Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 112: Under tripartite cooperation


When Hou Haitao saw Feng Yu, he became even more disdainful of Li Shiyou. A half-year-old child, probably still in school age, is actually Li Shiyou’s friend. Li Shiyou is really getting more and more alive.

"Director Hou, this is the friend I told you about, Feng Yu from Taihua Company, Mr. Feng."

"Yeah." Hou Haitao snorted from his nose, which was considered a greeting. As for standing up and shaking hands, he didn't even think about it. He even felt that Feng Yu was not worthy of entering his office.

Feng Yu saw Hou Haitao's contempt and felt a little helpless. If he were in Hou Haitao's position and saw a teenage child, he would probably not be much better. But Feng Yu believed that giving him a minute would change Hou Haitao's view.

What else Li Shiyou wanted to say, Feng Yu waved his hand, indicating that he would say it himself.

"Director Hou, maybe you haven't heard of Taihua Company, but you have always heard of Fengyu electric fans, right? This is mine. Have you heard of Taihua Selected Oil? It's mine too."

After hearing Feng Yu's words, Hou Haitao sat up straight and began to pay attention to Feng Yu. The Fengyu brand electric fan is the same miracle as last summer. Suddenly it appeared and became very popular in Bingcheng and even the whole country. Their Bingfei Factory also purchased dozens of units, and his family also bought two units.

The soybean oil his family currently eats is also Taihua Selected Oil. My wife has identified this brand and has to buy it even if it is expensive.

Do these two belong to Mr. Xiao Feng in front of me? In this way, this little Mr. Feng is really qualified to sit here.

"It turns out to be Mr. Feng from Taihua Company, Xiao Wang, please bring some tea!" Hou Haitao took the initiative to shake hands with Feng Yu, and then asked his secretary to make tea.

"Director Hou may have guessed our purpose. We are here to talk to Director Hou about cooperation in ultrasonic technology and the development of new humidifiers. By the way, the humidifier on Director Hou's desk is our product."

Hou Haitao looked at the humidifier on the table. It was purchased by the director of the factory office. After using it, he felt much more comfortable.

"Cooperation? No need. Just tell us what you want to produce and what your requirements are, and we will produce it directly." The workshop of Bingfei Factory is not running at full capacity now. If there are orders, it is of course better to do it yourself.

Before Feng Yu could speak, Li Shiyou became anxious: "Director Hou, do you have a production line for humidifiers? Our factory has a modified production line with the lowest production cost. Can your Bingfei factory do it? Your current factory The focus of your work is on aircraft engines and vans, so can you have time to produce humidifiers?”

Hou Haitao leaned on the sofa: "The problem is that we have the technology."

Feng Yu interrupted them: "Director Hou, Director Li, I'm here to discuss cooperation with you two, not to see you quarrel. We all want to make money, at least on this point, our goals are the same. Now Bingfei Factory has the technology, the Motor Factory has the production equipment, and I have the funds and sales channels. I think we can cooperate among the three parties to jointly develop and operate new humidifiers, and the money earned will be divided among the three parties."

"Cooperation is fine. But in developing new products, technology is the most important, so I think our Bingfei Factory should take half of the profits, and you two should share the rest."

"Impossible, you have contributed the least, why should you get half? Our factory is doing all the production, so we should get half!" Li Shiyou quickly retorted.

Feng Yu has a headache. It seems that he has underestimated the appetite of these two large state-owned manufacturers. They both want half of it. So if I provide funds and contract sales, is it all for nothing

Li Shiyou and Hou Haitao continued to quarrel, but suddenly Feng Yu noticed something was wrong. The two old guys were winking at each other.

Damn it, two old guys are playing a double act, they want to join forces to squeeze me out!

"Director Hou, Director Li, have you finished talking? I think you both want to go it alone, so why not go it alone? Our family also has some shares in the machinery company, and they can produce this humidifier as well. As for Speaking of technology, in addition to Bingfei Factory, I think there must be one at the University of Technology, where there are no less professors and experts than Bingfei Factory!"

"Hey~~~What are you talking about, Mr. Feng? Aren't we discussing three-party cooperation?" Li Shiyou began to smooth things over.

"Humph, really? Is this your attitude towards cooperation? You want to take half, and you also want to take half. If we co-write, I will use up my funds and sales channels. Why don't I give you the company as well?" Feng Yu Looking at the two old foxes sarcastically.

"What does Mr. Feng mean?" Hou Haitao asked.

"It's not interesting. Since ancient times, whoever provides the funds gets the lion's share. What's more, the appearance design of this humidifier, as well as the design concept, market positioning, sales, brand and even creativity are mine, so I want to account for 80% of the profits. You divide the remaining 20%!"

"Absolutely not!" Hou Haitao and Li Shiyou said in unison.

One party occupies 80%, and the two major factories only occupy 20%. How can that be done

"Okay, I'll take a step back. I want at least 30%." Li Shiyou said with a roll of his eyes.

"Me too, I want 30%, and you want the most, 40%. Is that okay?"

Feng Yu looked at the two old foxes with a sneer. You two together account for 60%. Once you two join forces, won't you be able to make any decision without me

"I will also take a step back. The most you can get is 15%, and I want 70%!" Everyone opened their mouths to see if you can get rid of me and go it alone, or if I can get rid of you two and go it alone.

"Mr. Feng, you can't be too greedy. With three-party cooperation, what we want is already less than one-third." Hou Haitao said with a cold face.

"Really? But what you paid is not even worth a third."

"Two and a half percent, I want two and a half percent." Li Shiyou thought for a while and said, "I can't explain it to the factory no matter how much it is."

Before Hou Haitao could talk, Feng Yu sneered: "Does Director Hou also plan to ask for 25%? To tell you the truth, I must occupy more than half of the shares of this new humidifier, and I guarantee the annual income of both of you. , not less than one million… rubles!”

"How much?" Hou Haitao's eyes widened.

"One million rubles! You each have 20%. The Bingfei Factory is responsible for research and development, the Motor Factory is responsible for production, and I am responsible for financing and sales. If I leave this thing to you, which of you can guarantee a profit of one million dollars to me? ?Another point is that the research and development results of the Bingfei Factory belong to me. I came up with the idea and provided the research and development funds, so the research and development results belong to me. You can enjoy profit sharing according to the shares. I can sign a contract with you. A ten-year contract with a guaranteed annual profit of one million rubles.”

Feng Yu was clever again, specifically talking about the ruble instead of the US dollar. The ruble will depreciate crazily in two years, and the ruble may be cheaper than the Japanese yen by then. Even if the future sales of humidifiers are not as good as Feng Yu expected, Feng Yu can still easily take out the two million rubles after depreciation.

A ten-year contract seems very long, but it is only the length of a patent protection period. If the three-party cooperation is not pleasant, Feng Yu can choose to go it alone at any time and give them a profit of one million rubles per year. Anyway, the patented technology is in his own hands.

Li Shiyou and Hou Haitao looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "Okay, we agreed!" PS1: Thanks to Hulu Xian'er for the evaluation vote, and thanks to Youying Mengyue and Snake~ for their rewards. By the way, Snake~ is already the number one fan of this book. , and is already the helmsman, the fourth one decided to add another chapter for Snake~, so, there will be three more updates tomorrow, the first update will be at zero o'clock, please recommend, please collect, remember, this book is signed by Quanben Novel Network work!
