Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 104: Development of machinery companies


Before Feng Yu had time to go to the city to go through the formalities, he received a notice from the machinery company that he would have a meeting at the machinery company at ten o'clock in the morning to welcome foreign merchants.

Feng Yu, the salesperson of the machinery company, had no involvement at all. The machinery company's channels were far richer than Feng Yu imagined. No one even went on a business trip. After making some phone calls, a group of businessmen came from afar.

Li Mingde only asked his subordinates to tell the other party that the agricultural machinery and tools currently produced by the machinery company are among the best in the country. The design, quality and even the price are not much higher.

When businessmen heard about it, they knew that this kind of agricultural machinery could bring them huge profits, so they naturally rushed over. This is also a big deal for the machinery company, but Feng Yu was notified as a routine matter.

Just like Fu Guangzheng, he ignored the notice. Selling goods is not buying goods, but making money. What should he worry about? Anyway, this company has a financial representative from him, and Feng Yu is watching.

Feng Yu wanted to come and see how the machinery company was developing. If there were any problems, he would not hide them. He would definitely point them out to his face. The future of this company is very important!

This time the machinery company mainly produced plows for farmland, including spare parts for these plows. After spring, these things will sell very well.

All the leaders of the machinery factory were sitting in the conference room, and everyone's face was red. They just showed some samples yesterday, and they were surrounded by these merchants. The sales prospects are bright!

"Everyone, what we are discussing now is the pricing issue. One is the wholesale price, and the other is the retail guide price. If you have anything to say, you can say it freely!" Li Mingde actually had already made a conclusion in his heart. In saying this, he just made a It's just a democratic attitude.

According to past practice, the deputies either declined or gave ambiguous answers, and in the end the price on the piece of paper he handed over was based on the price. But today was different. As soon as he finished speaking, someone spoke up.

"I think we can set the wholesale price, but forget about the retail guide price. The market is changing very fast now. If we make a guide price, especially if the price is high, it will be difficult to quickly occupy the market!" Feng Yu said, looking at Li Mingde.

Li Mingde looked at Feng Yu displeased: "Xiao Feng, you still don't understand the market. Our machinery is of better quality, more durable, and more practical, but of course the price is higher."

Feng Yu shook his head: "Mr. Li, I also think the wholesale price is a bit high. The most important thing for us now is the market! If we can sell our products nationwide and make our ice machine brand deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, then any loss now will be worth it. . What’s more, based on our previous sales price, we still make a profit, and it’s not low either, so there’s no need to raise the price.”

Li Mingde said nothing and glanced at the sales section chief. The sales section chief immediately retorted loudly: "Xiao Feng, we purchase these equipment for free? We purchase technology for free? If the price is still the same as before, although there is still a profit, but When will our costs be recouped?”

Feng Yu stopped talking. It seemed that everyone had united on the same front. Nothing he said would help. Just let them do it, they have no brand awareness at all. If you build a brand that is deeply rooted in people's hearts and give others the impression of good quality, practicality and durability, and then increase the price and increase the grade, you will make a lot more money than you do now!

Forget it, I don’t want to argue with them. After a year or two, the company’s majority shareholder will be replaced by Feng Yu. Look at how arrogant they are!

"No one else objects, right? It's settled then. The sales department will sign contracts with the merchants later. If these products are sold, everyone will receive a large bonus on New Year's Day, no less than one hundred yuan! "

The others applauded loudly, and Feng Yu snorted coldly from his nose. One hundred yuan is also called a large bonus? When prices rise again after the new year, you will know that money is worthless!

In the afternoon, Feng Yu also watched the scene of signing the contract. It was really more exciting than he imagined. Originally, Feng Yu only thought that agricultural machinery would be easy to sell, but he didn’t expect it to be so easy to sell!

It was as if those merchants were here to grab money, just waving their checkbooks. In less than an hour, more than 20 merchants, half of whom were from other provinces, signed the contract.

Feng Yu casually asked the sales section chief how many contracts he had signed. The sales section chief replied proudly that it was only more than eight million.

Humph, you are a little kid, do you think you can point fingers at us because of your connections with the Soviet Union? In terms of machinery sales, you are far behind me!

Over eight million, this number is indeed something to be proud of. This sales section chief is quite qualified. According to the machinery company's cost and wholesale price, deducting taxes, the profit is at least 12%, which is almost a profit of one million.

This is still the early stage. If the market opens up and the factory speeds up production, profits of tens of millions a year will not be a problem. This is just for plows. After a while, when the engines are produced and the tractors roll off the production line, the profits will be higher.

This is good. The faster the machinery company develops, the better it will be for Feng Yu.

Li Mingde is a very proud person, and he only wants to climb up. If the machinery company is developing well, Li Mingde should be promoted next year, and the new company boss does not have the cohesiveness of Li Mingde. Then it will be a good opportunity for Feng Yu to eat into the machinery company's shares!

This machinery company, in the hands of these bureaucrats, may be able to bring a lot of tax revenue to the city in a year, but if it is in the hands of Feng Yu, it is guaranteed to increase the tax revenue several times, or even more than ten times!

What's more, Feng Yu doesn't have the habit of making wedding dresses for others. This investment in technology is actually just a hidden move. Let the machinery company and the city enjoy the benefits first, and then gradually increase investment in technology to dilute the city's shares.

For example, for this refrigerator, Feng Yu can cooperate with a machinery company and let them set up a workshop to turn the refrigerator into a refrigerator or freezer. This is much more profitable than selling the refrigerator alone.

But Feng Yu proposed this cooperation with Li Mingde, and Li Mingde immediately rejected it. Fridge freezer? Can this thing be sold now? It's winter now, and even if it's summer, sales in the Northeast won't be very good. You said it would be better to sell it to the South. There are refrigerator manufacturers in the South.

Li Mingde's lack of cooperation made Feng Yu a little disappointed. Fortunately, he had backup means. The motor factory was still thinking about continuing to cooperate with Feng Yu. Although the motor factory has now recovered, who would think that the money is too much

Feng Yu just mentioned it, and the motor factory agreed. The old rules are still the same: the motor factory does OEM work and is assembled and produced by Taihua Company. The brand cannot be used by the motor factory. The profit of each refrigerator is at least 100 yuan!

Feng Yu agreed without hesitation. He just wanted to show the machinery company that the products you are not optimistic about will have high profits as long as they are operated by Feng Yu, so that he can propose other cooperation with the machinery company next time. When the time comes, the machinery company will not refuse!

~~~Please collect it, please recommend it, recommend it, recommend it. Say important things three times!
