Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 144: Quit voluntarily?


The secretary and the deputy secretary sat down to discuss. Normally, they really had no right to change the invitation list sent by the other party, but what if the invitees gave up on their own initiative

So Feng Yu and Wen Dongjun were called to the secretary's office, and the secretary planned to "persuad them nicely" and ask them to give up voluntarily. He could reward them as outstanding middle school students as compensation.

"What? Secretary, you said that we were invited to participate in the summer camp organized by Moscow State University? Is the summer camp for fun?" Wen Dongjun's eyes brightened, he did not expect that he would have such a good life. But why isn’t Feng Yu excited? Going to the Soviet Union!

"Yes, but this time I am going to represent the school and show the elegance of our school, even Bingcheng, Longjiang, and even high schools across the country. Therefore, the school is preparing to select the best students. The results of the two of you..."

Wen Dongjun's expression changed: "Secretary, what do you mean? Didn't the other party invite us there? Is there still a problem?"

"The school has given full consideration to this quota and intends to select some students who can represent our school. Therefore, I hope you two can give up this quota on your own initiative." The secretary realized that hints were useless and simply said so. Two students, even if they have connections with Vice Principal Sun, still dare to confront him? He is the secretary, the second in command of the school!

"Why should we give up voluntarily?" Wendongjun quit. Why should we give up on such a good opportunity to go abroad

"I've told you the reason, I won't explain it anymore. Of course, the school will also make some compensation to you. There will definitely be places for you two among the school's outstanding middle school students this year."

Feng Yu looked at the secretary with a sneer on his lips. It’s up to me to grab the spots. Without me, there wouldn’t be a single spot in the school!

Vice-Principal Sun clearly knew about this, but he didn't say it out loud. It seemed that he didn't have any good intentions.

"Feng Yu, why haven't you said anything for a long time? Just show your attitude. The school can also report your names to the city to win over the city's outstanding middle school students. In the future, you can get ten points for the university entrance examination in Bingcheng." Secretary ~ Upping the ante again. Of course, he would not guarantee whether he could get it after applying. There were only a few places in a year.

"Okay, Secretary, let me express my opinion."

Hearing what Feng Yu said, the secretary showed a bright smile. There are still sensible students. Wendong Jun looked at Feng Yu in surprise. In his impression, Feng Yu had a more rebellious spirit than him. How could he give up this spot

"My attitude is to refuse!"


The secretary was just about to praise Feng Yu for being sensible. Even as he said this, he heard the word "reject" in his ears.

What? He actually refused! How dare he refuse

I really thought that because of Vice-Principal Sun’s relationship, I could walk sideways in the school. The school leadership team, Vice-Principal Sun, was behind me!


The secretary slapped the table hard: "What's going on with you two students? Can't we just talk it over with you? Let me tell you, today you have to agree even if you agree, and you have to agree if you don't agree. That's all. deal!"

Feng Yu had a sarcastic smile on his lips and said lightly: "If we don't go, no one can go!"

"What did you say? You still dare to threaten me? What kind of student is this? You must be punished!" The secretary was so angry that there were still students in the school who dared to contradict him? This is No. 3 Middle School, not a vocational high school or technical school. A teenage brat can't handle you!

"Before punishing you, think about why you are not punished, right? You asked us to give up your spot. Is this your decision? Have you never thought about why Vice President Sun disapproved of it?" Feng Yu looked at it with a smile. Write a book~note.

The secretary was stunned for a moment, yes, even if Vice President Sun had to take care of Feng Yu, Boss Li's brother-in-law, he wouldn't take care of Wen Dongjun by the way, right? This Wendongjun's father is just the deputy director of a small farm below Bingcheng. Does he still count as an official in Bingcheng

"The round trip expenses for this summer camp are sponsored by my brother-in-law. You know this, right? Do you think it's just because of this? You haven't thought about it carefully, why are our names on this list?"

The secretary's expression changed drastically. Could it be that Feng Yu had some connection with the world? Isn't this list randomly selected? Impossible, the list must have been randomly selected. How could Feng Yu be related to Moscow University

"Do you know why the summer camp students are locked in our school? Why are they locked in the first year of high school? Why are the four of our names on it? Why is my name first?" Feng Yu continued.

The secretary looked at Feng Yu in surprise. Is there really a giant Buddha standing behind Feng Yu

Wen Dongjun tilted his head and looked at Feng Yu with a silly look on his face: "Why?" He didn't understand, how did Feng Yu know that the invitation was for the third middle school or the first year of high school? And how does Feng Yu know that his name is ranked first? Couldn't the first one be Wen Dongjun? It must be in the pinyin order of the last name, that's for sure!

Feng Yu pointed to his nose and said word by word: "Because this summer camp is held because of me!"

The secretary stood up suddenly with a look of disbelief on his face: "This is impossible! This is Moscow State University, not domestic. Even if your family has connections, can they still reach out to the Soviet Union?"

Feng Yu shook his head and looked at the bookkeeper with an idiotic expression on his face: "You don't know that my family runs a company, right? You don't know that my company does millions of rubles in trade with the Soviet Union every month, right?"

The secretary's eyes widened: "How many millions of rubles does your family do with the Soviet Union every month?"

"Then do you know that every time we transport trade, we use Soviet military trains? Do you know that I often go in and out of the municipal government and the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation? Do you know how much the car I drive costs after school on weekends? It’s not expensive, only five to six hundred thousand.”

Military column? Does Feng Yu's family have anything to do with the military? Is it from this province or from the Soviet Union

Frequently visit the municipal government and foreign trade and economic department? These are far larger units than the Education Bureau!

What? A car worth 500,000 to 600,000 yuan, just repay it? Let alone five or six hundred thousand, even if it is five or six hundred thousand, Shu~ji has never seen it in his life!

Feng Yu shocked the secretary more and more every sentence!

"When have you ever seen a university organize a summer camp to invite first-year high school students? Without me, this summer camp would not exist at all! Moscow State University does have a summer camp for middle school students at this time of year, but it is just for participating in mathematics competitions. When we went there, the mathematics competition had already Let’s start, this summer camp is specially organized for me!”

Every time Feng Yu said a word, the secretary's mouth opened wider. He never expected that things would turn out like this. Others may not be aware of this, but Vice Principal Sun must be aware of it. Damn, you’ve been cheated!

There is also the Deputy Secretary ~ Secretary, who said that there will be something to do soon, he clearly wants to take advantage, and does not want to show off, just fucking him is stupid x!

"Having said all this, Secretary, do you still think we should give up our quota?"

The secretary slumped down on the chair and murmured: "It's okay. You two can go back to class. I don't care about the quota."

~~Thank you Snake~, I think I'm good, thanks to Emperor Onimu's reward, I'm in a good mood today, I'll update you three times tomorrow, and I'll update you three times on New Year's Day, isn't it awesome? Can I ask for a recommendation
