Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 143: Compete for spots


"Today's extraordinary meeting is to announce a great event. Our school has just received an invitation letter from Moscow University in the Soviet Union, inviting students from our school to attend a one-month summer camp at Moscow University," the principal said loudly.

"What? Principal, did I hear correctly? It's Moscow State University?" The school secretary emphasized the word "university".

"That's right, it's Moscow State University!"

"There are a few places available. Do you want those two senior high school students?" The secretary's idea was the same as the principal's original idea. Moscow State University was interested in the two young Mathematical Olympiad prodigies.

"No, the other party invited first-year high school students. There are ten places in total, and there are five teachers' places. The other party will provide food and accommodation. There is also good news. Boss Li, who sponsored our basketball court last year, decided to sponsor this round-trip flight. ticket."

This was what Feng Yu told Vice Principal Sun. In fact, he paid for it himself, but it was his brother-in-law Li Shiqiang who had to pay for it.

"High school freshman? What does this mean? But whatever, it's a good thing and an honor for our school anyway!" the deputy secretary said loudly.

After everyone talked nonsense, the secretary couldn't help but asked: "Principal, how are the quotas for this summer camp arranged? Should we have a meeting to discuss it?"

The principal said nothing and glanced at Vice Principal Sun. Vice President Sun understood, cleared his throat and said: "This time the other party's intention is to let the students experience the academic atmosphere of the world's top universities. I have been to the Soviet Union to study and I also understand Russian, so I will be the team leader this time. .Teacher Su Xiuhua, who is in the second year of high school, is excellent in all aspects, and she is a female teacher, so she is more suitable. As for the other teachers, the Education Bureau has already made arrangements."

The secretary and deputy secretary were waiting for the vice-principal to tell them that the remaining places had been given to them, but what they found was that the Education Bureau had already made arrangements, which made them very angry.

But his arms couldn't hold his thighs. Although they were all related, they still couldn't compete with the Education Bureau. This must be the principal's method. They believe that the principal should provide some compensation in terms of student quotas, and each of them should have at least three recommended quotas.

Seeing that the secretary and the others had no objection, Vice Principal Sun continued: "The list of ten students has already confirmed eight names, namely Feng Yu, Wen Dongjun... Zhang Han... "

"Wait a minute, Vice-Principal Sun, who decided the list of these eight people? On what basis? Academic performance, teacher recommendation, or did you decide it yourself?" The secretary interrupted Vice-Principal Sun. He didn't want to do it. Now, on to the seventh person, there is only one Zhang Han whom he has heard of. Who recommended the others

The deputy secretary also immediately said: "Vice President Sun, this list is confirmed, why should it go through our Academic Affairs Office? Why have I never known anyone to come to the Academic Affairs Office to learn about the students' situation?" The deputy secretary is responsible for it. The academic affairs office of the school has great power.

Vice Principal Sun looked at the principal. The principal looked down at the teacup, as if there was the eighth wonder of the world in the teacup, very focused.

Vice-Principal Sun understood that the principal wanted him to take the lead. Who allowed the two people he recommended to be on this list

"Secretary Zhao, Deputy Secretary Liu, this list is not determined by us. The invitation letter from Moscow State University specified four people, namely Feng Yu, Wen Dongjun, Li Na, and Liu Kun. Whose daughter is Zhang Han? Don't you know? Don’t you know?”

"The other party has designated four people. Where is the invitation letter? Can I take a look?" Shu~Ji looked at Vice Principal Sun with a tigerish face. He wanted to see what was special about those four classmates.

Vice Principal Sun pushed the invitation letter over. There was nothing to fight for. The entire summer camp was contacted by his boss Li Shiqiang. If you dare to cross out anyone, you will not participate in this summer camp.

He wished that the secretary and deputy secretary had objected and offended Li Shiqiang, so the last two spots happened to be snatched up. Who made him have the closest relationship with Boss Li? This is also the reason why he dares to have one more student quota than the principal!

The deputy secretary went out for a while and came back with a transcript. Liu Kun's addition to the list makes sense. Regardless of the mid-term or final exam, except for the first time when he was third, the remaining two times were tied for first, and once he was one point behind the first place.

Li Na's grades are also good, and she has been steadily improving, ranking in the dozen or so in her grade. She is considered to be more outstanding among girls, and she can barely pass it. What's going on with the remaining Feng Yu and Wen Dongjun? These two students have average grades and are at the top of the class, but they can only be considered above average in the entire grade. Why are they invited

"Old Sun, I won't say much else. Feng Yu and Wen Dongjun must be replaced. Not only do these two people have average grades, they have not made any outstanding contributions to the school, and Feng Yu has openly contradicted Li from the Academic Affairs Office. Officer, I remember it was Vice-Principal Sun who said hello, right?" Deputy Secretary~ looked at Vice-Principal Sun sideways.

Vice-Principal Sun said calmly: "The list is here. The other party invited me proactively. How can we change it? Why should we change it?"

"Just because they are not good students! Just because they go there will discredit our school! And I heard that Feng Yu has some problems with his family background. I think these two people are not suitable for participating in the summer camp and should be replaced!" Deputy Secretary~ Ji said forcefully.

The teacher leading the team has asked you to separate them, but you still want to separate the students who participated. What will Secretary Zhao and I do? We are also school leaders!

"Deputy Secretary Liu~ Please be careful, we as teachers cannot talk about a student behind his back based on gossip. This is not that era anymore!" Vice Principal Sun said in a nonchalant manner, and at the same time he shouted in his heart, hurry up and slap the table with me. , if you are tougher, it would be best to recruit Secretary Zhao and replace Feng Yu, so that I can share the last two spots with the principal.


"Old Sun, who are you talking about with this insinuation? I think those two students should be replaced!" Before the deputy secretary could speak, the secretary slapped the table first. He also came from that era.

The principal still looked down at the teacup. Since Vice-Principal Sun wanted the teacher quota and wanted to hold the student quota, he should take over.

Vice-President Sun responded unceremoniously: "Secretary Zhao, we have replaced the students specially invited by Moscow State University. Are you responsible for anything that happens?"

The secretary is riding a tiger and it's hard to get off, but this time he has to step back. For such a big contribution this time, the principal is likely to be transferred at the end of the year. He and Vice Principal Sun are competing for the position of principal. How can he let the other party catch up

"I'm in charge. I'm in charge. What's the problem? The transcripts of those two students are here, so I think they are inappropriate!"

The principal coughed at this time and said: "This is a meeting. What are you arguing about? What will it look like if other teachers hear it? Remember, you are teachers first, and leaders second. You must be a teacher by example! A It’s up to you to decide what the summer camp’s list will be. Go back and think about it carefully, and we’ll continue the meeting to discuss it tomorrow!”

The secretary and the deputy secretary left first with a cold face and went back to discuss the list in their minds. For this list, they each wanted at least two. If the principal did not object, they planned to ask for three each! ~~Please vote for recommendation
