Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 12: Treasury bills



It was only about four in the afternoon, but it was already dark. Fortunately, he had a car, so Feng Yu could get to Teacher Sun's house before dinner. Teacher Sun was also very happy that Feng Yu could come to see him.

Although this child is usually a little wilted, he still studies very hard. He is a little behind in Russian and mathematics, and he is not sure about being admitted to the city's high school, but there is still hope for him to be admitted to the county's high school.

After declining Teacher Sun's invitation to stay for dinner, Feng Yu followed Li Shiqiang back to Li's house. After dinner, Li Shiqiang went out to get busy. Feng Yu will take the bus back to the farm tomorrow afternoon. There is still time in the morning, and maybe he can exchange some foreign currency at the International Hotel.

When Li Shiqiang came back, it was already past ten o'clock, and the foreign currency he brought out was exchanged for more than 50,000 RMB. After seeing their son come back, Li's father and Li's mother went to sleep peacefully, while Feng Yu pulled Li Shiqiang back and continued to brainwash him.

"Brother Li, this money is quite easy to make, right?"

Li Shiqiang nodded vigorously: "You still have the brains. I don't study much and know little. If I keep doing this, I can earn as much in one month as I can in a year's work."

"There is something more profitable, do you want to do it?"

"More profitable?" Li Shiqiang's breathing became more rapid.

“Treasury bills!”

"Xiaoyu, you always tell me treasury bills, treasury bills. But I know treasury bills better than you. They really don't make money, and they can't be used as money. You can't exchange them at the bank until they expire. How can you make money?" Li Shiqiang heard this. It was treasury bills, and it was immediately deflated.

Not just him, everyone in his work unit and his parents' work unit were forced to buy treasury bonds, but didn't they all keep them in their hands and not earn a penny? It is said that interest will be paid in the future, but who can say for sure what will happen in the future

"Brother Li, you don't read the newspaper very much, do you? The newspaper said that treasury bills will start to be allowed to be traded, just like commodities. A treasury bill worth ten yuan may become 11 yuan. Do you think it will make money?"

Li Shiqiang shook his head: "I still haven't made money by exchanging foreign currency!"

Feng Yu was furious: "Why is it really so easy to exchange foreign currency for you? Let alone whether this is legal or not, even if no one cares about it, how long can it be done? And do you understand foreign languages? What will you do when I return to the farm? Besides, People at the International Hotel have been staring at us today. If I go there tomorrow, they will kick us out."

Li Shiqiang was stunned. He couldn't do such a profitable thing

Seeing that Li Shiqiang was silent, Feng Yu continued: "Think about it, is the interest rate on treasury bills higher than that on banks?"

"Yes, it's higher than the regular rate, but the turnover is inconvenient."

"I told you, it will be publicly traded soon. Do you think, if you sell a ten-dollar treasury bill for nine yuan now, would you sell it?"

"Sell! This treasury bill is taking too long, I can't afford to wait."

"Yes, many people have the same idea as you. When the time comes, the price of treasury bills will drop, and the price of ten yuan will become nine yuan. But some people have more money and are not in a hurry to use it. They want to buy what treasury bills cannot buy. , they will start buying at a high price, and the price of a ten-dollar treasury bill will become eleven yuan."

"Impossible. If you buy it for 11 yuan for 10 yuan, wouldn't you be a fool? The interest rate on treasury bills may not be that high." Li Shiqiang definitely didn't believe it. How could anyone buy treasury bills at such a high price

"I'm just making an analogy, but if it's ten cents and ten cents, someone will buy it, right?"

"That's pretty much the same, but will anyone really buy it? And treasury bills, are they really allowed to be traded?"

"Teacher Sun said that he has a classmate in the capital, inside information. Then we will make the difference. Every time, ten yuan can become eleven yuan. One hundred thousand yuan can become eleven yuan." Ten thousand!" Teacher Sun was pulled out by Feng Yu again and used as a shield.

Li Shiqiang's eyes widened. One hundred thousand yuan turned into one hundred thousand yuan. It was such a profit! His monthly salary is less than 100 yuan, how can he make money like this

"Xiaoyu, what should I do?"

"Buy treasury bills! Collect treasury bills from colleagues and friends. Those who cost ten yuan will pay nine and a half yuan. Many of them are forced to buy them. If they can exchange them for cash, they will definitely be willing. Remember, you can collect as much as you can. After two months Once the transaction is allowed, no matter how much you want to take it, they won’t sell it!”

"What do you mean, all of our money will be collected from treasury bills? A hundred thousand, what if the news is wrong? How about we collect 10,000 first?" Li Shiqiang did not dare to bet. If it is wrong, these treasury bills It hasn't been used for several years, and his family's and Feng's family's money has been lost in it.

"If you don't believe me, you should believe my teacher. What he said is absolutely right. He told me about the foreign currency exchange. Just tell me how much money did we make just from this? If you could Borrowing money or borrowing money to buy treasury bills is guaranteed to make you a lot of money!”

Feng Yu once again mentioned the name of Teacher Sun. Not to mention, this name is really useful. Li Shiqiang gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

Early the next morning, Li Shiqiang sent Feng Yu to the entrance of the International Hotel, and then drove away by himself, trying to exchange some foreign currency in the morning.

Not to mention, through word of mouth, many people now know that Li Shiqiang is capable and can obtain foreign currency, and some even take the initiative to find him.

Feng Yu continued to exchange foreign currency at the entrance of the International Hotel. With his sharp tongue, 50,000 yuan was quickly exchanged for more than 40,000 yuan. At the same time, he also carried some rubles and US dollars in his bag.

Because he was alone this time, Feng Yu was afraid of an accident and did not dare to leave the entrance of the International Hotel. And always hanging around the entrance of the International Hotel, naturally he was noticed by the people inside.

There are many foreign guests here, so nothing can happen. The guard reported it to the manager. When Yu Chunyuan came out, he happened to see Feng Yu exchanging foreign currency with foreign guests.

He was very angry. Foreigners often came to him to exchange foreign currency at the International Hotel. He then exchanged it privately with some leaders, but now he let a child pry the currency!

Yu Chunyuan grabbed Feng Yu's sleeve: "Who asked you to exchange foreign currency with foreign guests here? I will ask the guard to arrest you!"

Alas, as expected, this matter still touched the interests of others.

Feng Yu smiled sheepishly: "Manager Yu, I also changed it for my cousin. Their leader is going to study abroad next month. Don't they want to get some foreign currency and buy some souvenirs? I have already changed it. Leave now and I promise not to come back again.”

Yu Chunyuan looked at Feng Yu's satchel suspiciously, as if he had a lot of money. But he didn't want to get a bad reputation as a bully of children, so he could only warn again: "Forget it this time, if necessary, you can go to the bank to apply. If I see you pestering foreign guests here again, I will send you to the police Go to the bureau!"

Feng Yu nodded and left. An hour later, Li Shiqiang drove to pick him up. He was also very sorry to learn that the International Hotel would not allow them to harass foreign guests anymore. It was such a quick way to make money.

"Brother Li, don't be discouraged, treasury bills can be traded for one or two years. Now, after all these foreign currencies are converted into RMB, you can start collecting treasury bills. When trading is allowed, we are guaranteed to make a big profit! You won't let Are my sister and my dad disappointed?"

Li Shiqiang showed a determined look: "Well, I will never let them down! Starting tomorrow, I will collect treasury bills!"

This is the first book friend to leave a real message in the book review area. I am very happy. Thank you.



