's ridiculous."

"Long soldiers!"

The goddess of the earth suddenly interrupted Miyamoto's speech, and then said apologetically to the sin: "I understand what you mean. I'm sorry. For some reason, regarding the hidden combat power in our theater, I only I can tell you alone, so can I trouble your partners to avoid it for a while?"

The voice of the goddess of the earth is very soft and clear, and it is as beautiful as music in everyone's ears.

"Don't be so troublesome."

After hearing these words, Sin smiled faintly, and then looked at Amy.

Amy nodded, and then took off his glasses. Under Miyamoto's vigilant gaze, Amy's originally dark and bright eyes slowly turned dark red.


The goddess of the earth looked at Amy's dark red eyes with some surprise, and the voice of sin resounded in her mind.

I don't know what sin and the goddess of the earth talked about. After the palace was quiet for more than ten minutes, Amy's eyes returned to normal.

At the same time, Sin also showed a faint smile, nodded to the goddess of the earth, smiled and said: "I already understand, then, proceed according to the original plan."

"Good luck to all of you, and I believe that God will bless you all the time."

The goddess of the earth also smiled the same, and the soft voice fell on everyone's ears, making people feel peaceful.

Is it really a goddess

Zhang Heng didn't pay much attention to the content of the conversation between Sin and the Goddess of the Earth. Instead, he became more and more curious about the Goddess of the Earth.

"Put away your presumptuous gaze for me!"

Just as Zhang Heng was fascinated by the sight, Miyamoto Chief Soldier yelled in a low voice without accident. He was about to draw his sword, but was stopped by a soft drink from the Goddess of Earth.

"I'm very sorry, I..."

Zhang Heng returned to his senses, knowing that his actions just now were a bit unreasonable. He scratched his head awkwardly and prepared to apologize. However, the goddess of the earth above the throne slightly nodded to him and smiled faintly: "Don't care, if you can, Can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Zhang Heng."

The kind attitude of the goddess of the earth made Zhang Heng feel inexplicably relieved, and he naturally said his name.

"Zhang Heng?..."

At the moment when he heard Zhang Heng's name, the Goddess of the Earth stared and looked a little confused. For the first time, she lost her mind in front of everyone. She looked like Zhang Heng's name before, but she couldn't remember it.

Zhang Heng became more and more convinced of the inexplicable familiarity that had appeared in his mind before. He believed that before he lost his memory, he must have met the goddess of the earth, otherwise, he and the goddess of the earth would not have the same feeling.

However, Zhang Heng's surprise was that even though the goddess of the earth had the same illusion as herself, she didn't seem to care. She just nodded to Zhang Heng and said with a smile: "May God bless you, Zhang Heng..."


After a moment of silence, Zhang Heng solemnly nodded his head to express his gratitude. Although he wanted to solve these mysteries in his heart, he decided not to pursue the question. He knew that a kind woman like the goddess of the earth would know anything about his past. , Even if you don't ask yourself, this kind woman will tell herself.

Obviously, the goddess of the earth seemed to be a little vague about her own past, otherwise, she would not have shown that confused look just now.

A few days later, a total of 1,457 legions of varying numbers in the war zone began to take action to prepare for the upcoming war. The civilians living in the middle of the war zone had "white pigeons" erected at the door of every household at the same time. banner".

Just like tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of "white doves" are flying in the wind.

On this day, at this moment, the desire for freedom hidden in everyone's heart was released.

"For our family! To bring the world back to peace! For freedom! Soldiers, take the weapons in your hands and fight for my life!"

"I believe that freedom will last forever!"

"Freedom is forever!"

Millions of armored soldiers and army commanders looked up at the white dove flag held high by the "Goddess Statue" in the central square of the theater in the scorching sun, shouting in unison the phrase "Freedom is forever."

Very spectacular scene.

Millions of soldiers lined up in a neat line, with their faces firmly placed their right hands on their left shoulders.

For this freedom, in order to protect the family around them, this group of soldiers are willing to dedicate their fiery heart!

In this life-gambled war, what everyone pursues is just that... freedom!

Five days later, inside the small wooden house near the Rose Ranch.

"Then, according to the plan agreed upon between us and the theater, starting today, we will fight crime and sneak into the new world to collect intelligence."

Sin held a cigarette in his mouth, pointed his finger at the "Hua Li Castle" on the map, which represents the New World Palace. Then, his eyes swept across the crowd deeply, and he shouted, "This time, no failure is allowed in this mission. I understand. What's up!"

No one answered, but everyone's eyes were filled with firm light.

"Then, go to rest, tonight, officially start the mission!"

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, Sin looked at the blue sky filled with gunpowder smoke outside the door, and he shouted firmly: "It is so decided, this action will bet on the glory of our fight against sin! Therefore, this time the mission code will be named … Fight crime!"