Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 165: Act vigorously and resolutely


Song Laosi was sitting in the dance hall, his eyes scanning the dance floor, looking for the woman he liked.

Hey, this is good.

Song Laosi stretched out his hand, and two younger brothers squeezed into the crowd and pulled the woman over.

"Four, Fourth Master!" The woman opened her mouth, "Can you not be here?"

Song Laosi was very satisfied with the woman's attitude. He waved his hand and called his younger brother to go back to the villa!

As soon as the car door closed, Song Laosi's hand was suddenly twisted back, and with a click, a pair of handcuffs cuffed him!

"Guangzheng!" Song Laosi shouted loudly, is this woman a policeman

When the driver turned around, it was not Li Guangzheng, but an unfamiliar face.

"Fourth Master Song, stop shouting, Li Guangzheng was arrested by us just now. Please invite Fourth Master Song to come back with us for a cup of tea today and explain some things."

"How brave, your bureau chief and I are friends!"

"Sorry, we are from the provincial department."

"Your director and I are also buddies!"

"The order was given by our director. It's better for you not to struggle pointlessly. With the evidence we have at hand, you won't be able to escape today!"

"Director Zhang, are you kidding me? How could I be a Heisehui? I am a law-abiding businessman!" Song Laosi looked calm. He didn't believe what evidence the provincial department could catch him!

"On April 21, 1986, an old lady was beaten to death on the spot during the demolition of XX community. Can you explain this?"

"What do I have to explain? This matter has nothing to do with me!" Song Laosi's heart skipped a beat. Didn't he find someone to blame for this matter? Did that kid retract his confession

"On August 14, 1986, when a new residential building was built in XX Community, Xu Hua, the contractor, had his legs broken. Did you not know about this?"

Chief Zhang spoke out one by one about the murders, and although his tone sounded like he was chatting about everyday things, Song Laosi's heart was filled with turmoil!

"You have no evidence, so don't talk nonsense!" Song Lao Si Qiang insisted.

"If you want evidence, I will give you evidence! This is... what else do you have to say? Leniency will be given if you confess, strict if you resist!"

Song Laosi slumped in his seat. How is it possible? How did they find the evidence? These bastards, I gave them so much money, but they dare to bite me back!

Fortunately, I still have an amulet!

Wang Laizi was enjoying himself in a bathtub. He was lying on his chest, and a young woman was riding on his buttocks and pressing his back.


The door was suddenly kicked open violently. Wang Laizi suddenly stood up and knocked the woman on top of him to the ground. He ignored the woman's cries of pain and reached under the pillow.


A pair of handcuffs cuffed him, and four people held him down at the same time. He picked up the pillow and revealed a 54!

Wang Laizi still wanted to scream, but his mouth was taped and a black hood was put on his head. Four people randomly took a bath towel and wrapped it around him, pulled him out and stuffed him into the car.

An iron crutch stood alone in the corner, with no one to help him carry it anymore.

"Brother Ke, it's not good. I heard that Song Laosi and Wang Laizi were both arrested by the police. Are they going to be severely beaten?"

Brother Ke was shocked. Why was he so severely punished? It had only been a few years since the last severe punishment. No, those two bastards were caught and they will definitely bite him in order to commute their sentences and perform meritorious service. You have to run away quickly!

Brother Ke immediately asked his men to notify all gambling establishments to close down. He quickly recovered all the money and wanted to hide away for a while. When the weather calms down and he comes back, it will be his turn to be the boss of Ice City. No, he is the boss of the entire Longjiang, even the Northeast King!

Before Brother Ke's dream could come true, his place was also raided. A dozen heavily armed policemen rushed in, leaving him no chance to resist. Just as he was about to speak, the butt of the gun knocked him down.

Brother Ke and his main men, like Song Laosi and others, were put into several vehicles and taken back to the place designated by the provincial department.

As for the safe he just opened, all the cash, gold bars, jewelry, etc. inside were also counted and packed into boxes and taken away, including a secret cellar.

Brother Ke was regretting it. If he had known that the cellar would not be opened, he would still have money to bribe the interrogators. Now it's all over!

Feng Yu was still in class. Suddenly his pager started beeping wildly. He quickly pressed it. The head teacher on the podium looked at him helplessly, pretended to be angry, pointed at Feng Yu and said: "You , go out and stand, close the door!"

Feng Yu walked out of the classroom, closed the door, took out his pager and took a look. His brother-in-law asked him to call back quickly.

Regardless of whether he was still in class, Feng Yu ran to the communication room at the school gate and called his brother-in-law back.

"What? Brother-in-law, are you sure about this?"

After hanging up the phone, Feng Yu looked ecstatic!

Last night, Song Laosi, Wang Laizi and Ke Ge were all arrested. This morning, I heard that Yangbaozi was also caught in another place and brought back to Bingcheng.

There are only four black groups in Bingcheng, and now they are all in one pot!

Feng Yu was a little surprised. Although the stimulation he gave was good, it didn't make them act so vigorously and kill Song Laosi and the others quickly. Could it be that the leaders above really planned to deal with them

Forget it, never mind him, it’s a good thing anyway, let the people from Taihua Company deliver the grains and oils he promised to the city bureau, the electrical machinery factory and so on today!

I didn’t say anything, I’m happy!

After school at noon, Feng Yu and the four of them ate at the same table as usual, but as usual, no one sat at the same table with them. Brother-in-law Feng Yu is a black man!

"Hey, let me tell you something. Song Laosi, Wang Laizi, Ke Ge, and Yangbaozi were all caught, and no one escaped!" Feng Yu couldn't help but say.

This was even more fierce than in the previous life. In the previous life, he had a short time to escape, but he was caught only after being heavily guarded. In this life, not only did the time come earlier, but everyone was killed in one fell swoop, without giving them a chance to resist.

"Really? The city bureau is so fierce?" Wen Dongjun's eyes widened.

Zhang Han said dissatisfied: "What city bureau? How many people are there in the city bureau? The provincial department must have taken action. I heard that the boss of the provincial department led the team. Then Song Laosi and Wang Laizi will definitely escape as long as they break the law." We will not escape the sanction of the provincial department!”

Feng Yu glanced at Zhang Han curiously. How did she know that it was the provincial department that took action? She seemed to have some admiration for the boss of the provincial department. Could she be related

Impossible. She has relatives. How can her family not be officials and live in such an old community? That was the old community of the flax factory, and it should be demolished in a few years.

A few people were chatting and laughing while eating. Feng Yu's appetite was particularly good today, and Wen Dongjun didn't steal it from him!

Song Laosi and Wang Laizi, don't you want to share the profits of our Taihua Company? Now you send people to divide it up. If one comes back, I'll have someone beat one! If you don’t accept it, call the police? ~~Thanks to King Oniwu, Taishan Song 1108, I Think I’m Good, and Snake~ for the rewards, thank you. The recommended votes will be added soon, and the collection will be added soon. Please continue to support Laosi, thank you.
