Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 102: He is handsome above


readx(); "Old Feng, Xiao Feng, you are here today, so everyone asked openly, do you plan to buy this pig farm?"

One side of the farm's conference room was filled with relevant leaders of the farm, and the other side was filled with only the Feng family and his son.

"Director, let's compare our minds. We all know what this farm is like. If the farm makes money, and I say I want to buy it, you won't sell it at all. We will definitely not do a business that loses money. Now we have I have the technology and money to feed the farm, and I plan to help the farm. If the farm still has this attitude and the lion opens its mouth, then there is really no need for us to continue talking."

After Feng Yu finished speaking, he took a sip from the tea cup on the table and wiped it. The tea was actually quite fragrant. The leader of a small farm could afford such good tea. This shows where all the money was spent.

Even if Feng Yu wants to build his hometown, he must control the money himself and will never hand over the money to the farm. They don't understand economics at all and like to make the decision. If Feng Yu has a darker heart, he can go directly to his brother or pay all the money to make a show. The drama can trick all the farm leaders!

"What do you mean by a lion's mouth? That piece of land is indeed worth so much money." Deputy Director Xu insisted.

Feng Yu pointed at Deputy Director Xu: "I won't talk to you. If you still interrupt, we will leave. No one can do anything!"

"You..." Deputy Director Xu felt extremely insulted. He was the leader, but he was pointed at the nose and lectured by a little kid!

Wen Deguang came out to smooth things over at this time: "Xiaoyu, can you give me a real price? How much do you plan to spend?"

"The pig farm is worth only 100,000 yuan at the end of the day. I'll calculate the highest price for the surrounding land is 200,000 yuan. As for the pigs in the pig farm now, let's calculate it based on the current price. It's not worth 10,000 yuan in total. I'll give it a price of 100,000 yuan." All told, the total value is only 310,000."

"Three hundred thousand? That's too little. Such a big piece of land and that pig farm can't be worth only one hundred thousand. Yesterday you said it was five hundred thousand." The farm manager was a little disappointed. The money was too little. Okay, although what Feng Yu said is very reasonable, three hundred thousand yuan is not enough to do anything. It cannot bring immediate changes to the farm, so how can we talk about big political achievements

"You have to meet my request for five hundred thousand. Director, I don't need to say more about how remote the land is. There is no village in front and no store in the back. The traffic is not very good, and the dirt road is full of potholes. We It’s not convenient to transport pigs out of the country.”

"We can repair it. We will be responsible for repairing that road for you. The value of the land should be increased, right?" the field director said quickly.

"That's it, then I'll add another hundred thousand yuan, it's one hundred thousand yuan! Is this okay? The pig house will be expanded and renovated next spring, and the required wood and bricks will also be purchased from the farm. In this way, I will I paid a deposit of 90,000 yuan, a total of 500,000 yuan, which is the highest price I can give. And if the pig house needs it in the future, it will be purchased from the farm, which is also a lot of money."

Yesterday afternoon, they thought one million was enough. In the evening, they thought eight hundred thousand was acceptable. But now, Feng Yu's offer of five hundred thousand seems reasonable to them.

It was the field director who had the decisiveness to make the final decision in person, and that was it!

Deputy director Xu left with a dark look on his face, "Feng family, just wait for me!"

"This ventilation is not good. You should keep warm in winter, but you should also pay attention to ventilation. The smell is too strong. Where are the pig manure piled up? Throw them away? They are not allowed to store them again in the future. They are all piled up in the northeast corner... "

Feng Yu went to the pig farm to take a look. As soon as he entered, he almost vomited. The smell of pig feces inside is so strong that I really don’t know how the original employees of these pig farms persisted.

All the original regular employees of the pig farm were transferred, and the remaining three were temporary workers. They were directly dumped by the farm to Feng Yu. Feng Yu was also happy to accept them, otherwise there would be no one available in the pig farm now.

The farm assigned a full-time veterinarian, but after Feng Yu saw it, he decided to invite another one. Even if this guy was drunk in broad daylight, Feng Yu wouldn't trust him even if he was really capable.

Feng Yu, a pig raising expert, has already made contact. The other person’s family used to raise pigs, but unfortunately it was confiscated during a specific period of time and was not returned to their family later.

The father and his son now raise more than a dozen pigs, and with the addition of farming, they can only make ends meet. Feng Yu offered the father and son a high salary of 1,500 yuan per year, and the three of them came running over.

If you take care of food and housing, you can still save one thousand and five thousand a year, which is four thousand and five for three people. If you sell (sublet) the land at home, you can find a beautiful wife for the boss in two years.

The pig farm was more broken than Feng Yu imagined. The glass was broken in several places and was covered with plastic sheets. The door was broken, and there was a hole in it, which was plugged with a handful of grass.

There are more than a hundred pigs in the pig house, of which there are only ten sows and two breeding boars. The other pigs are not big, and only a dozen are big enough for slaughter.

Feng Yu sighed and said, "The pig here is not worth ten thousand yuan at all. The price is too high."

"Those windows have been replaced, and they will be replaced today, and the doors will be replaced, and all these tools will be replaced with new ones. These places should be disinfected with lime water, and the outside of the pig house should also be cleaned to see which areas need to be renovated. Please pay attention and we will clean it up together after spring."

Your sister, this pig house is not worth even 100,000 yuan, and the price is too high!

Fortunately, there was that piece of land, which somewhat comforted Feng Yu. If I had known earlier, I should have come to this pig house to inspect it. If we had brought all the farm leaders here to negotiate, let alone 500,000, Feng Yu would have thought that 300,000 was very high!

The farm leaders were celebrating at this time. The pig farm had been losing money every year, and now they finally got rid of the burden. Although the price was lower than they expected, it was still high.

In fact, if Feng Yu hadn't bought the land for the grain processing factory first and showed his tycoon style of being a big spender, the farm leader would have agreed to sell the land and the pig farm to the Feng family for 300,000 yuan.

Now, with this money, plus the money from the grain processing plant, the farm can definitely build a new office building or a new dormitory building next year.

Feng Xingtai went back to the company and invited a dozen people to come over and clean the pig house together. The windows and doors were replaced with new ones, and the roof tiles were reinstalled. He also arranged for a company to collect half-grown pigs and fill up all the empty pig pens in the pig farm, just in time for the pigs to be slaughtered the year before.

After paying the money to send away the company's people, Feng Yu looked at the brand-new pig house and was very satisfied. Although it is not considered modern, people can always enter this pig house.

There is a portrait of Zhu Bajie posted on the door of the pig house, which looks festive.

Well, the door is still too monotonous. It should be posted with a couplet.

After getting red paper, Feng Yu dipped his brush in ink and wrote four big words on the red paper: "I am handsome!"

The couplet was pasted on the right side of the door frame, and a single red paper was pasted on the left without writing anything. Feng Yu smiled proudly and waited for the farm leaders to see the first couplet when they came to visit. Let's see if their wisdom can come up with the second couplet! PS1: I am handsome above, what is the second line? You can leave comments in the book review area to refresh the screen. PS2: Some book friends said that apart from rebirth, there are no other cheats in this book. Having the memory of rebirth is not enough. Do I need any other cheats? Could he be reborn as Superman? This is the story Lao Si wants to tell. Please continue to give your recommendation votes to Lao Si, thank you.