Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 100: Get sales


"Mr. Feng, we definitely can't promote your sugar. It's useless for anyone to say this. But we will put your soybean oil and sugar together in a conspicuous place at the grain and oil station. This is what I can promise." The biggest concession."

Seeing Zhou Kehua's very insistent attitude, Feng Yu knew that there was no need to fight anymore. Anyway, he still had TV and newspaper advertisements to ensure that the sales of the candy would not be too bad.

Feng Yu plans to sign a three-year contract with the Grain Bureau, no longer. The Grain Bureau should have gradually disappeared in 1993. In fact, starting from this year, after the grain and oil supply was liberalized, the status of the Grain Bureau has continued to decline.

Now it seems that Zhou Kehua is very good and has real power. If he is not transferred to another unit in two years, he will have to wait to be retired to the second line.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Feng, why is your candy so expensive? The wholesale price you gave us is almost catching up with our retail price." Zhou Kehua exclaimed after seeing the contract.

"This is soft white sugar, which tastes sweeter, and it is packaged in small packages, not in bulk. Besides, we use advanced Soviet technology, which is not easy to change color or get insects. These are things that the white sugar from the Grain Bureau cannot do."

These days, when buying sugar, you always use convenience bags weighed in bulk. The sugar from the grain and oil store is put in a big bag. If it is not stored well, it will easily attract ants. When I buy it home, I store it in canned bottles or malted milk bottles. It also turns yellow easily. Where can I find such a small package that looks good? Sugar is not salt and oil, so it cannot be eaten every day.

"We can also produce soft white sugar, and the cost is not that high at all. If you sell it at such an expensive price, how can anyone buy it?" Zhou Kehua felt that Feng Yu was fooling around. When people buy things, they all choose the cheap ones. Who would buy it at such an expensive price? of

"Don't worry about this. You can sell it at the price I said. If the sales are not good, you can come to me, or you can do consignment sales. That is, for every bag sold, I will give you two cents."

Feng Yu sighed in his heart, the old concept is that no one will buy the expensive food, but after two years, no one will buy this kind of food because it is too cheap!

"Consignment sales? This is definitely not possible. Then see if anyone buys it at this price. If no one buys it, then don't blame us for not buying it!"

"It's reasonable. Other terms are fine. Bureau Zhou will just sign it."

Feng Yu left with the contract, and Zhou Kehua lit a cigarette and lowered his head in thought. How sure does this kid have that he can get others to buy his candy? Isn’t it just white sugar? Why is yours more expensive

Feng Yu called and informed the newspaper that the advertisement for the soft sugar could be released, and it was still an advertorial type of advertisement. This continued for half a month. Feng Yu believed that with today's knowledge, this soft sugar would definitely not have to be sold! Coupled with the provincial TV commercials, it is enough to make everyone remember this Taihua brand soft white sugar.

After making more than a dozen copies of this contract, Feng Yu arranged for Wu Zhigang and others to go to other areas in the province. After all, supply and marketing cooperatives were still inferior to grain and oil stores. People in the city still chose grain and oil stores as their first choice when buying grain and oil. The Grain Bureau took a look at this contract and signed it for three years under the same conditions, ensuring that the three words Taihua Brand would penetrate into everyone's hearts.

"Why are you back? Today is not a holiday?" Feng Xingtai saw Feng Yu in the factory. He was not as happy as other fathers seeing his son, but with an angry look on his face, "Did you skip school again?" !”

"Dad, don't do anything yet. I'm here for something important. How's your discussion with the farm manager going? Is the pig farm willing to buy our feed?" Feng Yu jumped back quickly and dodged. Dad’s deadly soul-chasing palm.

"The farm director agreed to give it a try, but the quantity is not large. There are not many pigs in the pig farm. How can we prepare this feed? You asked me to produce it quickly! There is also sugar, which is piled in the warehouse. Well, why not sell it to the sugar factory in the branch, they will use it to make candy bars."

When Feng Xingtai mentioned sugar, he had a sad look on his face. Others put sugar in a big bag. If someone buys a pound, just use a small plastic bag to weigh it. But this guy is so weird that he insists on making it into a small package of one pound. This package is free! Now it's all in your hands, and you'll have to lose money if you sell it to a sugar factory!

Feng Yu shook the contract in his hand: "See, I have already settled the sales of white sugar. Let's contact the truck to deliver it immediately. The sugar factories in the branch want it, they are dreaming!"

"The sales are done, great. Oh, is this a red seal from the Bingcheng Grain Bureau? I feel relieved at last, otherwise all the money earned from soybean oil would be spent on this sugar. By the way, it's about the feed. Why, we don’t have many pigs on our farm. I think the ones that are produced in a week can’t be sold out in a month!”

"Dad, what I told you about contracting the pig farm, have you told the farm director?"

"Contracting is nothing. I'm not busy with this factory. You want to exhaust me to death, right?" Feng Xingtai was furious. He raised his hand and wanted to slap Feng Yu, but found that Feng Yu had stepped back two seconds after he finished speaking. He couldn't reach it even if he stretched out his hand!

"Dad, I've told you several times that a good boss doesn't need to do everything personally. He only needs to know how to employ people and pay his employees enough. I told you to take a break. It's not like you don't listen. Let's hire two pig farmers from the Agricultural Technology Station. Experts are coming, and the feed is ready-made for us. As long as our pigs grow faster, our feed will become better and better in sales!"

"You just talk about it and don't worry about it? Don't you know how troublesome it is to raise a pig? When I was a child, our family raised pigs, which made me tired. If the pig gets sick, it will torture you to death!"

"Don't we have someone in charge? Your future job will be to drink tea, watch TV and play mahjong every day. Occasionally, you will come to the factory. When you are bored, you will look at the numbers on the bankbook. If you are bored again, go on a trip with your mother. The motherland is great. The rivers and mountains are enough for you two to wander around for more than ten years. When you get tired of the domestic scenes, let's go abroad. Anyway, you won't have to worry about money in this life." Feng Yu began to paint a picture for his father.

"Go away, you and I are not old yet. Why do you drink tea, watch TV and play mahjong every day? What do you think you are doing? Study hard and get into a good university, right? I don't ask you to honor your ancestors, so you can't do otherwise. Are other children bad?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely be admitted to college, and I can also be admitted to a good university in Beijing. Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go to the farm manager and contract the pig farm. We can also catch up with the prime sales time of New Year's Day and Spring Festival. .”

Feng Yuqiang took his father to find the director. When he heard that Feng Xingtai was here, the director immediately put down the work at hand and received Feng Xingtai. This is the first private enterprise on the farm, and it has already become famous throughout the province. The factory was completed and started construction when he was in power. This is his political achievement. Maybe next year at this time, he can be transferred to the branch. led.

"You want to take over the pig farm? Lao Feng, haven't I already agreed to buy your feed for this pig farm? Why, now you plan to raise pigs yourself?"

The farm director felt a little baffled. The person who sells pig feed, because the sales are not good, just raises pigs to digest it? What kind of logic is this!

"Yes, director, we are not contracting this pig farm, we are buying it. We also bought the land behind the pig farm. Next year we will build a larger pig farm, a modern pig farm!" Feng Yu Use a pencil to circle an open space on the farm map.

"Modern pig farm?"

"Modern pig farm! Mechanical feeding, mechanical watering, and mechanical cleaning of pig houses. Only a few people can raise thousands of pigs!" Feng Yu said with certainty.

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