Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 20: The news is out!


Relying on snacks, Feng Yu asked Li Na to help with extra classes every noon and evening. Coupled with the difference in concentration, Feng Yu's results are improving rapidly.

I just don’t know why, but later Feng Yu ran out of snacks, and Li Na took the initiative to help him make up classes. Later, when Li Na had snacks, she would take the initiative to share them with Feng Yu. It feels very good to eat cowhide beans while reading a book.

Teacher Sun, the head teacher, was very surprised. In the past, Feng Yu didn't seem to be a child who loved studying too much. Why is he working so hard recently? What is the stimulation? And every day at noon and night, Feng Yu and Li Na get together. Could it be possible for these two children

For this reason, he specially talked to Feng Yu. He couldn't relax when studying, but it wouldn't work if he was too tight. Feng Yu said that he wanted to take the exam for the city's high school, so he had to study hard. And he also does physical exercise every day to relax his mind and body, so the teacher can rest assured.

When Teacher Sun heard this, he gave Feng Yu a few more words. If the child has ideas and goals, then let him try. And he also felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong with the two children, they were just studying together.

The results of the first monthly exam are out, with perfect scores in Russian, good scores in Chinese, mathematics, and politics, and passing grades in biology, physics, and chemistry.

"Feng Yu, your score is more than enough to get into the high school in County H of the branch. If you can improve your science scores, there is hope for you to get into the city's high school!" Li Na looked at Feng Yu's transcript, which seemed to have passed the exam better than hers. I'm happy to be number one in the whole grade.

"Thanks to you helping me make up classes every day, but it still can't compare with your grades."

Li Na raised her head proudly: "Do you think you can surpass me after working hard for a few days? But starting from today, you have to help me with my Russian. We are friends."

Feng Yu snapped his fingers: "It's a small matter!"

When the report card of the first monthly exam was delivered to his parents, Feng Xingtai was extremely happy. The teachers said that his son would have a good chance of getting admitted to the city's high school, so how could he be wrong

But there is something wrong with this child. He spends money too lavishly. Every week when he comes back, he asks his family for money. Now he spends more in a week than in the previous month.

But the son also said that the girl’s partner was selling treasury bills in the city and made tens of thousands of dollars in more than a month. Compared with this, the money my son spent is just a small amount of money!

Feng Xingtai sighed several times when he went to bed at night, how good it was to send his son to school. Look, not only do you speak foreign languages very well, but you also know how to make money. The old Feng family has a genius. This son has a lot of potential!

"Brother Li, hasn't the news come out yet?"

In early April, Feng Yu called Li Shiqiang every day. Did he remember it wrong, it wasn't April this year

What Feng Yu fears most is that after his rebirth, many things have changed due to the butterfly effect. If treasury bills are not allowed to be traded, then he really doesn't know how else he can make money quickly and steadily.

He doesn’t know how to create some inventions of later generations. He likes to play with mobile phones. There is no need to know how mobile phones are made, right

Could it be that we can only follow Li Shiqiang’s method and collect some treasury bills with small denominations door-to-door to earn some money for running errands? So when will he earn a millionaire, and when will he start his huge plan

"I haven't read today's newspaper yet. I've been busy all day. Just wait, I'll call you back in ten minutes."

Teacher Xiong in the dormitory was used to Feng Yu calling the city every week. There are people in this child's family who are doing business in the city, doing big business and making a lot of money. But I have been calling every day for the past three days, which is a bit abnormal.

"Feng Yu, come here, drink a glass of water. What's wrong? I see you are on the phone every day these days. Is there something going on at home?"

"Thank you, Teacher Xiong. If there is nothing wrong at home, it is my brother-in-law's business." Feng Yu didn't want to say more. The more he explained this kind of thing, the more troublesome he would be. Anyway, what he did was not illegal.

"Oh, it's normal for a couple to quarrel. Your parents can't control it, so why are you worrying so much?"

Feng Yu "..."

Teacher Xiong’s ability to associate is too strong. I can’t explain it to you clearly.

Di bell bell bell~~~

Feng Yu grabbed the phone quickly before Teacher Xiong reached out.

"Feng Yu?"

"It's me, Brother Li."

"Here's the news. Shencheng will open first next Monday, and then our Bingcheng and other six cities will also start within ten days. Treasury bonds will really be able to be traded and circulated!" Li Shiqiang's low voice came from the phone, but he was full of excitement. Son, but I can't cover it up no matter what.

"Brother Li, keep your voice down, I can hear you. Take a day off on Monday and go to Shencheng to see what the price of treasury bills is there. If it's high, sell all of it. If it's cheap, buy all the treasury bills and bring them back. .”

"Xiaoyu, if the prices in Shencheng are par, will our prices in Bingcheng definitely rise?" Li Shiqiang is still a little worried. Now he has hired seven or eight young men to collect treasury bonds door-to-door, and he can earn several thousand a month.

"Not necessarily, but prices will definitely increase in other cities across the country. When the time comes, we can sell them wherever the price is higher. You can ask more people to find out."

"Don't worry, I also have comrades in the bank. I'm going to ask the leader for leave now, and I'll take this weekend off with my colleagues."

"Well, buy the tickets in advance. Go there on Sunday night and arrive there on Monday morning. Don't be too expensive by taking a taxi when you get to Shencheng. It's fast and safe."

"Xiaoyu, why don't you come with me? I don't trust anyone else. I have a big bag of money with me. If I go alone, I'm afraid I'll fall asleep. There are a lot of pickpockets on the train!"

At this time, Li Shiqiang was scared again. The total cash and treasury bills he carried amounted to hundreds of thousands. If it was really stolen, he would not be able to apologize even if he committed suicide.

Feng Yu also thought that in this era, there were a lot of pickpockets on the train. If all this money and treasury bills are really lost, Feng Yu's dream of economic empire may be postponed for several years.

"Okay, then you buy two train tickets and I'll go with you!"

After hanging up the phone, Feng Yu paid the money and ran out happily, shouting on the playground.

The opportunity came! This year, you can make thousands of dollars every day by buying and selling treasury bills, and you can make tens or millions in a year. This is definitely not empty talk!

During the weekend, Feng Yu did not go home and asked Wen Dongjun to bring a message home. He was making up lessons at the teacher's place and would go back next week. Teacher Sun, the teacher in charge of the class, said that an elder in his family in Bingcheng was critically ill, and he would go check on him and promise to come back by Tuesday at the latest.

I got up early and got on the bus to the city. After more than two hours of bumpy driving, I finally arrived in the city. When he got off the bus, he saw Feng Danying standing at the entrance of the station, waving to him.

"Sister, why are you here?"

"Can you find a place if I don't come? Your brother Li is at work today, so you asked me to pick you up. How can you be so troublesome? Now isn't the treasury bill business that your brother Li has done very good? You can make several dollars a month. Qian, why are you messing around?" Li Danying complained as she took the backpack from Feng Yu's hand.

"Sister, you don't understand. Just look at it, we will make more than this in the future!"

"Make more than this? Just brag. I heard from my parents that your academic performance has been good recently. I won't tell my parents this time. I will go to Shencheng for a day and then go back to class. If you fail the exam, In high school, I won’t stop your parents from beating you!”

"Sister, let's make a bet. Next month, we can earn more than 50,000 yuan. Do you believe it?"

PS1: Thanks to the Supreme Treasure Ten Thousand Rewards, and thanks to Shadow Mengyue for the reward. The contract status will be changed tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I urge everyone to vote more for recommendation, so that the fourth child can hit the classification list.