Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 14: Expand the team


After a period of uproar, the Feng family sat down again to negotiate amicably. Of course, the price was that Feng Yu had several red purlins on his body.

"Hmph, I thought that Xiao Li was pretty good, but it turned out to be a blow! Such a big man actually listened to Xiao Yu's words and went crazy. How old is Xiao Yu? What can he learn in school? Make money with treasury bonds. Who can make money with treasury bonds? Even if you make money, it's just speculation!" Zhang Muhua was still angry, but he couldn't bear to scold his son and started scolding Li Shiqiang instead.

"Mom, Shiqiang was also deceived by Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu said it was all dad's idea, how could Shiqiang not do it?" Feng Danying defended weakly.

"Why don't you call me and get your money back!"

"Mom, just believe me once. This will definitely make money. Teacher Sun said it will work. Besides, this is not speculation. Didn't the newspaper say that we need to develop a planned commodity economy? This is a commodity economy."

Feng Yu said some terms that his mother didn't understand at all, and finally suppressed his mother's anger temporarily. But in the end, he still failed to convince his mother and promised to make a call right away and leave at least 10,000 yuan.

On the way to the company headquarters to make a phone call, Feng Danying was still complaining about Feng Yu: "Why do you always blame Shi Shi for everything?"

"You are my sister, and you are not married yet. Why are you helping outsiders? Besides, you have also seen that if Brother Li is involved in this matter, your parents will not be too angry. Also, this matter will definitely make money. , Dad will also buy you a big house in Bingcheng city in the summer."

"In short, you are the most arrogant, and your brother Li is an honest man."

"Okay, okay, I'm just the worst. I don't think it was because of me that you and Brother Li could meet your parents so quickly." Feng Yu muttered.

When they arrived at the company headquarters, the phone rang first before the two of them made a call. It was Li Shiqiang who called.

"Hello? Brother Li, I said we haven't seen each other for a few days, so why are you calling to see my sister?" Feng Yu teased.

"Xiaoyu, I'm actually mainly looking for you. What, I found that treasury bonds are more profitable than you said!"

Um? What do you mean, treasury bills can make money now

It turns out that Feng Yu only considered the issue of treasury bill transactions, and did not consider the issue of treasury bills' expiration and redemption. Many people have five-dollar or ten-dollar treasury bills in their hands, which have even expired. Most of the current treasury bills have a five-year term and an interest rate of 4% per year. In other words, a treasury bill worth ten yuan can now be exchanged for twelve yuan.

Just like what Li Shiqiang said, when treasury bills were issued, many problems were encountered, and they were all later forcibly distributed to government agencies and enterprises. If you don't buy it, it will be deducted directly from your salary.

Many people had even forgotten that they still had treasury bills in their hands. When they heard that Li Shiqiang was collecting treasury bills, they took them out from home, and many of them had treasury bills that had expired.

Many people find it troublesome to go to the bank for ten yuan and have to wait in line to only earn two yuan. In particular, it was mainly cadres who were apportioned at the beginning, but now their wages have also increased a bit, and they are not even less than the one or two yuan.

Li Shiqiang came to collect treasury bills. When they inquired about it, they thought it was not worthwhile to charge nine-five yuan for ten yuan. Li Shiqiang did not receive much at all.

But when Li Shiqiang accidentally saw some treasury bills that had expired and could be exchanged for money at the bank, he directly purchased them at the original price. If they were ten yuan, he would give them ten yuan. If they took them to the bank, they could exchange them for twelve yuan.

But most people still feel that they are at a loss. For ten yuan, you have to give ten yuan, right? Li Shiqiang feels that it is still profitable. Eleven yuan can be turned into twelve yuan by taking it to the bank. 110,000 can be turned into 120,000 by taking it to the bank.

He called Feng Yu just to ask if this would work. He felt there was no need to wait until treasury bills were publicly traded. Feng Yu was stunned. He didn't expect that Li Shiqiang's mind was much more flexible than he thought. Can this business be done? Of course it can!

In my previous life, I heard that there were people who specialized in this business, that is, they came to collect treasury bills that were about to expire from some people, and gave them ten yuan to Eleven, and kept them in their hands to earn interest. However, this requires a lot of capital and is not used in a hurry.

But what Feng Yu didn't expect was that some treasury bills had expired, and no one knew how to replace them. There are also people who know it is due, but are too lazy to queue up at the bank. If they delay their work time, the money deducted will be much more than this dollar.

"Brother Li, you are really a genius! Those that mature within three months can increase their prices. Those that are more than three months old, don't! Don't worry about the interest. When the treasury bills can be publicly traded, I guarantee that we will I can make thousands of dollars every day!”

"What, you can make thousands every day? Isn't that 30,000 yuan a month, and more than 300,000 yuan a year?" Li Shiqiang's excited hands began to tremble. If he can earn more than 300,000 yuan a year, he has to catch up. He spent half his life without food or drink.

In fact, Feng Yu is talking about the money Li Shiqiang can earn. Feng Yu can earn at least millions! But we have to wait until multiple cities are opened. Otherwise, if there is only one city’s market, where will the price difference come from

"Brother Li, how many treasury bills did you exchange today?"

"Uh~~Only more than a thousand."

Feng Yu was so angry that he only exchanged more than a thousand dollars in one day? Hundreds of thousands, how long does it take to replace it

"Why are there so few?"

"There's nothing I can do. They're all five or ten dollars, and there are very few fifty or one hundred dollars. I'm the only one riding around on a bicycle in the cold weather."

The jeep that Li Shiqiang borrowed has been returned. It took too long, and his father was afraid of being criticized.

"Tsk~~Brother Li, you can't do it alone. This is not exchanging foreign currency. No one can exchange thousands of dollars at a time. You only charge five or ten yuan per household. How can you make money? Brother Li, can you trust me? Are you friends? If you have time and energy, ask them to help collect treasury bills and give you a salary of 100 yuan a month!"

"One hundred? I'm only over 80 a month!" Li Shiqiang felt that the salary was too high.

"Brother Li, you also said that you have to go to work. How can you have time to do this? If you miss work every day, it's not easy to explain to the leaders, right? Let them help collect treasury bills door to door. The rule is still the same, three months If it can be exchanged within a certain period of time, a higher price can be given, if it is more than three months old, it will be at the same price, and if it is more than one year old, we will only give 95%."

"Okay, right behind my house is the dormitory building of the Electrical Machinery Factory. There are a lot of boys in their 17s and 18s who haven't gone to work and hang out every day. I asked them to help collect treasury bills and I gave them 100 a month. They will definitely do it."

Li Shiqiang is getting more and more excited. He has been working for less than a year and is still the lowest-level junior. He did not expect that he would be able to lead several juniors by doing some business!

"Okay, Brother Li, you are in control here. Hey, sister, don't grab the phone, I haven't finished speaking yet."

I still remember that at that time, only the company headquarters had a telephone. If someone called, the loudspeaker would notify
