Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 170: The news is ahead of schedule


In the office of Taihua Company, Feng Yu was holding a copy of today's "People's Daily" in his hand. The headline on it read - "On the Inevitability of the Establishment of a Stock Exchange"!

It’s ahead of schedule, it’s indeed ahead of schedule!

Feng Yu once had a hunch that he seemed to have slightly affected some historical processes. Although the amount of money he paid was not too much, it caused a huge response in the three northeastern provinces.

In a remote area, stocks were sold faster than in the southern coastal areas. Fortunately, this had to attract the attention of the economic experts above.

In particular, the economy of Ice City in this generation did not decline as quickly as in the previous one. From a strong industrial city in the country to a backward city, the GDP growth rate was at the bottom for several consecutive years. On the contrary, Bingcheng's economy is recovering rapidly at this time, and there is a faint tendency to catch up with Shencheng.

The experts above carefully studied and found that several old state-owned enterprises in Bingcheng have regained their vitality. For example, the electric motor factory independently cooperated with private individuals to develop a plastic electric fan, which turned a profit in one fell swoop. Then it teamed up with the Bingfei Factory to develop a humidifier, a household appliance product that swept across Europe, America and Asia, bringing huge profits.

The sales and profits of several factories such as Bingcheng's plastic factory have also been rising steadily. They have not only returned to the level of the glory days of previous years, but have even caught up.

Textile factories, garment factories and other light industries have developed particularly rapidly. According to their research, it was because they purchased a batch of advanced equipment from the Soviet Union at low prices and innovated production technology, making them stand out in the domestic industry.

The most representative one is Bingcheng Machinery Company, a machinery factory that once ranked low in the country. The best products could only be sold to Liao Province. Although they did not lose money, their profits were not high. Relying on the three northeastern provinces, which are major agricultural provinces, specializing in the production of agricultural machinery, they can only make so little money, which shows that this machinery company is indeed average.

But starting from the end of last year, the Bingcheng Machinery Factory was restructured, introducing advanced equipment and technology from the Soviet Union, as well as capital investment from Xiangjiang businessmen, and an investment from the Bingcheng government, which was originally ranked low. The machinery company is at the forefront of the country. The agricultural machinery it produces, especially plows and tractors, is sold all over the country. Its profits have increased several times compared with before the restructuring!

I originally thought that this machinery company would specialize in agricultural machinery, but what no one expected was that this company also introduced the Soviet motorcycle production line and technology. It is said that it is being debugged. At the end of this year, their own brand of motorcycles will be launched. The car will be on the market!

And not just Bingcheng, many cities in Longjiang, and even Lin Province and Liao Province have heard that a lot of Soviet equipment has emerged, and technology has also been innovated, resulting in the rapid improvement of the industrial strength and economic level of the entire three northeastern provinces. promote.

Experts found that they had underestimated the old industrial base of the three northeastern provinces and did not expect that it would have a second spring. According to their investigation, the trading of treasury bills in the past two years was relatively frequent in the three northeastern provinces, no less than in the southern coastal cities.

Considering that stock trading is now so popular in the three northeastern provinces, is it possible that the financial sense of Northeastern people is stronger than that of people in coastal areas? Or is it because Northeastern people have money and are willing to invest in securities financial products

If the financial market has developed to this extent even in a remote place like Northeast China, it means that people across the country have reached a high level of recognition of securities. It is time to start regulating the market, catching up with developed countries such as Europe and the United States, and revitalizing The country’s economy!

So those economists started researching and finally agreed that it was time to let the wind out and establish a stock exchange to once again stimulate the stock market upward, stimulate cash flow, and see if the stock market moves in the direction they expected.

After Feng Yu saw today's newspaper, he knew that the stock price was going to rise. Although it had only been a short time since the purchase, everyone at Taihua Company was still on tenterhooks, especially Li Shiqiang.

The other people in Taihua Company just gambled their entire fortune. Even if they lost money, with Feng Yu's promise, it was only a few hundred thousand, and Feng Yu could definitely make up for it.

But Li Shiqiang is different. He bought tens of millions of stocks, and most of them were loans. He took out two loans and owed money to two banks.

This money is nothing to Taihua Company, but to Fengyu Logistics, it is a huge sum of money!

Although Fengyu Logistics is already profitable, its profitability is not very strong. In the next two months, there may be a lot of transportation orders, all of which are for transporting just-harvested grain, which will allow Fengyu Logistics to make a little more money, but compared with the arrears, it is not enough.

The monthly loan interest alone makes Li Shiqiang heartbroken. Why is the loan interest rate of banks in Xiangjiang higher than that of ICBC

Although Feng Yu assured him that these stocks will definitely not lose money and will rise sharply before the end of the year, it has been more than two months and he has not seen the slightest increase in prices. Can he not be nervous

He finally got out of Taihua Company and became the boss of Fengyu Logistics. If he lost the money, would he go back to Taihua Company

Almost every day, Li Shiqiang goes to the bank's securities counter to check whether the stock has gone up, but every time he gets a disappointing answer. The stock is still at the same price and has not increased by one cent!

Today he asked again and got the same answer. Looking at the look in the eyes of the little girl at the counter, Li Shiqiang felt pity.

Back at the company, Li Shiqiang sat feebly on the boss's chair, sulking his head, and lit another cigarette.

Someone knocked on the door, and he shouted hoarsely, "Come in." What's the point of asking him about big and small things? What's the use of spending money to hire these people!

"Brother-in-law, you are smoking again. My sister is pregnant. Didn't you say you want to quit smoking?" Feng Yu asked with a smile.

Li Shiqiang looked up and saw Feng Yu, who lowered his head and continued to smoke.

"Brother-in-law, here, read this newspaper."

Um? read newspaper? What newspaper do you want me to read for no reason

Li Shiqiang took the newspaper, lowered his head and glanced at it. XX leaders inspected XX factory. What's so interesting about this? Scroll further down and it’s still the same news.

Just when he was about to put down the newspaper, he suddenly saw the word "stock". These two words were like a magic spell, catching his eye all of a sudden.

"On the Inevitability of the Establishment of Stock Exchanges"

He patiently looked down, and the more he looked, the happier he became.

Feng Yu told him that when the country wants to establish a stock exchange and regulate the financial market, that is when stocks will rise sharply.

This is the "People's Daily". It said that a stock exchange will be established, so it is not without purpose!

If a stock exchange is to be established, doesn't it mean that stocks are going to rise sharply? !

Li Shiqiang raised his head sharply and asked excitedly: "Xiaoyu, is this the one you told me about, isn't it?"

Feng Yu smiled and nodded gently. He didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Li Shiqiang jumped up violently, clenched his fists and waved his hands, the bet was won, I won the bet! ~~~Please add it to your favorites, please recommend it, we will add more updates if you buy a thousand, and we promise to be effective for a long time.
