Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 149: The theme turned out to be art


The activities on the first day were mainly outings and camping in the wild. Students from various countries participating in the program were able to get to know each other. The official language was Russian. Although Feng Yu only arrived at noon, with his good spoken Russian and the curiosity of students from all over the world, he became the fastest student to integrate into Bingcheng No. 3 Middle School.

In the afternoon, students from all over the world sat on the grass and played some simple games to enhance their understanding of each other. The teachers at No. 3 Middle School were all frowning. Why was this summer camp different from what they imagined

What Vice Principal Sun was thinking was, shouldn't the summer camp have a theme, maybe literature, or mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc., where everyone can communicate and compete with each other, even if it's about technological inventions? Among the students he selected this time , there is one who is particularly good at small inventions.

The three professors from the University of Technology were a little anxious. When could they visit those research institutes and laboratories? This was the purpose of their trip. Could it be that they were really playing childish games with these middle school students

The three of them whispered to Vice Principal Sun and asked him to find out when the camping activity would end today. This was such a waste of time!

Vice Principal Sun was helpless. Although he was the team leader, those three were much stronger than him in terms of rank and influence. He even felt like a puppet, acting as a nanny in the name of team leader. Son.

There was already a classmate from another country dancing over there, and everyone clapped softly. Only Vice Principal Sun ducked outside and walked towards the person in charge of the organizer.

After a while, Vice-Principal Sun came back with a very ugly face. The three professors all hurriedly asked, what can I do to visit the institute

"Three of you must visit the institute, but not these two days. The summer camp lasts for half a month, and the first visit will not start until three days. The main activity of these two days is to play!"

"What? Play? An international summer camp, how can it be a play? What is the theme of the summer camp? Isn't it technology?" A professor's eyes widened. Moscow State University has strong scientific and technological strength, so what other theme could there be

Vice Principal Sun said with difficulty: "The theme of this summer camp is - art!"


The three professors were all dumbfounded!

When Vice President Sun heard the news, he was also very hard to accept. The theme is art, why wasn’t this mentioned in the invitation? Besides, Moscow State University is not world-famous for art.

What's more, if it's an art summer camp, you should indicate it on the invitation letter. We need to select students accordingly. Among the students coming this time, I haven't heard of any top students in art!

It's over, it's over, this may be the Waterloo of his political career. As soon as he came here, Feng Yu disappeared, and the organizer called the police inhumanely. Feng Yu finally solved it, but it also attracted the attention of delegations from other countries. He always felt that the school had discredited China.

This matter finally came to an end, and now I know that the theme of the summer camp is art. Look at students from other countries, either singing or dancing, and some are painting with oil paints.

Here at No. 3 Middle School, there are students with cameras hanging around their necks. Should they show the photos to others? Even if it makes sense, it's too late to develop the photos now.

The people from the organizer just said that the show is now taking turns, and it’s about to be the third middle school. Who should I choose

Vice Principal Sun scanned the students' faces and suddenly focused on Feng Yu. No. 3 Middle School was invited to this summer camp because of him. This kid must know the theme of the summer camp, and during the training, he deliberately did not participate. Could it be that he prepared a program at home and wanted to be a blockbuster

Yes, that must be the case. Otherwise, he also asked for leave for Wen Dongjun. It depends on Feng Yu whether he can avoid embarrassing No. 3 Middle School and discrediting China today!

Feng Yu was enjoying the dance when he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder. He looked back and saw Vice Principal Sun's big face appearing next to his shoulder.

"Principal Sun, do you have something wrong?"

Vice Principal Sun showed what he thought was the kindest smile: "Feng Yu, the theme of this summer camp is art, why didn't it say it on our invitation letter? But it doesn't matter, we don't know, you must know it, right? You and Wendong Student Jun didn't participate in the training organized by the school, so he probably prepared the program at home, right?"

Looking at Vice-Principal Sun Chang Yi's eyes, Feng Yu shrank his neck: "Principal Sun, do you believe me if I tell you that I don't know?"

Vice-Principal Sun's eyes widened: "What did you say? You don't know? Isn't it because of your family's relationship that we have a place in this summer camp? Don't quibble, and quickly prepare a performance, singing, dancing, etc., write You can also calligraphy and painting, but don’t let your hair down. When you’re done, I’ll go back and give you a school-level top three student!”

Feng Yu was dumbfounded. He really didn't know the theme of the summer camp. He wanted to say that he was just here for gold plating. Brother Ji is too unreliable in doing things. Even if the invitation letter was obtained by Gazi, you should still write down the theme of the event clearly. What kind of art is there? Do Chinese and Eastern European art have anything in common

Suddenly, Feng Yu saw a guitar carried by a student. He felt the atmosphere around him, and a song suddenly appeared in his mind. It was a song adapted from a Soviet folk song. It told the story of Ukraine. Past life network A Russian version has been circulated online, and Feng Yu even practiced it for a period of time.

Soon, it was the turn of Bingcheng No. 3 Middle School to perform. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they were too embarrassed to stand up. This is due to their reserved character since ancient times.

Feng Yu stood up and walked towards the Ukrainian student: "Classmate, I came late, so I didn't bring my guitar. Can you lend it to me?"

The Ukrainian classmate enthusiastically handed the guitar to Feng Yu. Feng Yu played it twice and sat cross-legged in the middle of the grass. I haven't played the guitar for a long time, and my fingers are a little rusty. I hope I won't make any mistakes soon.

"Now I bring you my original song "Birch Forest", which is adapted from a folk song in Ukraine. It tells the story of a beautiful girl waiting for her lover who went to war by the birch forest, but his beloved died on the battlefield. s story."

"White snow is falling in the quiet village, and pigeons are flying under the hazy sky. The two names are engraved on the birch trees, and they vowed to love each other for the rest of their lives.

One day, the war broke out in my hometown. The young man picked up his gun and ran to the frontier. My sweetheart, don't worry about me, just wait for me to come back in the birch forest.

The sky is still hazy and there are still doves flying. Who will prove the love and life without tombstones. The snow is still falling, the village is still peaceful, and the young people disappear in the birch forest.

The bad news came that afternoon, that her sweetheart died in a distant battlefield. She silently came to the birch forest and watched there every day. She said he was just lost in the distance and he would definitely come to this birch forest.

The sky is still hazy and there are still doves flying. Who will prove the love and life without tombstones. The snow is still falling, the village is still peaceful, and the young people disappear in the birch forest.

The long road is coming to an end, and the girl is already gray-haired. She often hears him calling from her pillow, "Come on, dear, come to this birch forest." When she died, she murmured, "I'm here, waiting for me in the birch forest..."

When Feng Yu's last note fell, there was warm applause from all around. Feng Yu's song was a folk song from their hometown, specially sung in Russian, which made them mesmerized. Another student expressed that he wanted the score of Feng Yu's song, and a teacher said that it should be made into a tape so that more people can hear it.

Vice Principal Sun clapped vigorously with satisfaction and gave Feng Yu a look that said, "You can't hide it anymore." This crisis was finally over again.

~~Happy holidays, while you are reading, the fourth child is still writing hard.
