Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 127: Under product placement


Reporters and cameramen followed Li Shiyou to the production workshop of the motor factory, but the production equipment and products in front of them were different from what they imagined.

Shouldn't they all produce generators? Even if they need to be kept confidential due to technical aspects, they should be some parts of generators. Why do the things produced in this workshop look familiar? Damn, this is not the kind of humidification just now. Device!

"Director Li, is there something wrong with this workshop?" the reporter couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing. This workshop produces the most profitable products in our factory now. Oh, there are several workshops that also produce this. Do you want to go to other workshops to have a look?" Li Shiyou asked knowingly. Feng Yu said that he wanted to show this workshop and be on TV. The technology of the motor workshop is easy to be leaked. There is no need to worry about this, and you can take the opportunity to promote the humidifier. The most important point is that Feng Yu said that this can be included in the advertising fee, and he is willing to pay the motor factory a generous advertising fee for this.

The reporter was helpless, forget it, you are the director of the factory, you can show whatever you want.

Standing in the workshop, Li Shiyou answered several reporters' questions, but for some reason, Factory Director Li's answers increasingly deviated from the answers they had given before. Why did he keep saying the same thing about this Fengyu brand humidifier

"This is the second-generation humidifier we developed in cooperation with Bingfei Factory. It has the most advanced technology and has applied for national patents and overseas patents. Water mist will appear in an instant, which is more efficient and saves heating time. It also saves electricity, consumes less energy, and saves water. It eliminates the trouble of frequently adding water, and it sprays cold mist, which will not cause burns and is safer... "

The reporter quickly signaled to the cameraman to turn off the camera. This was no longer an interview, this was no longer an advertisement.

"Director Li, we have to follow the correct script. Why do you always promote your factory's products?" The reporter looked helpless. The length of their video tapes was also limited.

"I'm sorry, I always have these things in my mind, so I just said it. Okay, next I will follow the script, let's go to the warehouse and have a look?" Li Shiyou glanced at Feng Yu and saw Feng Yu secretly stretched out his hand. Thumbs out.

As soon as they entered the warehouse, not only the reporters and cameramen were stunned this time, but also Li Shiyou.

Is this the warehouse of a motor factory? I just came and took a look, and it’s not like that inside. This is now... making a pattern out of boxes

Feng Yu motioned to Li Shiyou to stand in front of the box for the interview, and specifically asked the cameraman to give a long shot, saying it was to show that the warehouse was full of products.

The cameraman was complaining in his heart, your warehouse is full, why don't you leave a large area empty? Besides, where do you have warehouse products arranged like this? As a layman, I understand that this is a waste of space and not neat and safe.

This time Li Shiyou's answer was quite satisfactory, but the reporter and cameraman still looked embarrassed. How am I going to explain this to my boss when I go back? Which paragraph should I use for tomorrow night’s news

The first paragraph includes shots of the humidifier being turned on and off, as well as the humidifier box on the entire wall; the second paragraph is all about the production scene of the humidifier, and there is also a paragraph that Li Shiyou said that is similar to an advertisement; the third paragraph The answer is no problem, but what is the background of TM? Do the people in your motor factory like to play with building blocks

Forget it, let's leave this problem to the leaders. It seems that Director Li will not cooperate with them to re-shoot, and the video tapes he brought are not enough. It's too late to reshoot tomorrow. I hope the leaders don't notice and can save them from criticism.

Besides, before leaving, Feng Yu put another souvenir in the car for the two of them, which was a new humidifier produced by the motor factory. It was not yet launched on the market, and even the provincial and municipal leaders did not have it!

They were given red envelopes when they came and souvenirs when they left. The electrical machine factory did much better than other leaders they interviewed, so they could bear any criticism.

When they opened the red envelope and looked at it, they were even more surprised. Each person had 500 yuan. I held it very thin at first, thinking it was only a few dozen yuan, but I didn’t expect that all the big bills stuffed inside were 100 yuan!

Five hundred yuan is their salary for several months. This time, their resentment towards Director Li is even smaller. They can accept even criticism from the leader and even deduction of salary. At most, half a month will be deducted. This is five hundred yuan. One hundred dollars!

After the people from the TV station left, Feng Yu made a few calls and asked the people who produced the commercial to come over and make a TV commercial as soon as possible. It should be similar to this interview without changing the scene!

Li Shiyou worked hard again and became the leading actor in an advertisement for free. Of course, the shots of the workshop were replaced by the introduction of the factory's chief engineer, which was more convincing.

What Feng Yu is most satisfied with is the arrangement of goods in the last warehouse. It has the style of a future supermarket tally aunt. How photogenic!

The next day, the evening news of the provincial station broadcast Li Shiyou's interview footage, which was severely edited. But to Feng Yu's surprise, the scene of turning the humidifier on and off in the first shot was retained. It is said that this makes it more realistic. The distant view of the third shot is also retained. It is said that it is to show the overall view of the warehouse, including the busy workers.

After watching it in front of the TV, Feng Yushou burst out laughing. These two red envelopes were so worth it!

Later on, there was a video of the entire interview, this time even better, with almost no editing. Feng Yu himself couldn't help but pay attention to the humidifier, let alone other viewers. It can be said that Li Shiyou's style was completely obscured by the humidifier. Feng Yu could only say sorry for this.

The next day, the same advertisement similar to the interview was placed on the provincial station three times a day, corresponding to three one-minute shots. This time Feng Yu directly signed a one-year advertising contract with the provincial station at a high price. It was still in the name of Taihua Company, and it was flexible. Products could be replaced at any time. For example, the advertisement for this humidifier can be counted as sales of the humidifier. in cost.

Bingcheng citizens once again discovered a hot topic, that is, the placement of items in the motor factory warehouse. It was even shown on TV. The tallyman at the warehouse of the electrical machine factory was so talented that he actually used the product boxes with different colors to display the words "Wind and Rain"!

Feng Yu smiled proudly when he heard the discussion in the streets. He thought to himself, what does this mean? The supermarket ladies of later generations are much more talented than this, and they can make Optimus Prime out of boxes.

In short, the new generation of Fengyu brand humidifier has become popular all over Bingcheng before it is launched on the market. In the streets and alleys, after tea and dinner, people are talking about humidifier advertisements. Feng Yu believes that as long as the patent is applied for and they bring it to the market, it will definitely Can once again usher in a sales peak!

~~~Thanks to book friends such as Zhengshaobai, I Think I'm Good, Snake~, Oniwu Daidi, Qianshang Memories, and sone_Qingyu. Thank you for your encouragement. Announce again the genuine update reminder group for this book: 520,98,468, welcome to join the group to harass! ! !