Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 132: Negotiation with Chinese characteristics


There was an internal meeting at CCTV. A draft advertisement written by Cheng Baojun was placed in front of the station leaders. Everyone frowned and no one spoke first.

The station director waited for a long time and then cleared his throat to break the silence: "If you have any opinions on Xiao Cheng's draft advertisement, please share it. Deputy Director Jia, you are in charge of the advertising department, so you go ahead and say it."

Deputy Director Jia, who was named, could only bite the bullet and said: "Director, colleagues, it is obvious to all that the funds in the station are tight now. When Section Chief Cheng first showed me this draft, I was very hesitant. Is it possible to do this? But on the other hand, is it illegal to do so? The benefits are obvious. Our station’s advertising fees will increase significantly, and the funds will be sufficient. At the same time, it will allow us to present more exquisite programs to the audience, so here I The opinion is supportive!”

Someone spoke, and others began to speak. Some people think this is a side effect. The station just allowed commercial advertisements to be played the year before last, but this year it came up with a sponsored advertisement. Local stations will definitely imitate it. This will undoubtedly put CCTV at the forefront.

Some people also expressed their support. What is the purpose of TV stations doing advertising? Is it to generate revenue? Before the year before the year before last year, funding in Taiwan was very tight. Since the year before last, has Taiwan become much better? Besides, local stations are already ahead of CCTV in advertising. Now CCTV’s ads are not even as good as local stations. Don’t you feel ashamed

Everyone talks to each other and expresses his or her own opinion, but no one can convince anyone else. Everyone seemed to have their own reasons, but they couldn't completely refute each other. In the end, everyone turned to the director and asked for his approval.

The station director looked at the deputy directors and sneered in his heart. If this thing happened and the propaganda department didn't pursue it, then the credit would belong to everyone. If the Propaganda Department holds the responsibility, he, the director of the station, cannot escape the blame!

But now CCTV is facing too many difficulties. The annual Spring Festival Gala is a major difficulty. Although there are funds approved by the authorities, they are simply not enough. And this time it’s not just a small advertisement, it involves millions of dollars in advertising fees. With so much money, how could he be willing to give it up

"Let's vote. Those who object raise their hands. Those who don't raise their hands express their agreement. The voting begins." The station director directly blocked the mouths of those who wanted to abstain. They either agreed or objected. There was no third option.

"Okay, the voting is over. Five votes were in favor and four were against. The proposal passed! But I have two points to make. I don't agree with the title of the program. If it is a good program and the name of their manufacturer is added, the program will sound the same as theirs. . Other advertising methods also need to be considered, Xiao Cheng, you have to discuss this carefully, and you must not violate the rules!"

Cheng Baojun stood up and issued a military order, promising to complete the mission!

The station manager then wrote down his opinion on the draft advertisement. He basically agreed, but the details needed to be considered in detail. He handed it over to Cheng Baojun and sent it to his superiors for approval.

Advertising these days is not something that can only be decided by the station. There are many departments that need to give instructions. Of course, the opinions of the Publicity Department are the main ones.

The opinion of the publicity department coincided with that of the station director. The advertisements could be accepted, but they absolutely did not agree with the title. They even called Cheng Baojun over and gave him a chat, saying that he was jealous of money!

The original words of the leader of the Propaganda Department are basically translated as follows: What kind of unit are we? What do we stand for? What is the original intention of our program? Advertising fees must be paid, but naming is definitely not an option!

Cheng Baojun is very aggrieved. He wants to get the advertising money without naming others. Can you tell me what to do? He would never dare to say this, so he had to contact Feng Yu to discuss it further.

"Chief Cheng, haven't you eaten yet? I've booked a table at Donglaishun. Yes, it's just two people from my company. You can bring a few people here. It'll be fun."

A century of honesty and integrity, the first-class halal is the best in the capital!

Donglaishun is an old restaurant in the capital. It has been famous in the capital since the 1930s. Its mutton-shabu-shabu has long been famous. Even leaders have entertained foreign guests here and they are full of praise.

Feng Yu invited Cheng Baojun to Donglaishun. Cheng Baojun said he was embarrassed, but his mind had already been on hot pot. He took two of his subordinates and went straight to Donglaishun.

Feng Yu originally wanted to invite Zhang Ruiqiang, his old classmate, today, but he didn't give him face. Feng Yu was about to invite Cheng Baojun, so Cheng Baojun took the initiative to call.

Plate after plate of mutton was served and it was destroyed in minutes. Feng Yu didn't show off, so much so that Cheng Baojun and the others let go.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Cheng Baojun put down his glass and started talking about advertising. This is discussing business at the wine table, but it has been a tradition of the Chinese people since ancient times. How can we discuss business without wine

If the negotiation is successful, we should drink to celebrate, but if the negotiation is not successful... then the wine is not drunk well, so open another bottle and continue talking!

Cheng Baojun was slightly drunk and said: "Manager Feng, Manager Wu. I have reported the advertising matter, but the leadership approval is not allowed! It's not that everything is not possible, but the naming thing is definitely not allowed! See if it can be done Another plan?"

Can't you name it? Feng Yu was somewhat disappointed. If he succeeds in naming the title, the commercial time that was taken away will no longer be important. He had actually heard of the brand that stole his advertising time. It was called Yanwu, and it sold tape recorders.

Feng Yu also has such a tape recorder at home. Now he has almost a monopoly in the country, but in a few years, Yan Wu will be doomed because of the emergence of VCD!

Since he can't be named, Feng Yu still has another trick: product placement. If CCTV can't agree to this, then Feng Yu will have no choice but to give up.

"It's not possible to have a title, but can it be said at the beginning and end of the film that we are exclusively sponsoring the Fengyu brand humidifier? Sponsorship, advertising sponsorship. If our trademark cannot appear on the stage, then one of our humidifiers must be placed in a conspicuous position on the stage. , the camera must be able to capture it clearly. We can also use your program for advertising, such as saying in newspapers that we exclusively sponsor the "Serving You" column. Is this okay?"

Exclusive sponsorship is actually just another term. Without a title sponsor, the effect of exclusive sponsorship is actually the same, but it leaves a fig leaf for CCTV. The important thing is the product placement requested by Feng Yu. On TV, everyone saw a steamy guy in front of the host. Can you not be curious? Coupled with the advertising bombardment at other times, this will not make Feng Yu brand humidifiers popular across the country. Feng Yu has no other choice!

"This... doesn't seem to be a big problem, I should be able to pass." Cheng Baojun nodded and said, his eyes were red from drinking.

"There's another condition. It doesn't matter if our commercials can't be broadcast on the show, but the host of "At Your Service" will help us shoot an advertisement, and he will also use the filming location and equipment of "At Your Service" , cutting, dubbing, etc. are all used by your people and are included in the overall advertising fee.”

In this day and age, there are not many big celebrities in China advertising, but host Shen Li’s star power is even better than theirs. If Shen Li comes to advertise Fengyu brand humidifiers, he will have CCTV’s credibility bonus, and the effect will be great. It will be better!

If Cheng Baojun doesn't agree, let Wu Zhigang continue to toast with him! ~~Please collect and recommend
