Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 18: Academic master? Academic scumbag?


An hour later, Feng Yu and Wen Dongjun left the vocational high school office with dozens of dollars in their pockets. This is Feng Yu's magnanimous expression. It's almost enough, and they are not required to pay it back. Otherwise, according to the amount mentioned by Feng Yu and Wen Dongjun, at least none of them would have to pay more than a hundred yuan.

"Hahaha, Xiaoyu, you are so awesome. How do you know that person is Director Xu? Have you met him?"

"I met them once from a distance. Those three boys were unlucky. Director Xu said they would record a major demerit and make a self-examination in front of all the teachers and students. They will have to go around when they see us in the future."

"That's right, if they dare to be aggressive again, I will go to Director Xu to file a complaint, and they will definitely be fired! Although they will be given a major demerit now, they still have the opportunity to serve as soldiers. If they are fired, they can go farming for the rest of their lives! I just took it back Those slaps were so enjoyable, my hands still hurt!"

Feng Yu insisted that it was a robbery, and Director Xu interceded for them. Feng Yu changed the conditions. He was beaten just now, but now he will fight back. Feng Yu kicked him hard three times, and Wen Dongjun gritted his teeth and slapped them roundly, making everyone blush.

The two of them returned to school laughing and joking, and returned the money that had been robbed to the five classmates. He only mentioned that he met Director Xu by chance, and other things were not described in detail.

In the evening, we played poker in the dormitory until the lights went out, and then everyone lay on the bed and talked about interesting things during the New Year.

Before going to bed, Feng Yu was still thinking about how his brother-in-law's treasury bill business was doing. After another month, it would be time to harvest.

Early the next morning, Feng Yu was pulled out of his warm bed by Wen Dongjun. He got up late and had no time to go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Feng Yu feels so uncomfortable. Why does middle school have to start at seven o'clock? Can't it be changed to nine to five

Sitting in the classroom, Feng Yu looked at a group of fifteen-year-old children with their hands neatly placed on the desk. He couldn't help but want to laugh, but his deskmate grabbed his hand and pressed it on the desk.

Li Na, the classmate at the same table, is the study committee member. She not only urges Feng Yu to study, but also urges Feng Yu to observe discipline.

The first class was a Russian class. Feng Yu yawned and couldn't help but want to sleep. What the teacher said was not bad, but it was extremely boring. Besides, he speaks Russian better than the teacher, so why would he be interested in listening to the teacher

"Feng Yu, Feng Yu, the teacher is calling you." Li Na, her deskmate, poked Feng Yu and woke him up from his nap.

"Feng Yu, what's the matter with you? You didn't listen carefully to the first class on the first day of the new semester. Do you still want to go to high school?"

Feng Yu pouted: "Teacher, I understand what you said."

The classmates laughed from below. Although Feng Yu was not bad at studying, he was not considered a top student. He actually dared to boast that he knew everything! Russian is so difficult, who dares to speak it well

"Really? Then translate this sentence for me."

"The great proletarian revolutionary Comrade Lenin once said that morality can help human society rise to a higher level and free human society from the exploitation of labor." Feng Yu curled his lips after translating. In this day and age, there is nothing written in the textbooks. ah.

The Russian teacher looked at Feng Yu in surprise. Could it be that this kid had previewed in advance? He hasn't said this yet, how could Feng Yu do it

"Please translate this sentence again."

Feng Yu translated five sentences in a row accurately, and the teacher and classmates were stunned. What surprised the teacher even more was that Feng Yu then told a little joke in Russian. No one in the class could understand it except him.

The classmates are all whispering, Feng Yu really knows it. Hearing Feng Yu speak Russian, he seems to be smarter than the teacher. What did Feng Yu do during this winter vacation, and why did his Russian proficiency improve so quickly

"Sit down first. You can't be proud after meeting, and you can't sleep in class."

After class, Wen Dongjun came directly next to Feng Yu: "Xiaoyu, okay, I never noticed that your Russian is so good now!"

"Actually, I've always been very good. I didn't want to show it in the past." Feng Yu said scornfully.

"Feng Yu, how do you pronounce this word and what does it mean?" Li Na pointed at a Russian word in the book to test Feng Yu unconvinced.

"Zhang Pu, it means tractor. If you don't understand anything else, just ask me."

Li Na was originally the best Russian speaker in the class. She was not only the academic committee member, but also the representative of the Russian class. Now she was surpassed by Feng Yu.

Seeing Li Na's angry look, Feng Yu smiled unkindly. Is the little girl's pride in the film shattered? That look in his eyes showed that he was still not convinced.

The classmates in the class now think that Feng Yu must have been studying during this winter vacation. Otherwise, how could he have made such great progress? But only Wen Dongjun knew that Feng Yu had studied, but he had never seen Feng Yu read Russian books, but he was more interested in physics and chemistry.

The classmates now vaguely regard Feng Yu as a top student. Many students' eyes are filled with admiration. Except for the arrogant classmate Li Na, she vowed to let Feng Yu know that she is the best in the class in this monthly exam. !

Throughout the morning, Feng Yu dealt with Russian, Chinese, biology and politics with ease. Not to mention Russian, he is also far ahead of other students in Chinese. Is the understanding ability of people in their forties inferior to that of teenagers? It's just that the classical Chinese text in it gave Feng Yu a headache. If he encountered such a question in the exam, he would basically give up.

As for politics, as long as you praise the best, you will never be wrong.

Li Na's eyes slowly turned from disobedient to desperate. Feng Yu's progress has been so great that she won't be able to catch up! She is also studying hard this winter vacation. Why is the gap so big

"Feng Yu, did you find someone to make up your classes during the winter vacation?"

"Yes, the Eastern Army made up for me." Feng Yu nodded.

"Him?" Li Na turned her head angrily. Wen Dongjun's grades were similar to Feng Yu's. He was in the middle of the class. How could he turn Feng Yu into a top student? If you don’t say it, don’t tell it, and you lie!

One morning passed, and the news that Feng Yu suddenly became a genius spread throughout the teacher's office.

"Teacher Sun, I didn't notice that Feng Yu in your class before, but now I realize that this kid is really smart."

"That's right, Teacher Sun, why do you think your class always produces such good students? It's not like our class, which is all naughty and mischievous. I don't know how many of them can pass into high school."

"I think Feng Yu is going to be number one in his grade. Teacher Sun has brought out another great talent."

The teachers were chirping and praising Feng Yu, leaving Teacher Sun confused. If Feng Yu hadn't gone to Bingcheng to see him this year, he wouldn't have been particularly impressed by Feng Yu.

But as a class teacher, doesn’t he still know which student in the class studies well? Feng Yu can only be regarded as above average. He has to study hard this semester to take the high school entrance examination. Why is he praised as the first in his grade

But others praised him, and as a class teacher, of course he accepted it.

In the afternoon, it was time for the math class taught by Teacher Sun. In order to test whether what other teachers said was correct, Teacher Sun specially called Feng Yu up to answer the question.

When he saw the questions on the blackboard, Feng Yu was dumbfounded. He asked himself that he had studied advanced mathematics, and he also crammed in algebra problems for several days during the winter vacation. There should not be many math problems that could stump him. But I have forgotten that junior high school mathematics is divided into two subjects: algebra and geometry, and there is a geometry question on the blackboard.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I don't know how." Feng Yu lowered his head and felt the surprised looks from all his classmates.

Teacher Sun frowned, wouldn't you? This question was very simple. He casually asked Li Na to answer it. Li Na got up and answered it easily. She looked at Feng Yu proudly before sitting down.

Aren't you studying well? Don’t teachers praise you for being smart? Do you have any questions that you don’t know

Feng Yu was called up for the next three questions in a row. He couldn't answer any of them, but Li Na easily answered all three questions correctly. Every time before sitting down, she would cast a proud look at Feng Yu, her chin tightening. Lift higher.

The classmates also began to whisper, Feng Yu is not that smart, I can do this question!

The next class was physics. Feng Yu was called up, but still didn't answer. Li Na didn't wait for the teacher to call, and stood up and answered the question. It turned out that he was not good at physics either.

In chemistry class, Feng Yu was asked by the teacher to answer a question again. This time he answered it wrong.

The classmates began to laugh again, and Feng Yu's status in their hearts slowly changed from a top student to a scumbag!

PS1: Were you bullied by senior classmates when you were in school? Have you ever met a beautiful female classmate when you were in school? But if the female classmate is still a class cadre... PS2: The second update will be at two o'clock in the afternoon. Do you have any favorites? Are there any recommendation votes
