Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 183: Get an agent


ps: I beg you to make the first order, and I urge you to order all of them. If you have a monthly pass, please clear it and give it to the fourth child.

"One hundred and six!"

"How much?" Li Mingde's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

"One hundred and six!" the office director repeated.

"They were all sold by Bingcheng's dealers? Just today?"

The office director nodded vigorously: "Only for one day, the only dealership opened today is Power. I don't know why, but people from surrounding counties and farms also come to buy. Although there is a promotion today, one unit costs 18,800. Why do so many people come to buy it?”

The office director also couldn’t understand why so many people bought this motorcycle when it was so expensive.

Not only were all the 100 motorcycles prepared sold out, but even six samples were sold. In the end, there was not enough to sell. Are there so many rich people in Bingcheng? Twenty thousand yuan, just buy it

Feng Yu was also working overtime at Taihua Company at this time, and the sales on the first day were better than he expected. Although it was already winter, it did not affect the sales of motorcycles at all.

As long as it's not snowing or windy, they can ride motorcycles. Wear cotton gloves and a wool scarf, and you won’t be afraid of anything!

It seems that promoting the price of motorcycles to increase ⊥⊥⊥⊥, m.※.covm is still very useful. There are no 15-displacement domestic motorcycles on the market now, and Songjiang Motorcycle is the only one. There are some imported ones, but the price is generally over 25,000 yuan.

And what is the production cost of this 15-inch motorcycle? Less than six thousand yuan.

This is because the workers are not skilled enough, the production efficiency is low, and the material cost is too high.

Over time, efficiency will improve and costs will be reduced. In fact, according to Feng Yu's estimation, the cost of a motorcycle should be about 3,000 yuan. In the new millennium, the retail price of a 15-inch motorcycle was only more than 5,000 yuan. It has to be said that the Soviet production line seemed very advanced at this time. But the efficiency is still too low and the energy consumption is high.

But now it is very good. A motorcycle wholesaled to Taihua Company can still make a net profit of nearly 5,000 yuan, and the profit is close to 100%. This is something Li Mingde could not even imagine before.

When he first looked at the production costs, he thought it was a bit unbelievable. How could the production costs of this motorcycle be so low? Motorcycles are much more profitable than tractors!

Feng Yu If someone is willing to spend more than 10,000 yuan to buy a motorcycle, he is willing to spend 20,000 yuan to buy it, as long as it looks beautiful enough and is comfortable to ride. Originally, Li Mingde thought that Feng Yu's target audience for sales was small, so he tried to win as many green products as possible.

But no one expected that the price was almost the same as that of imported motorcycles, but it actually sold better than imported motorcycles!

"Gangzi, no one in the machinery company is going to do sales today, right?"

"No, I did see people from a machinery company wandering around. They didn't leave until we sold out all the sample motorcycles, probably to report to Li Mingde. Don't worry, Mr. Feng, this sales thing. Anything. It’s not easy for anyone to intervene, we only listen to you.”

Wu Zhigang also gained confidence. He didn't expect that this motorcycle would be so easy to sell to the rich people in Bingcheng. More than he thought. Later, he thought about it, if Mr. Feng hadn't led them to invest all their money in stocks, according to their temperament. I will definitely use it to buy a motorcycle.

After one year of working, they are willing to spend more than 20,000 yuan to buy a motorcycle. Wouldn't those who started business earlier be more willing to spend money

Especially this motorcycle is so beautiful. In terms of appearance, it is much more beautiful than any domestic or imported motorcycle. What's more, there are big celebrities advertising and advertising, and the ads are all on CCTV. Now just ask, how many people have never heard of Songjiang Motorcycles

"Okay, we will prepare fifty units for sale tomorrow, until they are sold out."

"Fifty units? Mr. Feng, fifty units may not be enough, right? You mean, it's the same as humidifiers at the beginning. What is hunger marketing?" Wu Zhigang suddenly remembered that when humidifiers started to be sold to major department stores, Feng This idea is always used to give people the feeling that they are too late and cannot be purchased even if they have money, thus stimulating those who are hesitant to buy, and the sales volume is better than expected.

Feng Yu nodded with satisfaction: "Those agents will come one after another tomorrow, right? Let them take a look at the hot sales scene of our Bingcheng."

The next day, agents arrived one after another. Although they had scheduled a meeting tomorrow to sign the contract together, they were afraid they would be late. According to the urine behavior of Taihua Company, if you come late, you will probably be out of luck!

Many people were hesitant at first, but after seeing an advertisement for Songjiang Motorcycle suddenly appearing on CCTV yesterday, they immediately felt it was a good opportunity.

They didn't think the humidifier would have high sales volume at first, but since CCTV started advertising it, the sales volume has been rising steadily, and each of them has made a lot of money.

This time Taihua Company has been so generous. Not only did they advertise on CCTV, they also invited three big stars. It is said that next year there will be a joint advertisement between Bald Chen and Zhu Simao. The publicity is so good, as long as the quality is not too bad, Do you still have to worry about sales? Just pay a deposit, and you should be able to earn back the agency fees in one month!

Some agents who came early visited the Bingcheng dealership and found so many people gathered around it. Although most of them were just watching the excitement, there were actually quite a few people who came to buy cars.

What, sold out so quickly? How many motorcycles are there? It’s only two in the afternoon.

Fifty units? Started at nine in the morning and sold out by five

What? Yesterday, I sold more than 100 units, and they were all sold out at 5 p.m. I only left when they were out of stock.

If you can have such good sales in a remote ice city, shouldn't the sales in coastal areas, which are the first to get rich, be better

"We have cooperated more than once, and there are a few new faces, but we should all know the rules of our Taihua company. The market is divided according to provinces, and the sales volume cannot be less than 400 units per month. Each motorcycle , wholesale it at a price of 15,000, of which we will pay a commission of 5% of the wholesale price to each agent, and the top three sales agents every month will receive varying degrees of rewards... "

"Mr. Wu, I want to contract the northwest region. Is the sales volume of 400 units per month too high?"

"Mongolia, Qinghai, Tibet... these provinces are quite special. We will talk alone later and we will definitely give you some discounts. Do people from other provinces still have questions?" Wu Zhigang said loudly.

"Mr. Wu, according to your contract, the more we sell, the higher the commission will be, right?"

"That's right, not only the top three in monthly sales will be rewarded, but the top three in total annual sales will also be rewarded! In short, the more you sell, the more you will earn, and you only need to pay a deposit once, which eliminates your Funds are tied up.”

"Mr. Wu, can the deposit be reduced by one? Is half a million too much?"

"Look at how many units we ship to you in a month. Four hundred units worth six million. Do you still need a deposit of five hundred thousand? If you don't have the strength, you can withdraw on your own. Our company is fully capable of operating in your province. Establish a sales office!" Wu Zhigang shouted.

These people were still talking about it. Feng Yu shook his head. It seemed that he still needed to take action. (To be continued.)