Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 105: Wen Dongjun and Fat Girl


"The final exam is tomorrow. How is your review going?" Wen Dongjun looked at Feng Yu listlessly.

"It's okay. I can't say it's great, but it's not too bad. Looking at you, you don't seem to be sure. How much improvement do you plan to make this time?" Feng Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at Wen Dongjun sideways. You Didn't he improve several points in one exam? Didn't he become the top student in the school before graduation? Keep bragging.

"There is definitely progress. The bottom ten in the class can escape anyway, but there is still a gap of about ten between the middle of the class. What can we do?" Wen Dongjun frowned and his will was low.

Feng Yu asked curiously: "Uncle Wen requires you to be in the middle of the class this semester?"

"No, anyway, as long as I keep my grades now, I can still get admitted to the undergraduate program. It's not my parents, it's someone else." Wen Dongjun said, raising his head and glancing forward.

Damn it, this guy dares to miss my girl? Feng Yu was furious. Wen Dongjun was clearly looking at Li Na just now. But then I thought about it, it shouldn't be, Wen Dongjun is not that kind of person, not to mention his understanding of Li Na, Li Na will not change her mind when she sees something different.

Could it be that... your sister, Wen Dongjun, must have fallen in love with a fat girl

Feng Yu's eyes widened and he kept staring at Wen Dongjun. Well, it’s not the aliens who put on makeup, it must have been because their brains were caught in the door yesterday!

Wen Dongjun was angry: "Why are you always staring at me?"

"You... like fat girls?"

Feng Yu felt very sorry for Wen Dongjun. Every time he went out to play with Li Na, Fat Girl would follow him. Feng Yu pulled Wen Dongjun as a shield to block the fat girl. But unexpectedly, Wen Dongjun fell in love with Fat Girl. This... is so exciting!

"Can't you? What a fat girl, a fat girl, and you don't respect people at all. Someone else has a name, Zhang Han!"

"Okay, okay, so you like Zhang Han? Why don't you chase the class beauty next door? It turns out you have a crush on someone else. You actually have to study hard for her, but don't you think Zhang Han is so fat? Do you want a little bit?" Feng Yu made a small gesture with his hand, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

"What's wrong with being fat? I wasn't chubby when I was a kid, and I've lost weight now. Zhang Han said that she will definitely lose more than 20 pounds this winter vacation."

"Okay, then I wish you happiness. With Zhang Han giving you extra lessons, no wonder you can guarantee that your grades will improve. The Sports Committee and the Arts Committee are quite a match." Losing twenty pounds, let alone Feng Yu, is considered a success. , Zhang Han is still a fat girl, who made her weigh one hundred and sixty pounds now!

"Hey, do you think she can lose twenty pounds during the winter vacation?" Wen Dongjun asked quietly.

"It won't work in more than a month, but it will definitely work in a year. Believe in yourself, she will definitely let her lose weight for you." Feng Yu patted Wendong on the shoulder with an expression that said I was optimistic about you.

From this point of view, if Zhang Han does not lose weight, Wen Dongjun's grudge will continue to grow, and there will be absolutely no development between the two of them. If Zhang Han succeeded in losing weight... Uh~~ Feng Yu doesn't really believe it.

Anyway, Feng Yu's studies are pretty good now. He has full marks in Russian, good Chinese scores, passable mathematics, average physics and chemistry, and good memory tests such as history and geography. I can't say he is top of the class, but he should be able to stay in the top ten. problem, so this final exam was not stressful at all for Feng Yu.

The final exams are coming as scheduled, and the school adopts a mixed sitting method for senior high school students, high school sophomores, and senior high school students, which at least eliminates the opportunity for senior students to plagiarize from each other.

Feng Yu did pretty well in the previous subjects, and even in physics and chemistry, which he was not good at, he performed well. After finishing the last political exam, Feng Yu stretched out. He should be able to achieve good results this time and have an explanation for his family. As for himself, Feng Yu has always been generous and disciplined with himself and strict with others!

Coming out of the examination room, Feng Yu saw Wen Dongjun with a proud look on his face. Did this kid do well in the exam? Impossible. He is okay in physics and chemistry, but history, geography, politics, etc., which require memorization, have always been at the top of the passing line. How can he be so confident today

"Tell you, my brother may be among the top ten in the class this time!" Wen Dongjun raised his chin with a proud look on his face.

Feng Yu reached out and touched Wen Dongjun's forehead: "I don't have a fever, so don't talk nonsense."

Wen Dongjun opened Feng Yu's hand, stretched his neck and shouted: "Who are you talking nonsense? I'm really sure! You see, sitting with you, my Russian language improves very quickly, right? I'm better than you in mathematics, physics, and chemistry." Strong. As for memorizing things like history, this time I met a good guy!"

"What do you mean?"

"Stupid, I sit at the same table with a senior high school student, and I'm still a liberal arts student. He can do things that I don't know. After he finished the paper, he took my paper and practiced again. According to what he said, every time, history, geography, He gets perfect marks for politics and everything else!"

I go! Feng Yu was speechless. Why was this guy so lucky? Surprisingly, I met a top-student classmate during the exam and was willing to tell him the answer.

If there are high scores in these three subjects, then Wendong Army may really be in the top ten. Okay, Wen Dongjun has something to show for this winter vacation. Let’s see what you do next semester!

"Let's go, watch a movie at the Cultural Palace tonight, drive there, I'll treat you!"

Watching the movie this time, there is another Liu Kun. The holiday starts tomorrow, and Feng Yu plans to drive back and take them with him. Anyway, he doesn't have to get up early to queue up to buy tickets, so he can just play more today.

Liu Kun is indeed a top student. Even in No. 3 Middle School, he is still in the top three in his grade and first in his class. The teacher calls him a good child, and the parents call him someone else’s child. Of course, Feng Yu and Wen Dongjun are also the children of other people's parents, but they are counterexamples.

Feng Yu often skips classes, and I heard that his family is still a black club, while Wen Dongjun rushes to the basketball court as soon as get out of class is over, even if he only plays for five minutes. Such a child also wants to go to college? Parents warn their children not to play with them, otherwise they will break your legs!

In the cinema of the Palace of Culture, Feng Yu and Li Na sat down next to each other. He lowered his hands and grabbed Li Na's little hand. Li Na twitched for a while but didn't pull out. She blushed and acquiesced. However, she didn't watch the movie very much this time. She was always worried about what Feng Yu would do if he kissed her. Should she resist

It's a pity that Feng Yu didn't make any other moves until the end of the movie, which made Li Na a little disappointed. Another female classmate in the dormitory, I heard that she was talking to a male classmate.

Wendongjun and Zhang Han were sitting together. He didn't pull Zhang Han's hand. Instead, Zhang Han leaned generously on Wendongjun's shoulder, which made Wendongjun's heart beat faster. He didn't know why, but he always felt that the more he looked at Zhang Han, the better he looked.

Only the miserable Liu Kun, sitting alone in the corner, truly enjoyed the movie. When he came out, Liu Kun wanted to discuss the plot of the movie with them, but unfortunately, the others didn't watch it seriously and couldn't continue the conversation. In Feng Yu's view, a good boy like Liu Kun will definitely be reduced to blind dates in the future. He will never be able to find a girlfriend on his own!

Downstairs at Zhang Han's house, Wen Dongjun and Zhang Han staged a reluctant parting drama, leaving Feng Yu speechless. It’s just a winter vacation, it’s not that long, so what

He completely forgot how he felt about missing Li Na after not seeing her for a few days. What he wants to know most now is what Wen Dongjun's expression will be if Zhang Han becomes fat again when they meet next semester!

Just thinking about it makes me look forward to it...

PS: Everyone understands why it is written like this. I won’t explain it further. In the future, if there is a hand-holding or something like that, you can just make up your mind. Thanks to wangking12 for the tip, and thanks to sone_Qingyu for pointing out the error in the previous chapter. The math teacher at Laosi High School used to teach physical education. I swear to God, I’m not lying. He was assigned to our high school by the city basketball team, and later he was no longer there. I know why I changed from a physical education teacher to a math teacher, and I am still a classmate with our principal. We seriously doubt that it is because of the care between classmates! ! ! By the way, we are still a national model high school and a provincial key point.
