Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 126: On product placement


Please collect and recommend, thank you. Today is a very important day for Li Shiyou. He will be rated as an advanced worker in the province. A reporter from the TV station will come to give him an exclusive interview. Then he will be in the news together with several other advanced workers in the province. Appear, even in the evening, there will be a whole talk show, at least ten minutes of footage.

After Feng Yu learned the news, he quickly rushed to the motor factory. Of course, he didn't come to congratulate Li Shiyou, but felt that this was an excellent opportunity that he couldn't miss.

When the camera was being set up, Feng Yu knocked on the door and came in. Li Shiyou was surprised. What kind of emergency was this that made Feng Yu come in when he was being interviewed by a provincial and Taiwanese reporter

Feng Yu whispered something in Li Shiyou's ear. Li Shiyou's eyes widened. Is this okay? Those questions and answers were all reviewed with the reporter just now. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to make temporary changes

Feng Yu asked Li Shiyou to do this. This is a major matter related to the profits of the entire factory. Besides, it will not affect your interview. What are you afraid of

Li Shiyou nodded and asked the reporter to wait a moment. He went out to explain a few words to his secretary.

Five minutes later, the secretary opened the door and more than a dozen workshop workers came in, all holding a large box in their hands, which was placed behind Li Shiyou's desk, covering the bookshelf.

The boxes were stacked higher and higher. Feng Yu ran to the camera and took a look. It was good. The entire background was occupied by the boxes, and the patterns on the boxes were clearly visible.

He opened another box himself, took out the humidifier inside, and placed it directly in front of Li Shiyou's desk, occupying almost one-fifth of the lens.

Adjust it so that the trademark pattern of Fengyu Brand is facing the camera. Add water to the humidifier, plug it in, and don't turn on the switch.

The reporter and cameraman were stunned for a long time. What were these people doing? This was an office, not a warehouse. You have put product boxes on one wall. What is this for

The reporter couldn't help but ask: "Director Li, what are you doing? It doesn't look good on the screen if the office is like this. And we will give some shots of the workshop, so there is no need for this."

Before Li Shiyou could speak, Feng Yu said: "Comrade reporter, you have misunderstood. We did not do it intentionally, but there is almost no room in the warehouse. Our factory director Li leads by example and rationalizes the use of space. This is also forced A helpless choice.”

"What is this, a Fengyu brand humidifier? This is really produced by a motor factory, but this little thing doesn't take up much space, right? The warehouse of the motor factory can hold 100,000 units, right? How many units have you produced?" The reporter took a closer look and saw that this box was not for a humidifier. She saw the Fengyu brand trademark at a glance.

In the past, people had been saying that Fengyu brand humidifiers and last year's Fengyu brand electric fans were all produced by motor factories. He still didn't believe it, but now he saw that it was true.

Feng Yu continued to make nonsense: "There are too many. There are other products in the warehouse. Besides, this is what our Factory Director Li's office really looks like. There is absolutely no fraud."

When Feng Yu said this, he quietly stuffed a prepared red envelope into the reporter's hand and whispered: "Please don't interrupt if Director Li has trouble answering."

The reporter pinched the red envelope and nodded, no longer caring about the background. You, Director Li, are not afraid of being ugly on TV, so what are we afraid of

Of course, Feng Yu did not forget the cameraman. He also took advantage of the handshake and stuffed the cameraman with a red envelope. "Comrade, please stop at this angle for a moment. Our factory director's angle is the most graceful and photogenic."

The cameraman chuckled and promised that there would be no problem, and that Director Li must be allowed to leave the country at the angle he was most satisfied with.

"Three, two, one, let's start! Today we come to Bingcheng Electric Machinery Factory, which is an old state-owned enterprise that has made important contributions to the country's four modernizations. For example, the electricity currently used by our Bingcheng and even Longjiang, All generators come from Bingcheng Motor Factory. Let’s interview Li Shiyou, the director of the motor factory. Director Li, as far as we know, last year the motor factory was in such a short supply of funds that even workers’ wages were It’s difficult to pay them, so how do you change this situation and take the lead in raising wages for factory workers this year?”

Li Shiyou looked at the camera and returned seriously: "Last year, our factory did have financial difficulties due to payment problems for some orders, but all our factory employees carried forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and tiredness, and responded to the country's call to innovate independently. Seeking development…”

The first question was exactly the same as the lines they had chosen. Li Shiyou was completely off-script, showing the professionalism of a leader's speech. In fact, if given a chance, he could talk for half an hour without stopping, something only a great leader can do.

"Then we still have a question..." The reporter continued to ask questions according to the script.

Li Shiyou answered a few words, then suddenly held his throat and coughed: "Sorry, the air is a bit dry, please wait a moment."

Then Li Shiyou pressed the very eye-catching humidifier switch on the table, and instantly saw water mist rising. Li Shiyou took an exaggerated deep breath, and then showed a relieved expression.

"Sorry, I'll continue with the question I just asked..."

The reporter was dumbfounded. What's going on? In front of the camera, you still have time to turn on the humidifier? And your expression is too exaggerated. When the humidifier is turned on, can the air in the room change so much? Besides, the room is not dry at all. Half an hour ago, there was a humidifier working in the room. Didn't someone unplug it

Feng Yu secretly gave a thumbs up gesture. Director Li's acting skills are perfect!

He stood behind the cameraman the entire time, and the humidifier was captured very clearly in the lens. Although it did not allow for a close-up, the beautiful appearance was enough to be remembered. There is also water mist that appears instantly, which is obviously much faster than an electric humidifier, and its characteristics are also outstanding.

Especially the humidifier box on the entire wall behind it. Although it can't be seen clearly, it makes people very curious. The ability to attract attention is definitely not bad.

The office interview continued, and when the last question was asked, the reporter suggested visiting the workshop and warehouse. Li Shiyou stood up and turned off the humidifier, then held the humidifier with both hands and placed it on the ground.

The reporter looked at the humidifier in Li Shiyou's hand in surprise. Isn't this thing hot? She asked casually, and Li Shiyou replied with a smile. This is not a first-generation electric humidifier, but a new second-generation product. It blows out cold mist, so it is not hot. It is safer to put it at home. You don’t have to worry about children getting hurt. scald.

Perfect. Although this section was not included in the recording, it might be revealed soon...