Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 1: Great recommendation


Please enter the text. Looking forward to, looking forward to, spring... Ah, no, the big recommendation is finally here!

Many authors say in their testimonials that they never thought they would get a lot of citations, which is absolutely nonsense.

The fourth child always dreams about being promoted to a big promotion. One, two, three, one a week or something. Then my author level skyrocketed, my remuneration skyrocketed, my self-confidence skyrocketed, I signed a platinum contract, published in both traditional and simplified Chinese, adapted comics, online games, and film and television dramas, and I caught up with a pretty girl who liked me...

Of course, the stock market in this book is not particularly novel, and those fantasies can only be fantasies. But this big recommendation is real.

To put it narcissistically, the fourth child can be regarded as sitting in Yue Wen and has stepped up to a higher level. From now on, I can't say that I have jumped into the street, but I am still far away from becoming a god.

The fourth child is not satisfied and wants to become a god. He wants to become a level 5 author as soon as possible. This has many benefits.

The big recommendation was applied by my favorite editor Winnie, the beautiful lady. Winnie is not only beautiful in person and soul, but more importantly, she also gives a lot of help to the fourth child. No matter what troubles the fourth child has, she helps to correct some errors and omissions after uploading chapters. , or ask her about some plot points, Pooh will be able to give the fourth child a lot of help and guidance, and make the fourth child take many detours.

Every big recommendation from Laosi was applied for by Winnie, which is also the reason why the book’s scores are getting better and better. No one has seen it, no one has collected it, so how can I subscribe? Without subscription, where will the royalties come from

For a full-time author like Lao Si, if there is no royalties, then he will just wait to starve to death. Of course, it’s not that the fourth child can’t carry his shoulders or raise his hands. The fourth child also worked for a central enterprise before. But now, the fourth child is a fat man, but he is not a dead fat man, he is alive, alive! Those in the group who say I'm too fat, I'll remember you. If you can, don't leave after school!

Besides Winnie, the person who helped the fourth child the most was Handsome Lie Shou. If it weren't for the strong hand and encouragement, the fourth child would have built the subway.

Of course, I also want to thank editor Sheng Xia, who also gave Lao Si a lot of help. Thanks to Editor-in-Chief Hu Shuo and Editor-in-Chief Taishan, thank you for your love.

What I want to thank most is the readers who have never given up. Without your subscriptions, rewards, monthly votes, recommendation votes, and every word of encouragement from the book friends group, Laosi would not be where he is today.

This book is a reborn business novel. It does not talk about politics or national affairs. There will be no such plots in the future. Because Lao Si was warned twice, he fell in love without knowing it. Although Lao Si writes about positive public servants, they are also easily misjudged for violations. Therefore, Lao Si does not cause trouble for himself, nor does he let readers We found that the chapter was blocked again or something.

For one day, Laosi was revising the previous article. For example, Jianlibao was changed to Jianlibao, and Qili was changed to Force. The main plot line remained unchanged. If you find these words, don't think it is wrong. Then Lao Si deleted several chapters to save the manuscript, which was tragic.

Lao Si just wants to write a good story, a story that everyone will like, so I don’t want to get into trouble. After all, the last book was blocked directly!

For an older, unmarried man like Lao Si, who is in his thirties, if he doesn't make money, he will be an orphan!

I sincerely ask you to support Lao Si with a genuine subscription, so that Lao Si will be more motivated when writing a book.

When receiving the big push notification, the fourth child also received a call from his cousin. She is getting married on the 9th. The fourth child is going back to her hometown to attend her wedding. The cousins are all married, which shows how miserable the fourth child is.

There may not be many updates these days. Sorry, I will definitely try to update more when the fourth child comes back from his hometown.

In addition, the book friend group numbers are: 520, 98, 468. Welcome to join the group. The group is full of integrity, and even pops up. When walking, it will fall down. Maybe if you lower your head, I can pick up a lot!

Finally, I would like to recommend a few books by good gay friends, all of which are of good quality.

Baihuwan: "The King of Liberal Arts" ISBN: 1003463200

Second General: "International Supplier" ISBN: 3666840

Rise of the Apes: "The Master of Entertainment" ISBN: 3483511

The insidious Wu Jing: "The Great Strange Doctor" ISBN: 3351880

Heavy Rain Last Night: "The Diplomat Who Can Time Travel" ISBN: 3602374

Poor Four: "Spiritual Gourd Space" ISBN: 3203630

Every book has a completely different story. If you feel free to read it, you will not regret it if you read it. When you leave a message in their book review area, you can indicate that you are a poor group visiting here, thank you.


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