Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 108: humidifier


cpa300_4(); "Manager Liu, doesn't our No. 1 Department Store have a humidifier?" Feng Yu sat in the office of the No. 1 Department Store manager with a surprised look on his face.

In the past few days, he felt that the air was too dry and wanted to buy a humidifier, but he didn't expect that the First Department Store didn't have one.

"Humidifier? What is it, I haven't heard of it?" Manager Liu looked surprised.

Have not heard? Feng Yu blinked. Has the humidifier not been invented yet? No, I remember it happened very early. It must still be used for industry and converted to civilian use.

This is great, the humidifier should also make him a lot of money.

"Manager Liu, don't you think your office is a little too dry? Wouldn't it be more comfortable if the air was more humid?"

"Then what can I do? Why don't we just sprinkle water on the ground? It's so dirty."

Feng Yu smiled and said nothing more. I talked to Manager Liu about pork again, and Manager Liu agreed. If there was pork years ago, their No. 1 Department Store would have paid two thousand kilograms.

After leaving the First Department Store, Feng Yu turned around and returned to the electrical machine factory.

"Why, Mr. Feng didn't sell the pork? How much do you have? If it's a few thousand kilograms, we can buy it and share it with the workers in the front-line workshop." Li Shiyou thought that Feng Yu was still here to sell pork, so he gave it to Feng Yu A face.

Last time Feng Yu was bullied by Song Laosi's people, they didn't come forward. Otherwise, the Soviet Union's advanced equipment could get a turn at the machinery factory

"Director Li, I'm not here to sell pork. The pork has been sold out and the machinery company wants it all. I have an idea and would like to ask the motor factory if it can help realize it."

When Feng Yu said this, Li Shiyou immediately became interested. By cooperating with Feng Yu, the motor factory had never suffered a loss.

"What do you think? The strength of our factory is also good in the country, especially in terms of motors, it is the leader in the country."

Feng Yu waved his hand: "Director Li, it's not difficult. I just want to make a humidifier. To put it simply, it uses a heating rod to turn water into water vapor and change the indoor air humidity."

"Change indoor air humidity?"

"Well, don't you think your office is a little dry? Our winter in the north is like this. If you are not careful, it is easy to cause respiratory infections, and you will get angry when you breathe." Feng Yu continued to induce.

"What you said, I just put an electric kettle in the office."

Damn it, you can still do this!

"Do you think it's appropriate to put an electric kettle in the office? I'm going to make this humidifier out of plastic or glass. It's transparent, beautiful, and can have patterns on it. And using a humidifier can effectively prevent colds."

"you sure?"

"Of course, you will know after you try it. Make the humidifier so big and have a heating rod inside..." Feng Yu began to describe the appearance of the humidifier to Li Shiyou.

"Wait a minute, I'll call a few people in." Li Shiyou asked his secretary to call a few engineers and let them listen to Feng Yu's ideas so that they could know how much a humidifier costs.

"Mr. Feng, if you use glass, you need to get high-temperature-resistant glass. The cost is not low, and the glass is fragile, so it is not convenient to transport, right? If you use plastic, you also need to get high-temperature-resistant plastic. The price is the same. It's not cheap. The heating rod is not expensive, and the principle is very simple. We will have no problem making it. I wonder how much processing fee Mr. Feng plans to give us for this humidifier?" asked a workshop director.

"How much do you want?"

Several people looked around, then lowered their heads to discuss, and it was the workshop director who spoke: "Thirty. We need to make some changes to the existing equipment. Assembly is also troublesome, and the quantity you order cannot be less than 5,000 units. ."

OEM costs 30 yuan, and the material cost is more than 10 yuan. The price is higher than Feng Yu imagined. However, Feng Yu believes that he can still sell 5,000 units. If it doesn't work, he can export it to the Soviet Union. He who picks up rags... No, he who likes novel things will definitely not refuse.

"It's plastic. There are two models. Let's produce 5,000 units each first. I'll give you a deposit of 30,000 yuan, no problem. How long will it take to complete the production?"

"The mold needs to be remade. We are not worried about efficiency here. It is mainly a plastic factory. It will take about ten days."

"Okay, then in ten days, Director Li, can we sign the contract?"

The next morning, Feng Yu came to the motor factory again. The prototype was produced. Feng Yu took a look and found that there were no patterns at all on the plastic. His eyes were very monotonous, and could even be said to be ugly. Who would want to put such a thing on the table? Come on.

"Director Li, these two pieces should be separated. One should be made white and the other blue. This area should be transparent, this area should have patterns on it, this area should have our Fengyu trademark pattern, and this area should be After printing, there must be no leakage of electricity, and it must be easy to change the water... "

Feng Yu proposed many improvements to the prototype, and several engineers from the motor factory took notes and wrote them down. Anyway, it is mainly the changes on the plastic casing. These costs are not borne by them. Feng Yu can make any changes he wants.

"That's it. I'll pick up the goods in ten days. If it's done, maybe we can do this for a long time."

Electric humidifiers are easy to copy, but what about ultrasonic humidifiers? Large state-owned enterprises can solve ultrasonic process problems, but some small factories definitely do not have this strength. But if Feng Yu remembers correctly, the state-invested humidifier giant should have already started producing industrial humidifiers, and civilian ones will not be launched until 1990.

If he is one year ahead and still cannot capture the market, it will only prove that Feng Yu is indeed not the material.

He rushed to the newspaper office without stopping to change the advertisement for tomorrow. Advertising for soybean oil and sugar has been going on for so long that everyone has remembered the Taihua brand, and now everyone is reminded of the Fengyu brand again.

The advertisement on the first day only had a picture the size of a flower pot, and many people couldn't understand what it was. It seems to be made of plastic, but the pattern is quite beautiful.

The next day, a small soft article was added to promote the disadvantages of dry air, such as the tendency to cause colds and respiratory infections.

On the third day, the benefits of moist air to the human body were discussed.

On the fourth day, there were a few big words: Fengyu Electrical Appliances, a big comeback!

The effect of this sentence is even better than the previous soft article. Everyone is curious, isn't Fengyu Electric the one that makes electric fans? Is there something wrong with the boss of this company? Selling electric fans in the middle of winter

Fengyu Electrical Appliances has become a joke among everyone today, and many people were still talking about it when they went to work the next day. But there are still some people who are interested. Lenovo’s newspaper advertisements two days ago speculated that what Fengyu Electric launched this time was definitely not an electric fan, but related to regulating air humidity.

"Wind and rain humidifier, a good indoor companion."

This advertising slogan occupied the entire newspaper page for five days, making it difficult for people to miss it. And people's curiosity has also been aroused. A humidifier adds humidity to the air? Does this thing work? Where can I buy it

PS1: The first humidifier in China was Yadu, which currently occupies 70% of the domestic market share. However, in the beginning, the main research direction was industrial humidifiers. It was affiliated to the Ministry of Science and Technology and a company in Beijing. It only launched a household model in 1990. , and later the joint-stock system was reformed, and foreign capital took advantage again!