Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 164: An unexpected help


readx(); "By the way, during the National Day, I prepared some things for the employees of the two factories. I guaranteed each employee a barrel of oil, a bag of noodles, and... fifty yuan in cash!"

It's a big deal. Li Shiyou and Hou Haitao calculated that the two factories combined have less than 10,000 employees. Wouldn't Feng Yu have to spend hundreds of thousands just to ask them to help deliver a message

"Okay, we've helped with this!"

The two old foxes calculated it and felt that not only did they have nothing to lose, but they could also take advantage. What's more, there are still bladeless fans to cooperate with. Don't let Taihua Company turn around and cooperate with universities, otherwise it will be a real loss!

Feng Yu went to the machinery company again, pointed out that there were problems with several accounts of the machinery company, and said that he would go to Xiangjiang businessmen. Li Mingde asked Feng Yu helplessly, what do you want? Tell me, don't find fault with the accounts every time!

Feng Yu stated his request happily, and Li Mingde agreed after hesitating. Anyway, it’s just a mention, he doesn’t care whether it works or not. Besides, he also thinks that the security in Bingcheng is too bad. Some of the customers of the machinery company were robbed in Bingcheng!

After doing so much and spending a lot of money, Feng Yu always felt that it was still a little bit behind. That was the attitude of the big leader. After all, Zhang Ruiqiang was still a little bit behind.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? The food in the cafeteria was pretty good today. Why don't you eat it?" Wen Dongjun said as he put all the food on Feng Yu's plate into his own bowl.

Feng Yu lowered his head and asked in a low voice: "Hey, how can you get the leaders to pay attention to the security issues in Bingcheng? The black society is so rampant now that the leaders don't care about it? Does it have to be a big deal? ?”

Feng Yu actually has an ultimate nirvana in his mind, which is to make the matter bigger than the city, or even the province, can't suppress it. These black men will definitely be in bad luck!

But at the same time, Feng Yu will be very dangerous. He is playing with fire and can easily burn himself. Moreover, the relationship that was finally established with Zhang Ruiqiang, who was the future boss of Bingcheng, would be lost because of this.

Feng Yu also has many money-making ideas, all of which require Zhang Ruiqiang's support.

Zhang Han asked curiously: "In terms of public security, are you talking about Song Laosi and Wang Laizi?"

Didn't it say that Feng Yu's brother-in-law is Wang Laizi's subordinate? Are the rumors wrong

"No, these people are too rampant, and the leaders don't even come out to see if they care. What a mess Bingcheng is in!" Feng Yu threw away his chopsticks, losing his appetite.

Wendong Jun echoed: "That's right, I think those leaders are all just sitting there and doing nothing. When I become a leader in the future, I will let you know what it means to work hard!"

Zhang Han suddenly said: "What do you mean, leaders are just living in corpse positions? Do you know how hard those leaders usually work?" After saying that, he left angrily.

Wen Dongjun was stunned and confused. Why was Zhang Han angry? But he still put down his chopsticks, cleaned the rice in the bowl in a few bites, chewed it, and chased it out.

Zhang Han came home from school. It was the first time that her father came back from get off work so early. When she saw her father, a smile suddenly appeared on her face.


"Hey, baby girl, are you tired from studying today? I asked you to study liberal arts, but you insist on studying science." I only had this daughter when I was thirty years old. She is so precious.

"Dad, can I tell you something?" Zhang Han hugged his father's arm.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"I heard from my classmates that the security of our Bingcheng is terrible. So Song Laosi, Wang Laizi, and Ke Ge are all gangsters. Each one is worse than the other. They commit murder, arson, block the road and rob, and they do all kinds of evil!"

"Nonsense, did you see it?"

"Why are you talking nonsense? If you go out and ask around, you will know it personally. Also, that time I went to the Palace of Culture with my classmates to watch a movie, and a few hooligans surrounded me, and they were Wang Laizi's men!" Zhang Han said in order to Let his father believe it and start showing off.

"You were surrounded by hooligans, why didn't you tell me about this? Are you those unemployed young people? They are not considered black men."

"Dad, if you don't care about this, it will really become a shameful thing! And do you know how it is spread outside now that you are Song Laosi's protective umbrella!" Zhang Han hesitated and said.

"Nonsense! What kind of protective umbrella? Song Laosi is from a demolition company. I met him once in a hotel. How come he became a protective umbrella?"

At this time, Zhang Han's mother, who heard her husband's angry voice, also came out of the kitchen: "What are you yelling at your child? I think the security of our Bingcheng should be taken care of. Otherwise, let's move to the provincial community. This area Public security is really bad. The windows of 302 were smashed the day before yesterday. I heard that they were charging high interest rates, and they were the subordinates of Brother Ke. And do you remember that Aunt Xu, our father’s old neighbor, I heard that I thought my legs were broken because of the demolition, and it was Song Laosi’s company that was responsible for the demolition!”

"Why have you never told me about this?"

"I really want to tell you, but you have time to listen. I'm so busy every day that I don't even manage the security in Bingcheng, but you still have the nerve to talk to me!"

"Dad, look, my mother knows this, but you still don't admit it? There were people who went to our school last time. If you don't care about this, I won't be interested in studying anymore," Zhang Han continued.

"Okay, okay, I'll ask tomorrow. If it's true, then it really needs to be taken care of. It's only been a few years since the crackdown, how come it's like this!"

In the office of the mayor of Ice City, Director Hou of the Ice Flying Factory has just been sent away. The mayor frowned. Has the military factory been harassed? It’s simply too rampant!

Both the Bingfei Factory and the Electrical Machinery Factory said that Bingcheng's public security was too poor and that they needed to be taken care of by the city. Two deputy mayors also told him that Bingcheng's public security had restricted Bingcheng's development.

It seems that it is time to communicate with the secretary, but the public security in the city should not be that bad. Maybe the people below are making a fuss. After reporting to the secretary, we can find someone from the city bureau to deal with it.

When the mayor arrived at the secretary's office, the secretary had just returned from a meeting in the province. Hearing the mayor's words, the secretary nodded seriously.

After the meeting in the province today, the director of the provincial police department talked to him about the public security in Bingcheng and said that he wanted to join forces with the Bingcheng City Bureau to eliminate the black societies in Bingcheng. so big!

The secretary originally wanted to discuss it with the mayor, but he didn't expect that the other party came to talk to him first. Since both of them have this idea, then the matter is settled!

When the news reached the municipal bureau, Bureau Chen was shocked. Not only the city, but also the provincial government were alerted? He suddenly thought of Feng Yu's words that day, so he stood up and took the initiative to express his position to the bureau chief. He would lead a team to cooperate with the provincial department and ensure that these black men would be wiped out in one fell swoop!

While Feng Yu was still thinking about whether to find another way to stimulate him, Bingcheng's severe beating had already begun! ~~Please recommend and collect