Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 114: The young man who sued foreign guests


The aura that Da Jinya had just gained suddenly faded away. He was able to take out 80,000 in cash at once, but looking at the bag, it seemed that he had not finished all of it. He can only earn 30,000 yuan a year, but others can easily take out 80,000 yuan. That business is many times that of his!

Needless to say, Da Jinya left in despair. There were many people around at this time, and they were all blinded by Feng Yu's way of taking out money.

And people who knew Li Shiqiang were whispering. They knew that Li Shiqiang had made a fortune, but they didn't expect that he had made such a big fortune! If I were not working, when would I be able to afford a BP machine when I was working? Not to mention driving a car.

After everyone logged in and opened accounts, Li Shiqiang exchanged a few pleasantries and fled quickly. The enthusiasm of his old colleagues was difficult for him to accept.

Back at the company, Feng Yu distributed the BP machines one by one and told everyone that this was this year's year-end bonus.

Wu Zhigang and the others were all shocked. They had thought that the year-end bonus would be much higher. They estimated that based on Feng Yu's generosity, it would not be less than a thousand yuan. However, they did not expect that one of them would be given a BP machine, which cost more than four thousand yuan. Bar

Feng Yu encouraged everyone and told them that they had two business operations before the year, one for import and one for export, and then they could take a holiday and not go to work until after the fifteenth day. Does the country still have an annual leave policy? Our Taihua company has it!

Everyone cheered again. With such a long vacation, wouldn't it be a good few days of fun

Three days later, Feng Yu received a call from Brother Ji. The Gas convoy had arrived from the river and was expected to reach Ice City in two days.

Feng Yu was overjoyed that the batch of cars finally arrived. Through Brother Ji's efforts, there are a total of 80 cars in this batch, equipped with thousands of small refrigeration compressors. These refrigeration machines can be turned into thousands of refrigerators after being processed by the motor factory.

Because refrigeration machines are ridiculously cheap, the cost of refrigerators is also extremely low, and the selling price is naturally low. According to Feng Yu's estimation, he should be able to earn hundreds of thousands from these refrigerators!

On this day, a long Soviet GAZ motorcade appeared on the streets of Bingcheng. Because the convoy was extremely long, it attracted a lot of people's attention.

It seems to be transporting goods, but which unit is so prodigal that it would use this truck to transport goods from the Soviet Union instead of taking the railway

Later, everyone discovered that the motorcade actually entered the compound of the motor factory. Could it be that the motor factory ordered something from the Soviet Union? However, no one found out any information from the electrical machine factory. This information was blocked by Director Li.

It doesn't sound good to say that the electrical machinery factory makes OEM work for private companies, as it would lose the face of a large state-owned factory. They wouldn't even admit Fengyu brand electric fans, let alone Taihua brand refrigerators.

That's right, Feng Yu's refrigerator is registered under the Taihua brand. He has no intention of making it big. His understanding of refrigerators is nothing more than the difference in structural design. Refrigeration compressors will no longer be so cheap because they are basically The factory I contacted is basically at a semi-stop production. On the contrary, he is a little interested in the Soviet refrigeration compressor production line. Maybe he can get it and sell it to a manufacturer that produces refrigerators.

In order not to affect the value of Fengyu brand, Feng Yu could only use Taihua brand. Originally he wanted to use the Shiqiang brand, but Li Shiqiang refused. The refrigerator designed by Feng Yu had a weird appearance, and it had double doors. Who would buy such a big refrigerator? How much stuff do you have to put in, and how much electricity does it cost

These are all things for later. Feng Yu’s most important task now is to wait for Brother Ji to arrive, and the two of them go to the court with the IOU and award these gas trucks to Feng Yu. This saves him a lot of tax!

Brother Ji's plane arrived at night, and Feng Yu drove to pick him up personally. This time, Brother Ji only brought one person, his confidant. In addition to selling these cars, he also wanted to have more contact with Feng Yu, so that he could get rid of other people in the future and cooperate with Feng Yu alone.

"What are you talking about? You want to sue a foreign guest?" The people in the court opened their mouths with disbelief on their faces.

This is a foreign guest, a foreign guest of the Soviet Big Brother, and you actually want to sue him? Doesn't this damage the image of our country? Doesn't this destroy the friendship between the two countries

If the embassy knew about this, it would definitely be sensational news. How could he, a city court, dare to judge foreign guests

"What's wrong with the foreign guest? The contract is written in black and white. He owes me so much money and used these cars as collateral. If the money is not paid now, the car should be awarded to me. Is there any problem?" Feng Yu looked at the court speechlessly. Staff, please don't go too high, this is just ordinary business behavior.

"Young man, can't you two discuss it? Our court doesn't have the power to judge foreign guests. How about you go to the Provincial High Court?" The staff looked embarrassed. Feng Yu was right, but He didn't dare to set a precedent.

"We discussed it and he agreed. If you don't believe me, ask the translator. I'm not lying to you. He has brought his passport." Of course Brother Ji would agree. The two of them had discussed it. Feng Yu just wanted to avoid the high cost. Taxation, Brother Ji understands this very well.

The staff looked embarrassed and felt that they were so unlucky. Why was he on duty today? Why did the other person go to the toilet just now? If I had known he should have gone too, even absenteeism would have been better than this.

Feng Yu was afraid that something like this would happen, so he came with a translator. The translator was a university teacher hired from the university and was hired with a high salary. As soon as the other translators heard that the court was going to the court, they turned around and left. Nowadays, people don't want to deal with the court at all.

"Let's pass the verdict. It's so clear. Why bother? I'll get the verdict soon, right?" Feng Yu urged. He was still in a hurry to go to the vehicle management office to complete the formalities.

The staff could only ask Feng Yu to wait for a while, and he wanted to ask the leader for instructions. He was even more curious. This old guy didn't seem to be angry at all. Shouldn't a normal person be angry if he was sued? Even if you're not angry, you should still be a little frustrated, right? Why does this old man still look cheerful? Could it be that he is mentally ill

Brother Ji didn't know that he was being treated as a fool, so he put on a smile that he thought was elegant, but he didn't know at all that the elegance he thought looked like a silly smile.

After a while, a man who looked like a leader came over and asked Brother Ji some questions again. He understands Russian and knows that Brother Ji’s answer is correct. He checked Brother Ji's passport again and asked Feng Yu to wait.

The leader then reported the matter to the larger leaders, and finally the matter was quickly reported from the city to the province. It was still a big and courageous leader who made the decision, what about the foreign guests? If foreign guests break the law in our country, we will still deal with it!

He issued instructions and made judgments based on ordinary economic contracts!

This matter quickly came back from level to level. The leaders of the Municipal Intermediate People's Court understood it at a glance. Lao Maozi himself agreed to the instructions given to his subordinates. Let's not get too involved. In the end, Lao Maozi had to sign and have his fingerprints printed. Well, we need to get a Russian copy of the verdict to prevent him from recanting his confession in the future.

Several clerks in the court secretly looked at Feng Yu. He was so young and dared to file a lawsuit with Lao Maozi. The young man was very courageous and they didn't know who was behind him.

After Feng Yu stuffed a small red envelope, the staff's efficiency increased significantly, and the verdict was completed in less than an hour. After receiving this judgment, these 80 GAZ vehicles were officially owned by Fengyu Logistics Co., Ltd.
