Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 13: The money is gone


readx(); Feng Yu was back, and Feng Xingtai was looking forward to it. When no one was paying attention, he asked Feng Yu when he would get his money back and how much money he could make this time.

Feng Yu said bravely: "Dad, all the money has been spent on treasury bills." Then he shrank his neck and closed his eyes very experiencedly.

"What are you talking about? You bought treasury bonds? You spent more than 100,000 yuan to buy treasury bonds? You wasteful thing, did that boy Li Shiqiang trick you into buying it?"

Feng Xingtai's blood rushed to his brain. What should he do when spring comes? He raised his hand, but it didn't fall on his son's face.

Hey, you didn’t get beaten this time

"Dad, this is what I heard from the teacher in Bingcheng. Treasury bonds are going to be traded publicly. It was all my idea and has nothing to do with Brother Li. Think about it, Brother Li might only spend nine and a half yuan on buying ten yuan of Treasury bonds. One hundred yuan of treasury bills only costs 95, and after trading is allowed, these treasury bills can bring us tens of thousands of profits in an instant!"

Feng Xingtai sighed: "Son, Dad still cared too little about you before. You speak foreign languages so smoothly and can communicate with Lao Maozi, which Dad doesn't know. You can indeed make money by letting Xiao Li exchange foreign currencies together. I got the money. Now I’m talking about buying treasury bills. Dad doesn’t understand very well, but Dad believes in you.”

"Dad, do you really believe me?"

"Hey, what can you do if you don't believe me? If I beat you up, can you get the money back? Xiao Li is a nice person and has a good family, and your sister likes him too. If dad goes to get the money back, Xiao Li's family will What do you think of our family? Treasury bonds are just treasury bonds. When we have no money, our family will also come here." Well, I still don't believe it.

"Dad, is our family in a hurry for money now?" Feng Yu asked cautiously.

"Your sister is about to go to the hospital for an internship, and you are about to start school. Why don't you pay for these? And spring is about to start, so we need to start plowing the land, preparing seeds, and fertilizers. These are free? You spendthrift, I'm so angry!"

The more Feng Xingtai talked, the angrier he became. The anger he had finally suppressed was about to burst out.

"Dad, dad, it's too late, it's too late. Treasury bills can start trading in April, so we can buy seeds and fertilizers without delay. As for my tuition fees, accommodation fees, etc., I owe them now, and I'll pay them in two months. It's okay. I There is no need to worry about my sister, Brother Li will definitely leave some money, enough for my sister to use in the past two months."

"It's best! You have to hide this from your mother first. If she finds out, you'll be whipped to death with a willow stick. I'll think of a way to help your sister and your tuition fees, and find someone to borrow some."

"Lao Feng, Xiaoyu, what are you two muttering about in the back room? Do you want to eat yet?"

"It's coming, Mom, it's coming."

"Danying will go to the unit for internship in two days. Whether she can stay in the big hospital depends on how this internship goes. Lao Feng, how about we get some money for Danying and let her give some gifts to the leaders?" Zhang Muhua said while eating.

"Mom, what kind of gift are you giving? It's all evil. The hospital where I practice is short of nurses. Why can't I, who graduated from nursing school, stay?"

"That's right, Mom, there's no need. It would be better if the hospital didn't let my sister stay. In the future, I would open a hospital for my sister and let her be the dean. It would be much better than being a nurse!" Feng Yu said as he spoke He said as he was eating rice.


Zhang Muhua hit Feng Yu on the head with chopsticks: "Just like your father, he knows how to brag. When opening a hospital, let's talk about our company's health center. Do you know how much the things in it cost? Do you know Aunt Zhao at the health center? How many years did you have to work in the hospital to get this opportunity?”

Feng Yu curled his lips. It was just a hospital. It wouldn't take long for him to open it in three years. When the time comes, we will recruit some experienced doctors and nurses from big hospitals and let them all work for my sister!

"Old Feng, I'm talking to you, why don't you say anything."

"Ah? I don't think it's necessary either. Let's wait a little longer. It's better to give gifts before the internship is over." Feng Xingtai actually wanted his daughter to give gifts, but he had to be rich.

"What do you know? If you give gifts now, you can be assigned to a good department. I heard from Sister Zhao at the health center that some nurses often work night shifts, and some are in the emergency room, and they are all exhausted. It is best to be assigned to dentistry or something like that. , nothing happens in a day, it’s relaxing and nothing wrong.”

Feng Danying also looked at her father at this time. She didn't want to go to the emergency room, let alone work the night shift, so she wouldn't have time to meet with Li Shiqiang.

Feng Xingtai glanced at Feng Yu, what the hell, the money is gone. After a while, your mother goes to get the bankbook, and this matter will be exposed!

"Ahem, Mom, sister, you don't have to worry about this at all. Brother Li told me that he has already found a good relationship with the hospital where my sister is practicing. In the orthopedics department, he only needs to hand over some splints, bandages and so on. It’s very relaxing, fewer people go to the orthopedics department than to the dentistry department!”

Alas, lies come one after another. I have to call Brother Li in the evening and ask him to focus on purchasing treasury bonds at the hospital where my sister is an intern. Purchasing them at a fair price should allow the other party's leader to open a back door.

These days, those who can convert treasury bills into money are all capable people!

"It's true. I didn't notice it. Xiao Li is quite considerate, so I feel relieved."

Feng Yu flattered her at the right time: "Mom, my sister's eye for choosing a partner is as good as yours!"

Look at this sentence, it praises the three members of the family plus Li Shiqiang. Sure enough, everyone was smiling.

"By the way, Lao Feng, my eldest sister's family wants to borrow some money to buy a fifty-five (Dongfanghong fifty-five-horsepower tractor). They agreed to sell grain in the fall."

Feng Xingtai asked bravely: "How much do you want to borrow?"

"Five thousand."

Tsk~~ Feng Xingtai chewed his teeth and felt like his head was as big as two. If he still had the money in his hand, let alone five thousand, he could borrow ten thousand from his eldest sister's family. But now that his son and son-in-law-to-be had exchanged the money for treasury bills, how could he open his mouth

Feng Yu also saw that his father wanted to hand him over, and the best way at this time was to confess. My aunt's family wants to borrow money, so let them wait for another two months.

"Mom, can I tell you something?"

Zhang Muhua looked at her husband and then at her son. The two men had been making eye contact for a long time. It was obvious that they were hiding something from her!

"what's up?"

"Let Auntie wait for a month or two? Anyway, the tractor won't be used now, and it will age if left there. It's better to buy it after two months, and it won't delay the cultivation of the land and sowing."


Zhang Muhua slapped the table: "What are you two doing in such a sneaky way? Just now I paid your sister some money and you just stopped doing it, and now you're out to stop her, right?"

Zhang Muhua put down his chopsticks and ran to the back room. After rummaging through it for a long time, his bankbook was gone! There is more than 20,000 yuan in it!

"Where's the money? Where's the bankbook? Where did you two do it?" Zhang Muhua was angry. What did the two men do behind her back? They just used more than 20,000 yuan!

"Mom, Mom, don't worry. Did you lose the money? I didn't lose it. I used it!"

Zhang Muhua was stunned for a moment, then stood up suddenly and picked up the feather duster hanging on the wall: "You prodigal son, you dare to steal the family's money, I will beat you to death!"

By the way, the fourth child was beaten with a feather duster when he was a child. What about you