Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 106: Canopy Pig


Returning to the farm again, Feng Yu did not have to say goodbye to Li Na. Anyway, my family also bought a house in the field department, and no one has lived in the company's house for a long time.

Besides, his best friend Wen Dongjun also moved to the field with his father's job transfer. Feng Yu really didn't have much reluctance to leave that company. Can neighbors who have not been in contact with each other for decades in their previous lives have any deep feelings

After returning home, Feng Yu was not idle. He first went to the processing plant to take a look. Everything was going smoothly. After walking around for a few times, he didn't see any violations of safety regulations. This made Feng Yu particularly satisfied.

There are a lot of flammable items in this factory. If something happens, the fire fighters may not have time to rescue them. And if a fire breaks out, the factory will be destroyed, and the Taihua brand that Feng Yu finally created will also be destroyed.

In his previous life, there was a famous Qiudu Ham Sausage. At its peak, the annual profit was several hundred million. That was several hundred million in the early 1990s, and his purchasing power far exceeded the one billion before his rebirth. Because of the fire, I couldn't bear the loss of more than 40 million yuan, so I continued to use the burned pork and added it to the ham sausage, which gave people a smoky taste. As a result, my competitors took the opportunity to spread rumors that Qiudu was related to cremation. The joint venture between the two companies caused Qiudu's brand to become a stink on the streets overnight!

Nowadays, almost all domestic ham sausages are from Qiudu, but the good times are only a few years away. What development prospects can a company that uses fortune tellers as its think tank have

It's a pity that the Soviet Union does not have a similar production line. The sausage they produce is very different from the domestic ham sausage. When the Soviet-style sausage reaches the country, won't it become Bingcheng red sausage

The second reason why Feng Yu is optimistic about this pig farm is that the ham sausage market is far from saturated. As long as he can get a production line, Feng Yu will be confident to occupy the Northeast market. The profit of this ham sausage will be at least 10%. 10. If you sell 100 million a year, you can easily pocket 10 million!

The current top priority is to make the pig farm bigger. At least for now, Feng Yu believes that the pig farm should also become a brand. For example, in the previous life, Shuanghui Cold Fresh Meat had opened so many chain stores across the country that it could bring in tens of billions of profits every year just from selling meat. Feng Yu may not be as good at management as his opponent, but he has the foresight to be ahead of others, and he will have no problem occupying the three northeastern provinces.

But the name of the pig farm caused another conflict in Feng Yu's family.

"What are you talking about? What kind of brand does a pig have?" If the person who said this to him was not his son, he would have told him to go away! It’s just a pig, isn’t it just selling meat? What brand do you want? If you have a brand, you are not a pig, right

"Dad, think about it, after our soybean oil has a brand and cooperates with our advertising, will its sales be better than the bulk soybean oil from the grain and oil factory? And our sugar, after getting the brand, changed it into hardcover, Is the profit higher than you think? It’s the same with pigs. With a brand, when people buy meat from now on, the first thing they think of is our pork!”

Feng Xingtai scratched his head, it seemed to be the reason, but what brand of pork? Anyway, if Feng Yu dares to call the Taihua card, he will slap him with a big ear!

"Then tell me, what brand do you want to create? I'm warning you not to say that the superior is handsome. Last time you made that couplet, Deputy Director Xu showed it, and then he was hospitalized for high blood pressure!"

When Feng Xingtai said this, he still wanted to laugh. He didn't think much of it at first, but Deputy Director Xu looked at Marshal Tianpeng's "keeper" and then saw the first couplet, and casually said to the second couplet: "Below is a pig!"

As a result, everyone burst into laughter. Deputy Field Director Xu's blood pressure spiked at that moment. If it weren't for the support of someone behind him, he might have fallen to the ground. Anyway, Deputy Director Xu has never been to the pig farm since that time, which saved Feng Xingtai a lot of entertainment expenses.

"Why don't you call it Spring~Guangzhuang?" Feng Yu suggested cautiously. Spring~The bright light of Zhu Bajie sounds so festive, catchy and easy to remember.

"Spring~ is brilliant? What a bad name, no!" Feng Xingtai didn't know about the TV series that would be a hit in the future, so he rejected it immediately.

Feng Yu was a little regretful, but when it came to naming, he could pick up ten or eight names casually. If he couldn't think of one himself, couldn't he just steal those very good names from his previous life

"How about double benefits? Discounts and benefits."

"Selling pork, what's the discount? When has the thing you sold not been more expensive than others? No!"

"Then how about naming it after the place, our farm?"

"No, the name of our farm doesn't sound festive, not to mention that it is named after a martyr. Can the name of a martyr be used on a pig?" Feng Xingtai gave Feng Yu a fierce look.

Feng Yu smiled and felt that it was inappropriate.

"How about Bingcheng Pig Farm? Anyway, our main target market next year is Bingcheng!"

"Our pig farm is not in Bingcheng, so why do we call it Bingcheng pig farm?" Feng Xingtai continued to object.

"Then Tianpeng, the name is concise and concise, and everyone will know that it sells pork!" Feng Yu said casually.

After my father objected a few more times, he said it was called the golden gong, and the gong cleared the way, which meant that gold would come. This father must have liked it. What Feng Yu didn't expect was that his father seemed to be very interested in this name.

Feng Xingtai blinked and looked back at his wife: "What do you think of this name?"

"Tianpeng, Zhu Bajie, is this name okay?" Zhang Muhua couldn't laugh or cry. The two of them discussed it for a long time and came up with such a "good name"

"No one objects, then... it's settled. I'll change the information tomorrow and I'll have someone register the brand in Bingcheng. I guarantee that our canopy pig will be popular in Bingcheng in the future!" Feng Yu was a little regretful that the name Jinluo didn't exist. Use it. Although he gave up the bright spring light, the name of the canopy is not bad, he thought to comfort himself.

The farm manager looked at Feng Xingtai in front of him speechlessly, what is this old Feng doing? What is a good pig farm called a canopy pig farm? The handsome guy we did last time was enough to make people speechless, but he still comes this time. Is this deliberately disgusting Deputy Director Xu

"Director, does this not violate the rules? Our name was not chosen casually. It was carefully considered."

The director couldn't help but curse, have you considered this carefully? If you were to pick it up casually, what would you name it? Piggy Piggy or Pig Dazhuang

In fact, Feng Yu originally had a more exciting name, Marshal Pig, but because it sounded the same as a certain founding leader, he had to give it up because he was afraid of being said to slander the leader.

"Old Feng, can't we just call this pig farm a pig farm? Why is it called a canopy?" the farm director couldn't help but ask.

"Director, this pig also needs to have a brand! Look at how well our soybean oil and sugar sell after we have the brand. The same goes for this pig. There is a difference between those with brands and those without brands. Brands can bring others a sense of A sense of trust." Feng Xingtai is now learning and practicing, using what Feng Yu said yesterday.

"Brand? It would be better to name it after our farm." The farm director wanted to take advantage of it. It would be great if the Taihua brand soybean oil used the name of the farm, and the farm was also promoted on the side.

"Can the name of a martyr be used to name a pig farm? The canopy is so good, you will know it is a sacred pig as soon as you hear it. By the way, during the Chinese New Year, our pig farm plans to donate ten pigs to the farm union to express condolences to those Poor households." Feng Xingtai once again said the words Feng Yu taught him. Sure enough, once he heard the benefits, the director no longer refused.

From this day on, the Canopy Pig, which became popular in China in later generations, officially appeared! ~~~Please collect and recommend. These two data are not satisfactory. Please support Lao Si. For every thousand recommendation votes, Lao Si will add another chapter! Now it’s 4,030. It’s up to you whether you can add more updates.
