Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 155: I want them all!


readx(); Although Feng Yu has a net worth of tens of millions, China is so big. Although he has a lot of money, he can't buy all the stocks, not even 1% is enough. Although it is not yet the 1990s, there are already tens of thousands of joint-stock companies, and there are also many companies that issue stocks, including dozens across the country.

Li Shiqiang frowned. The profit is ours and the loss is yours. How could you do this? No matter how confident you are, you can still say something like this.

But then, Feng Yu took out a stack of contracts: "Once you sign this contract, what you just said will count!"

Wu Zhigang and the others all looked down at the contract. It said the working period was twenty years, which meant that it was basically half a lifetime. Also, if you change jobs or resign, you will have to pay three times the total income of the previous year as liquidated damages. This is too harsh!

These people have been working with Feng Yu for more than a year. Last year alone, each of them received almost tens of thousands of yuan, three times the liquidated damages. Isn't that 30,000 yuan

"I will help you make money, teach you how to make money, and how to negotiate business with others. If you are in a factory, you should also call me master! I will continue to help you make money in the future, and I will ensure that your salary will increase every year, and it will definitely exceed Electrical machinery factory, even leading the country. But I have trained you, and I cannot let you turn around and go to others and use what I taught you to compete with me. If you are willing to sign this contract, I will not lose you. If If you don’t want to sign, it doesn’t matter, you can leave now.”

Feng Yu dare not say that Wu Zhigang and others are first-class talents, but their ideas must be above the average of today's people, or even a lot higher. Moreover, they have learned some of the marketing methods of Taihua Company. Of course, Feng Yu wants to tie them to his chariot.

Wu Zhigang picked up his pen and signed without hesitation, and everyone else also reacted and signed quickly. Even the two financial staff who had just arrived signed quickly. A twenty-year contract, isn't it almost the same as an iron rice bowl for a state-owned enterprise? Didn't Mr. Feng also promise that in the future, they will be able to retire and have pensions like those who work in the factory

Of course Feng Yu dares to promise this. The concept of social security will be proposed in 1992 and will be enforced in 1996. How could Feng Yu be reluctant to part with a little money for social security

Seeing that everyone had signed the contract, Feng Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Although the contract is only for twenty years, after twenty years, I guarantee that everyone of you will be a millionaire, and you can even become a shareholder of the company. That means you can be your own boss! Now tell me, how much money can you put out? I dare not say more, but in two years, I can make two somersaults with the money you put out, no problem!"

Wu Zhigang's eyes were bright, and they did two somersaults. Wouldn't ten thousand yuan become forty thousand yuan? This kind of good thing is faster than making money at work.

"I can come up with fifteen thousand!"

"I can get twenty thousand!"

"I can get eighteen thousand!"

Everyone was shouting out the amount, and even the two financial staff said they could come up with five thousand yuan. Even if they don't have it themselves, they still need to borrow the money from relatives and friends, and at worst, they will be charged interest.

The finance staff knew better than Wu Zhigang and the others that there was so much money in Taihua Company's accounts. The money collected by the dozen of them was not enough to cover the fraction of Taihua Company's accounts, so Mr. Feng was definitely not a liar!

"Okay, starting from tomorrow, two of you will go to different banks to buy stocks. Remember, buy as much as you have! With your own money, you can choose from the stocks held by the company at a fair price next week. After the exchange, the stocks bought back will be put together in our treasury. Da Zhou and Xiao Liu will inform ICBC to prepare cash, as much as they can prepare!"

Wu Zhigang and the others were all busy, and only Li Shiqiang and the dumbfounded Wen Dongjun were left in the conference room.

"Brother-in-law, how much money the logistics company can spare, as long as it does not affect the company's actual operation, use it all to buy stocks!"

Li Shiqiang asked worriedly: "Is it okay to use any stock? What if I lose money? Should I buy half of it?"

When he had no money, Li Shiqiang was very courageous. Once you have money, you tend to be hesitant, always afraid of losing the hard-earned money again.

"Brother-in-law, believe me, it's true. It's been said in the news that lowering deposit and loan interest rates means letting us spend money. Treasury bonds are no longer profitable. The world is now dominated by stocks, and the country advocates this!"

Li Shiqiang thought about the magic of this brother-in-law, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, the logistics company can spare almost 1.5 million. Anyway, they will make a payment to the motor factory at the end of the month, so as not to delay the payment of wages to the drivers."

Li Shiqiang is also fierce and plans to use all the funds that can be mobilized. There are not many places where logistics companies need to spend money now.

Feng Yu frowned, only 1.5 million? When can the brother-in-law send his sister to the hospital? Well, I have to drag my brother-in-law to the bank later.

"Okay, brother-in-law, you can also inform your company's financial officer to go to the bank to make an appointment."

There are no securities companies in Bingcheng now. Stocks, like treasury bills, are mainly sold by banks. If you want to buy, you can go to a bank. If you want to sell, you can only entrust a bank to sell on your behalf. Private transactions are not allowed.

Of course, there is a second agent, which is the securities sales department under the bank or a financial management company.

The last place to sell is when the party issuing the stock sells the goods themselves.

Of course it's easy at a bank, but when you go to securities outlets and other places, you need cash, and it's more cost-effective to use cash for cross-bank transactions. At this time, buying and selling stocks is not about electronically displaying a few numbers and depositing them into your account, but real paper stock certificates, basically with face values of 50 yuan, 100 yuan and 200 yuan. One yuan is equivalent to one lot in future generations, and That's one hundred shares.

Currently, most stock issuances are pilot projects and have not yet been fully standardized. Not to mention the chaos, very few people are buying them. Moreover, the bank's securities window was not like the electronic screen of later generations, but a blackboard on which the number of stocks bought today was written in chalk, which was mostly in single digits.

Why do you think there is only buying but not selling? Because people who buy now basically treat it as a fixed deposit, and most of them are those who have speculated in treasury bonds. They must have kept it in their hands. There are very few people who sell, sometimes not even one is seen in a month.

Early the next morning, as soon as China Construction Bank opened its doors, two young men came to the securities trading window.

"Hello, what do you want to buy? Treasury bills?"

The popularity of treasury bonds has not subsided yet. Most people come to this window to buy and sell treasury bonds.

Feng Yu asked: "How many types of stocks are for sale now, and what is the total price?"

The bank staff was stunned for a moment and rolled his eyes. What's the total price? Why, do you still want to buy it? The total price is millions. Can you afford it

"There are eight stocks in total, with a total price of more than two million. Do you want to buy stocks? How many hundreds?"

Feng Yu smiled: "Only more than two million? It's so little, I want it all!"

All the staff at the bank, including other people queuing up to handle business, looked at Feng Yu. What did that kid say? He wants it all? ! ~~Three updates today, please collect and recommend
