Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 23: Li Shiqiang who wants to go to sea


While Feng Yu was still studying with Li Na at school, something big happened to Li Shiqiang's family.

"What are you talking about? You want to resign? You brat, when I asked you to join the post office, I went to the old boss to ask for you, gave you gifts and treated me to dinner, and now you actually want to resign?"

Father Li pointed at Li Shiqiang with trembling hands, wishing he could slap him to death.

"Dad, do you know how much money I have earned in the past few months? Tens of thousands! I asked how much I can earn in one month of working? Less than a hundred yuan! I can earn several years' salary in one month now, why do I need to Going to work? Didn’t I just take a few days off? Look at our director, he actually scolded me in front of everyone! "

"Did you take a few days off? I wouldn't know if I didn't ask. You've been working for four days this month. Which leader can tolerate you for such a long time? If my old face hadn't been there, you would have been fired! "

"Then fire me. Anyway, I don't want to do this job for a long time. If I don't do anything every day, what future can I have!"

"Shi Qiang, what are you talking about? What's wrong with this job? The work is not tiring, it's stable, and you can even share a house in the future." Li's mother also persuaded.

"Mom, isn't it just a house? Now we can afford it. Which house do you like? We can afford buildings all over the country, including the capital!"

"I rebelled against you, and you didn't listen to what I said!"

"Dad, Xiaoyu said that people should look forward and look at problems from the perspective of development. The job now looks good and many people envy it, but we bought a big house and can also buy a car. That's not more. Are people envious? This way of living is more valuable!"

"Fart! Don't think that I don't know what you are doing. You are squandering treasury bonds and running to Shenyang every day. You are just speculating!"

"This is a normal trade for me. Xiaoyu said that the state stipulates that treasury bills are allowed to be bought and sold freely, and there is no need to pay taxes. Look at Brother Chuanxi of Uncle Zhao's family. He bought a big color TV for his family during the Chinese New Year. What did you do at that time? Tell me, it depends on how capable the person is. Now we can also afford it, and we can buy a large imported color TV that is better and bigger than his one!"

When Li Shiqiang opened his mouth, Xiaoyu said it, and when he shut up, Xiaoyu said it, which made Father Li's forehead throbbing with veins! Isn’t it shameful enough for a man in his twenties to listen to a teenager

The matter finally reached the Feng family. Feng Xingtai just finished his spring plowing and sowing. He went to school to pick up Feng Yu and rushed to Bingcheng. According to what his in-laws wanted, it was his son's idea that Xiao Li wanted to resign from his job at the post office.

"Dad, what does this have to do with me? I really didn't instigate him to resign." Feng Yu said weakly.

Of course, Li Shiqiang was scolded by his boss because he kept asking for leave. In the final analysis, it was because he asked Li Shiqiang to travel between places to sell treasury bills. But he will never admit this scapegoat!

"Shut up. When we get to your Uncle Li's house, apologize first when you enter. Your Uncle Li is a leader. I didn't see that you can get a car. Do people come to give gifts during the holidays? If your brother Li learns from your uncle Li, , I can also become a leader in the future.”

Feng Yu curled his lips: "What's so good about being a leader? Uncle Li is just a deputy section chief. Our family can afford a small car now. Some people give gifts during the holidays, so shouldn't he also give gifts to his leaders? You Look at Brother Li, he makes more in one month than he did in the previous year, this is the winner in life!"

Seeing his father's glare, Feng Yu gave up trying to persuade him again. Forget it, the funds are almost gone now anyway, so let Brother Li be more at ease, he can still stir up troubles with this money.

When we arrived at Li Shiqiang's house, not only were the Li family members there, but Feng Danying was also there. Everyone sat there in silence. However, seeing Feng Xingtai come in, Father Li and Mother Li stood up to welcome him.

But after sitting down, the room fell into dead silence again. Feng Xingtai glared at Feng Yu. What are you doing? Why don't you admit your mistake quickly

Feng Yu is helpless, the master is lonely. No one can understand the genius idea that is more than 20 years ahead. This situation will probably last for more than twenty years. It’s so cold in the high places!


Feng Yu was slapped hard on the back of the head by Feng Xingtai. Waiting for this kid to apologize, he actually sat there and acted dumb!

Brat, don't you know that your sister's lifelong happiness is about to be destroyed in your hands? If Li Shiqiang resigns because of your instigation, will his family still agree to the matter between your sister and him

Feng Yu glanced at his father sadly, stood up and said: "Uncle Li, aunt (dialect, meaning aunt), this is all my fault. Brother Li should not have been involved. Brother Li, you should go back and be honest. Just go to work, work hard all your life, and you can have a house and a car."

At first, Feng Xingtai thought what his son said was good, but the more he listened to it, the more he felt something was wrong.

"Besides, Brother Li, you took tens of thousands of yuan from home, and now you have earned tens of thousands, right? This money is enough, more than you have earned after working for ten years. Our teacher said that people should know how to be content. Others It's other people's business to make more money. Others live in big houses and watch big color TVs. We live in small houses and watch small black and white TVs. We also live in bungalows and listen to semiconductors."

"In the future, if you and my sister have a child, let him study hard and go to work at the post and telecommunications office in the future. He will earn a little less, but he will be free. Parents drive cars to and from other families' children when they go to and from school. We can do the same on bicycles. Well. Men don’t need the courage to be the first in the world, and don’t think about being a leader. It’s enough to just build the four modernizations honestly. Leave those glorious things to others.”

Feng Yu is also good at ideological work. To put it bluntly, he can even brainwash ordinary people. Otherwise, how could he attract so many investment clients? As far as the thoughts of the people in the room are concerned, Feng Yu guarantees that if he talks to anyone for five minutes, he can make the other person forget what they just discussed.

Father Li and Mother Li frowned at this time, yes, what's the point of letting his son work at the post and telecommunications station? If I have another child in the future, as Xiaoyu said, if other people’s children are picked up by four-wheeled cars, ours will be picked up by bicycles. Wouldn’t that delay the child

This is the first time that my son has his own ideas. Is he really going to kill them? If he returns to the post office, will he be able to go to work without any worries

Father Li suddenly asked: "Shiqiang, what do you think?"

Li Shiqiang was sulking, but when he heard his father ask, he suddenly raised his head: "Dad, I think very clearly, I just want to make money, make a lot of money, so that you can live a good life, and let Danying follow me. Nor will I endure hardship. Didn't the great man say that if we want to develop a socialist economy, some people should be allowed to get rich first? Then why can't it be me who gets rich first?"

Father Li looked at his son, then at his in-laws, and finally sighed: "Okay then, I'll go back to the leader and apply for a one-year suspension of work without pay. If you can't do it, you'd better go back honestly. When you go to work, don’t think so much; if you can really do it, then resign.”

PS1: The first wave of entry into the sea was in 1984 or 1985. At that time, there were many companies along the coast, and you could earn more if you did any small business.

PS2: Can the recommendation votes be more fierce? If you haven’t collected it yet, please click here to add it to your collection. You won’t get pregnant if you click it~~~
