Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 142: International summer camp


There are four internationally renowned universities in the Soviet Union, namely Moscow University, Leningrad University (the school where two Russian students, Puxiong and Xiaomei, graduated), Kiev University (Ukraine) and Belarusian University (Belarus).

Such a top university actually sent an invitation letter to Bingcheng No. 3 Middle School. Could it be that it was interested in the two students who achieved good results in the International Olympiad Mathematics Competition last year? But those two students are already in their third year of high school, and they were asked to leave by Huaqing University just two months ago.

The principal opened the letter himself, and inside was an invitation letter printed in Chinese and Russian. What surprised the principal was that he had only heard of one of the students invited above, but there were still some flexible places.

The principal rubbed his head and looked at the vice principal: "Old Sun, this Feng Yu, who is a freshman in high school, is the brother-in-law of Boss Li who donated the sports field to the school, right?"

Vice Principal Sun nodded: "Yes, there are only two people named Feng Yu in the whole school. The other one is a senior in high school and a girl."

"Look at this invitation letter. What does it mean?"

Vice Principal Sun took it and looked at it carefully. "Letter Regarding Inviting Bingcheng No. 3 Middle School to Participate in the Multinational High School Summer Camp Organized by Moscow State University", the name is very long, but the meaning is very intriguing. Universities invite high school students to participate in summer camps. They are usually high school sophomores. They have won honors such as major awards in some competitions. In order to recruit the students they like, the university takes the initiative to send out invitations.

If Moscow State University wants to recruit students, it should also examine students who are in the second year of high school. Feng Yu is only the first year of high school. And why is it restricted to students who must be in the first year of high school? This is so strange!

Could it be that Lao Maozi wanted to show off their educational strength, so he invited Bingcheng No. 3 Middle School? Then you are looking for the wrong person. China's high schools are among the best in the world! What's more, No. 3 Middle School is also the top top 3A high school in China, with excellent academic performance. Even if it is only a freshman in high school, it will never embarrass China.

But why were Feng Yu and the others invited by name? These four people seemed to be the students that Boss Li asked to take care of. Is there any relationship between them

Vice Principal Sun looked at the list. The first name on it was Feng Yu, followed by Li Na, Wen Dongjun, and Liu Kun. There were still six mobile spots left, and there were five spots for leading teachers.

It had nothing to do with Li Shiqiang, and he wouldn't believe it even if he killed Vice Principal Sun. He decided to call Feng Yu over and ask. If there was no problem, he wanted to try to lead the team himself. This was a great honor. If he becomes the team leader this time and achieves good results, then in two years when the principal retires, who else will the vice principal be

"Principal, leave this to me. No matter what, this is a good thing. If possible, I would like to apply to be the team leader of this summer camp."

The principal glanced at Vice Principal Sun: "Teacher Xiao Su, who is a sophomore in high school, is pretty good. She should also join."

Vice Principal Sun nodded: "I also think she is very suitable. How should we decide the remaining places?" Teacher Xiao Su is the principal's niece. Of course he knows this.

"Well, let the education bureau decide the rest. I will contact the education bureau. You can contact the students and select the best among the first-year high school students." The principal also has his own ideas. This honor is in his office. , he could move up and down, maybe he could be transferred to the Education Bureau before retirement, and maybe get a part-time job at the end, right? Not only can you retire to the second line two years later, your power will be extended, but your treatment after retirement will be different.

The class is still in class, and the head teacher is explaining the key points and difficulties to Feng Yu and others, so that the students can perform better at the end of the semester, although he teaches Chinese.

Suddenly he heard a knock on the door. He didn't like being disturbed by others during class, especially the parents of the students. When he turned his head and was about to reprimand, his angry eyes instantly turned into respect, and he rushed out of the classroom in two or two steps.

"Principal Sun, why are you here? Do you want to come to the class?"

Vice Principal Sun waved his hand: "I'm here to find Feng Yu from your class. You call him out."

It's Feng Yu again. Sure enough, he has a lot to do with Vice Principal Sun.

Feng Yu was called out. When he saw Vice Principal Sun, he probably understood what it meant. The invitation letter must have arrived. Brother Ji is still so reliable in doing things.

Feng Yu had always promised his family that he would be admitted to a university in the capital, or even one of the two best universities in the capital. Capital University, where many well-known scholars in the country came from, and Huaqing University, where most of the future national leaders came from. Of course, many of the country's future richest people are also students of these two institutions.

Of course Feng Yu wants to enter these two universities, one is to fulfill his parents' wish, and the other is to fulfill his own wish. His parents just wanted him to get ahead, get into the best university in the country, and look good on his face. Feng Yu, on the other hand, wants to enter these two universities, find familiar faces in the future, and recruit them under his command! Even if the other party doesn't want to work for him, he can invest in the other party's dream. In the end, he will make money for Feng Yu anyway.

How to get into one of the two best universities in Beijing, Feng Yu thought of an excellent way, that is, let those two universities take the initiative to pay attention to him, "recruit" him, or have the school recommend him.

Although "recruiting" has always been criticized, professors, academicians, etc. in universities will still "recruit" some favorite students. As long as they meet the professor's conditions, they can be admitted.

Recommendations require winning awards from major competitions, or having particularly outstanding performance while in school, while "point recruitment" requires outstanding performance in certain aspects, such as outstanding performance in a certain national or world-class competition.

Can Feng Yu have any particularly outstanding performance while in school? Apart from my brother-in-law donating a basketball court to the school, there is really nothing else, and his reputation is even worse than that of students who fight!

So Feng Yu thought of a way to gild himself, and participated in an international summer camp, and was actively invited by the other party. Coupled with the brother-in-law's public relations for No. 3 Middle School, when he was in his senior year of high school, there were four of them on the list of recommended students. Maybe three of them were enough. A top student like Liu Kun could pass the exam for any university in the country based on his ability. Get on.

If that doesn't work, publicize university professors, provide them with scientific research funds at designated points, and ask the professors to "recruit" Feng Yu and others in violation of regulations. I believe there will always be professors willing to do this.

Vice Principal Sun chatted with Feng Yu and learned that it was indeed Feng Yu’s brother-in-law who came up with the idea. This is great! This time the school will definitely become more famous across the country, and his name will also appear in national publications. That is an invitation letter from Moscow State University!

Regarding the quota, Feng Yu hesitated for a moment, then mentioned it to Vice Principal Sun and added Fat Girl. When the name was mentioned to Brother Ji, the relationship between Fat Girl and Wen Dongjun was not like this. Vice Principal Sun glanced at Feng Yu. Even if Feng Yu didn't say anything, he would still have to add Zhang Han, even if the principal decided.

He has to go back and think carefully about how to allocate the remaining five places. One of these places will be reserved for the principal, and he wants two. The remaining two will be recorded for the secretary and deputy secretary to prevent him from succeeding in the future. When he was appointed principal, those two people opposed it.

Back in the office, Vice Principal Sun's smile was still on his face. It was really a stroke of genius for him to meet Li Shiqiang and recruit Feng Yu!

PS1: Moscow State University is ranked between eighth and twelfth, the best ranking of Leningrad University is 28th, and the best ranking of Kiev University is tenth. However, the current ranking is similar to Tianda University. It is rumored that expert professors have been Moscow University poached him, and the best ranking of Belarusian University is ninth.

PS2: The recommendation system has existed since the founding of the People's Republic of China, and was later expanded during the Cultural Revolution. After the college entrance examination was resumed, the submission system was abolished, restarted in 1988, and standardized in 2000. Also thank you for the rewards from **You have an artifact, I think I’m good, and Snake~. Please recommend me. Please recommend me.
