Extinguish Crime

Chapter 98: Set off



Zhang Heng lay alone on the lawn of the ranch.

With his hands behind his head, he looked up at the sky full of stars.

We will leave in three hours.

The operational mission code-named "Crime Fighting" is coming soon.

Very upset.

Very tangled.

Zhang Heng didn't know whether to join Zero and the others in this mission.

Zhang Heng didn't want to leave, but thinking of what Sin had done to himself and Zero made him have to leave.

What meaning can be left behind

The so-called "crime suppression" is nothing more than the "hypocrisy" carried out by the corpses of the partners around them. What is the meaning of an organization like this

On the one hand, they hate crime, on the other hand, they cannot be assured of zero safety.

This made Zhang Heng very irritable and didn't know what decision he should make.

If you leave, Zero will be in danger, right

Even though she knew that Ling was stronger than herself, Zhang Heng still couldn't rest assured that she dived into the new world alone.

"Oh, the night is still so great tonight."

There was a familiar laughter around him, and Zhang Heng ignored him. Since the last incident, he has never talked to Sin alone, and even after meeting occasionally, Zhang Heng was guilty of sin like a stranger. Passing by.

Seeing Zhang Heng ignored himself, Sin didn't care, he still looked at the night sky with a smile, and did not continue to speak.

The atmosphere seemed a little depressing.

Two people were lying down, the other was standing, no one spoke, but they seemed to be able to feel each other's thoughts.

Sin knew that Zhang Heng was leaving.

Zhang Heng also knew that Sin wanted to stay by himself.

However, no one spoke.

No one spoke, just looking at the night sky quietly.

We have been together for so long, and we know each other's personality very well. In such a situation, it might be better not to speak up.

But in fact, even if you speak, what can you do

If Zhang Heng asked Sin to give up his extreme ideas, would Sin agree

If sin opens up and keeps Zhang Heng behind, will Zhang Heng agree

Whether it's Zhang Heng or Sin, they already know the answers in each other's hearts, so even if those extra words are spoken out, they are just useless nonsense.

After spending two hours quietly in this way, Sin who stood still sighed suddenly, then turned and left.

"There is already news from Katia."

Leaving this sentence that made Zhang Heng stunned, the figure of sin has disappeared.

Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and sat up. After hesitating for a moment, he got up and walked to the cabin in the distance.

Zhang Heng knew that this was a "conspiracy" of crime, and used Katiya's information to passively participate in the mission.

Even if he knew this, Zhang Heng had no choice.

For Katya, he must participate in this mission operation.

When Zhang Heng returned to the cabin, Sin, Amy and others had all gathered here.

Seeing Zhang Heng walk into the room without saying a word, the corners of Sin's mouth raised slightly, and he smiled and waved to Amy, motioning him to continue reading the next mission plan.

"Then, just act according to the plan drawn up earlier."

Amy pushed the frame, and then used a pen on the map on the table to circle the "frontline area" sandwiched between the war zone and the new world, and said in a deep voice: "According to the information obtained, if you want to sneak into the new world "imperial capital", only The stronghold breaking through the front line rushed through the gate."

"Isn't this dangerous?"

Zhang Heng frowned, pointed to the gorgeous castle on the map, and said, "Couldn't we sneak in from the rest of the castle? Don't we have a helicopter? If you assault from mid-air, the effect will be better?"


Amy looked at Zhang Heng with a serious face, and calmly analyzed: "There are electromagnetic nets with a strength of more than 10,000 volts above the imperial capital and around the city walls. Let alone break through, even awakened people like us cannot. near."

"Then, let me go! Leave the task of breaking through the gate to me!"

After getting Amy's answer, Zhang Heng gritted his teeth and said.


Amy directly rejected Zhang Heng's proposal, then looked at Zero on the side, and calmly said: "The mission of sneaking in is only performed by zero energy."


Zhang Heng roared directly, making everyone stunned, "Why let one take the risk! If she fails, wouldn't it be in danger!"

"Aren't we partners? Aren't we family members? Why can we watch Zero go on an adventure!"

Zhang Heng almost exploded all the anger that had been held in his heart these days, and yelled at everyone in anger. He couldn't believe that this group of people would be so cold-blooded and ruthless, and they could watch their partners adventurously. Indifferent.

This is their true face, right

This is the true face of the fight against crime, right

Zhang Heng sneered and looked sarcastically at the plain-faced crime around him. He finally understood that the so-called family members and the so-called partners were just their disguise.

"Ten minutes left."

Ignoring Zhang Heng's mood, Sin raised his wrist to check the time, then lit a cigarette, took a light puff, and exhaled a circle of white mist: "The plan remains the same. After ten minutes, start to act!"

Except for Zhang Heng, the others, even Zero, nodded silently, indicating that they had acquiesced to the sin proposal.

"You guys, you bastards!"

Zhang Heng almost broke his teeth. He stared at Zero in disbelief, and shouted in a low voice: "Do you even agree? Do you understand that he is using you? Is this acceptable to you?"

This series of questions caused Ling's gaze to dodge, and he dared not look directly at Zhang Heng's eyes. Looking at her like this, Zhang Heng became more and more convinced that Ling was forced to perform the task by the sinners.

Zhang Heng was planning to take Zero’s little hand and lead her away, but the king of Axe grabbed his skirt and pulled him to the front, staring at him with the scarlet eyes like evil spirits, and shouted angrily. "Do you know what you are doing? You bastard, have you forgotten all the things I taught you in the past few months? Ah, you really let me down, a guy like you, for a lifetime Can't become stronger!"

"Let him go."

King Axe just raised his fist to wake Zhang Heng, but Sin reached out to stop him.

With a grunt, King Axe let go of Zhang Heng and stared at him coldly.

The atmosphere was a bit stiff, and no one was talking for the rest of the time.

Ten minutes later, Sin stood at the door and waved his hand, and shouted in a deep voice: "Go!"

The two words fell, no one responded, Axe King and Greed Wolf walked out of the room first, and after a few breaths, people disappeared into the dark night.

Afterwards, Zero's eyes turned around and glanced at Zhang Heng with a complicated look, and left here with sin.

"Let's go, if you really want to protect her, then use your actions to prove it."

Amy pushed the frame, picked up the already cooled coffee on the table and drank it, then walked out of the room with some instruments.


Not long after, the roar of armored vehicles rang outside the door.

Looking at Amy sitting in the car hesitantly, Zhang Heng gritted his teeth, walked out of the room, and got into the armored car.

The armored car started, like a flash of silver lightning, and disappeared into the silent dark night in the blink of an eye.

The war has begun!