Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 103: Obsolete trucks


readx(); It was almost the end of the semester, and Feng Yu concentrated on making up lessons at school. Fortunately, the freshman class was not too difficult, and with Li Na's help, Feng Yu once again caught up with his classmates.

I just got home in the evening and before I had eaten, I received a call from Brother Ji.

"Brother Ji, what's the good news? Are you planning to order more goods this month?" Feng Yu would be in a very good mood every time he received a call from Brother Ji. Anyone who saw the money-giving boy would be in a very good mood. .

"Dear Feng, of course I have to buy more goods this month, but there are more important things. Do you want the obsolete trucks? The 80% new trucks will be sold to you at half price."

truck? Soviet GAZ (the prototype of the liberation car)

Feng Yu actually really wants to buy some trucks. Not to mention that his father's factory spends a lot of money on transportation every month. In terms of transportation in Bingcheng, the shortage of trucks is getting bigger and bigger. If he can form a fleet, there will definitely be a lot of potential.

"How much quantity is it sure to be 80% new?"

"At least fifty, and at most eighty, they were all produced last year and equipped with the army. They are not used at all, and the running-in has not been completed. However, for some reasons, after the New Year, these cars will be eliminated!"

Damn it, this truck is so shameless now. It was built in 1987 and has not been driven much. You eliminated it in just over a year!

"Brother Ji, I plan to have a long-term cooperation with you. Will you be in danger? If you are short of money, you can tell me and I can lend you some privately without interest."

Feng Yu didn't want anything to happen to Brother Ji. The next two years would be the best time to divert supplies from the Soviet Union. Now for some small profits, he might lose even greater profits.

Feng Yu finally established a good relationship with Brother Ji, and it was too difficult to find a new way.

"Hahaha, Feng, I'm very happy you said that. But this time it's not me, it's Ivanovich. He recently wanted to get some money and asked me to contact you. I can guarantee that there is nothing wrong with this batch of cars. A car with a mileage of more than 50,000 meters is guaranteed to perform very well.”

Ivanovich is the one who came with Brother Ji last time, and his father's position is still above Brother Ji's father. Knowing that Brother Ji was not taking risks out of desperation, Feng Yu felt more at ease. However, this car has traveled less than 50,000 meters, that is, five kilometers, and the running-in period has not been completed.

"Okay, I want as much as I want. In this way, after the river is closed in a few days, you can just drive the car over and let it be used as a run-in. I'll think about what else I want and ship it over directly. Do you have any recommendations? , I prefer industrial products.”

"How about the refrigerator? These things are very cheap now. We can't sell them here. You can still sell them to the south of China. The quality is guaranteed to be very good."

In his previous life, Feng Yu had seen a piece of news. Refrigerator compressors produced in the Soviet Union were still in use fifty years later, and had not been repaired once. The quality was very good.

"Are refrigerators expensive?"

"I guarantee it won't be expensive. I'll fax you the price later. Whether you take it back to assemble a refrigerator or build a small cold storage, you will definitely not lose money!"

Kirilenko is becoming more and more comfortable doing business. He knows what products have a market in China and what Chinese products are selling well in the Soviet Union.

"Okay, then you give me a price, and I will consider how much it is. You have to continue to help me inquire about mechanical equipment. There will definitely be opportunities after the New Year, and we will make a fortune together." Feng Yu must continue to give Brother Ji Drawing a pie may have caused him to shrink back in the face of the battle. Now he dares not make a move. After the Soviet Union disintegrates, it will be too difficult for him to make a move again.

"Feng, there's a problem. The car drives directly over, and the procedures are not easy to handle. In the past, I used military trains to deliver goods to you. You may need to go to more trouble this time."

Feng Yu felt a little embarrassed. He was used to it every time he walked through the military columns arranged by Brother Ji. The procedures were very simple. This time it seems to be troublesome, especially the tax payment, which is definitely not a small amount.

"I'll figure it out. You can fax me the price first."

Back at the company, Feng Yu sat in the office in a daze. Wu Zhi had just returned from overseas and found out that a machinery factory in Liao Province wanted a high-temperature steel furnace.

High temperature steel furnace? This thing is not cheap. The machinery factory in Liao Province is atmospheric, at least much more atmospheric than the Bingcheng Machinery Factory. A set of high-temperature steel furnaces, depending on the capacity and temperature, costs between 5 million rubles and 30 million rubles. It cannot be manufactured domestically. Only Europe and the United States have this technology.

"Gangzi, thank you for your hard work. Let's rest for two days. I'll go to the city with me tomorrow. We have to go through the procedures for importing the fleet."

"Team? What kind of fleet?" Wu Zhigang was a little curious. Didn't the company always use railways for imports

Feng Yu said casually, and Wu Zhigang suddenly approached Feng Yu: "Mr. Feng, I have a way, but I don't know if it will work."

"Tell me."

"Let's ask Lao Maozi to register a fleet company and transport the things we purchase. In this way, only the goods on the car need to pay taxes, and the fleet does not need to pay taxes. When we get here, we will get an IOU and let Lao Maozi owe us If you can’t afford the money, use your fleet to pay off the debt, so you don’t have to pay taxes?”

Feng Yu opened his mouth and wiped it, why didn't he think of such an idea.

This trick was widely used in second-hand housing transactions in previous lives. It only requires legal procedures and a few things to be done, and it can be done in a few days. It can also avoid high taxes. It's amazing!

"Gangzi, you have made a great contribution! Once this matter is completed, you will receive a bonus of 10,000 yuan!"

"You can't use that much, you can't use that much." Wu Zhigang grinned while waving his hands and saying that Feng Yu gave too much.

"That's it. You've saved the company so much money, and you deserve it! Okay, you're off work today."

You must not be stingy with your subordinates, especially those with such thoughtful ideas, so that they can work their best for the company and create more profits for the company and themselves.

In the evening, Li Shiqiang brought back the fax from Brother Ji. Feng Yu looked at it and found that the price of the refrigerator was really cheap. He could resell it to the south or produce refrigerators, and he should be able to make more than 30% of the profit.

Feng Yu immediately called Brother Ji and told him to consider the bearing capacity of the ice surface and install as many refrigerators as possible and as many GAZ cars as possible. Then he told Brother Ji about his tax avoidance method and asked Brother Ji to quickly register a new company, let's say it's a logistics company. The money for the refrigerator should be paid first, and the money for the car should be transferred to another account, or simply used for items of equal value. offset.

After the two discussed in secret, Feng Yu told Li Shiqiang to ask him about the procedures for registering a logistics company.

Logistics company, Li Shiqiang felt a little strange. Logistics isn't very profitable right now. It's not cost-effective to purchase a batch of cars.

Feng Yu told them about Brother Ji's plan to sell them a batch of "Gaz cars that were produced last year and will be phased out this year." Li Shiqiang's expression was as expected by Feng Yu, and he had a big mouth.

Even Feng Yu could not imagine that the second generation of the Soviet Union would dare to do this, let alone Li Shiqiang. But what the heck, the bolder they are, the better. Even if it’s airplanes and cannons, as long as they dare to sell them, Feng Yu will dare to buy them! PS: I remember that there were a lot of GAZ trucks in Longjiang at that time. They were military green. They were mostly used for freight, and some were used to transport people. For example, the troops picked up new recruits and the liberation vehicles were all equipped later. Also, please vote for recommendations and favorites. These data are average, and the fourth child is under great pressure. Thanks to Hulu Xian'er, I Think I'm Good, and Snake~ for tipping again, and thanks to the replies in the book review section, haha
