Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 26: Lovely Kirilenko


Kirilenko insisted on signing the contract and paying Feng Yu for his hard work. Feng Yu could only agree "reluctantly", but in fact he was already happy.

He had been telling Kirilenko since last night that this time he was just helping and he didn’t want a penny. The more he talked, the more Kirilenko felt guilty. To put it bluntly, the two of them had only met a few times and were not familiar with each other at all. Why would Feng Yu be willing to help him in vain

Sure enough, Kirilenko fell into the trap himself and offered to give Feng Yu money, even if he didn't want it!

After the contract was signed, Feng Yu became much calmer. This trip, after two or three days of work, can earn 60,000 yuan! More importantly, Kirilenko showed his intention to stay in this business for a long time. How could Feng Yu not have other ideas

In the future, there will be an industry that is very popular and is often called a leather bag company, and that is the intermediary.

By introducing the two parties to buy and sell, you don't have to spend a penny of capital, and part of the commission is directly drawn. Because there are no goods and no principal is required, it is very suitable for those with connections but no money. It started out as a few second-generation people with connections, but later developed into a huge team.

To be a good intermediary, you need to have a rich source of customers and a rich source of goods, and for both of these, you need to know a lot of people.

Does Feng Yu know anyone who is doing business? He doesn't know him, but starting from today, he will have a lot of supplies in his hands, and they are in short supply in the Soviet Union.

In this era, the crime of speculation has not yet been abolished. Although the planned economy has transitioned to a market economy, most of the people with flexible minds are in the coastal areas. For example, Huaxi Village, the No. 1 village in the country in later generations, their village party secretary led people to secretly set up a factory to produce small hardware before the country allowed it.

Even if we find out later, so what if the policy changes, doesn’t it mean that we have become a positive example

In border areas like Longjiang, there are only a few people who dare to do this. Moreover, Feng Yu did not intend to do empty-handed trading. What he wanted to do was to barter and transport a batch of goods from the country. Kirilenko was responsible for transporting some goods back. With these goods in hand, Feng Yu would no longer It's a waste of money. How can it be regarded as speculation

Real speculation refers to taking advantage of opportunities, hoarding, short-selling, adulteration, manipulating prices, etc. to disrupt the market and make huge profits. Feng Yu does not count this at all.

"Here, I want more."

Feng Yu looked at what Kirilenko was pointing at and was stunned for a moment. White Rabbit toffee, Kirilenko, a big man, actually peeled one off and stuffed it into his mouth.

Isn't this... what children eat

"I want more of this towel and this scarf."

"I need more cards for this one."

"These socks are red. I want more of them."

Feng Yu slowly realized that something was wrong. Why did it seem that everything Kirilenko wanted was for girls

"Brother, are you going to open a store specifically for female customers?"

"No, no, no, I'm selling to the art troupe. The art troupe is the big buyer of this purchase. Girls all like these things."

This Kirilenko is really capable, he can even take over the purchase list of the cultural troupe. Feng Yu is increasingly convinced that this trade can last for a long time and bring high profits.

Do girls like these things? Feng Yu also bought a red hair card. Li Na seems to like red, right

In less than half an hour, all the supplier representatives that Manager Su had contacted arrived. Everyone was crowded into a ten-square-meter office, and they were all talking about their own advantages. The noise made Feng Yu's head spin.

"Shut up! I am Mr. Kirilenko's representative. Please fill out a form first."

When printing the contract just now, Feng Yu drew some forms on white paper and made more than ten copies at a high price. Now Li Shiqiang is giving one copy to everyone.

The form clearly indicates the name of the manufacturer represented, the nature of the manufacturer, the type of goods, price, quantity, contact information, etc. These are an important step for Feng Yu to bypass Manager Su in the future.

"Okay, now let me tell you the type and quantity of the goods I want, and the price. You can discuss it with Manager Su."

The names and quantities of the various goods were reported, and Manager Su quickly recorded them with a pen. This time, his supply and marketing cooperative's quarterly turnover was completed.

It's a pity that he didn't see it at all. Feng Yu put away all those forms. This might be the last money he could make from Feng Yu.

After Manager Su finished talking to them all, he sat down with Feng Yu again to talk about their discounts.

It was finally agreed that a 93% discount would be provided, and it would include transporting the goods to the train station and loading them onto the train. The total price of all this is RMB 1.02 million.

The quantity was decided upon by Feng Yu and Kirilenko, but after discounting, the price was a little lower than Feng Yu planned, and there was still a lot of money left.

Feng Yu discussed it with Kirilenko and asked him what he wanted. Kirilenko looked around and suddenly stared at the gloves on the counter.

Feng Yu understood, discussed it with Manager Su, and cleared the inventory of gloves for Manager Su, spending a total of 100,000 yuan. With the remaining money, Feng Yu bought all the ham sausage according to Kirilenko's wishes.

Here we sign a contract with Manager Su, and then follow the old rules of issuing a receipt. Only the name, specifications and quantity are written on it, and the price column is left blank.

Li Shiqiang drove Kirilenko back to the International Hotel. When Kirilenko came back, he was carrying a suitcase in his hand.

Opening the suitcase, Kirilenko took out a stack of rubles, totaling three hundred thousand, and placed them all on the table. When Manager Su reached out to take it, Feng Yu slapped it away.

"Manager Su, according to the exchange rate, you are still short of us by more than 30,000 yuan, right? How do you convert this money?"

Manager Su chuckled: "He doesn't even care, why do you care so much?"

"Because I also signed a contract and must abide by the law. For the more than 30,000 yuan, please ask Manager Su to give me instant noodles. The quantity is sufficient. Maybe I will come to you to purchase it next month."

Instant noodles are a hot commodity right now. Feng Yu saw it in the warehouse, but Manager Su did not recommend it to Kirilenko. However, at present, the supply and marketing cooperative only has one kind of instant noodles, which is Huafeng brand Sanxian Yi noodles. This is an old brand and was still produced and sold until Feng Yu was reborn.

"In view of the exchange rate issue, I asked them to prepare some instant noodles, which can be eaten after brewing with boiling water for five minutes. Adding a piece of ham sausage will make it taste better."

Although Kirilenko didn't know what instant noodles were, he was very happy to know that his goods had increased again. I originally thought that the ones I just purchased were 300,000 rubles, but I didn’t expect that there were more.

It seems that it is good to sign the contract, so that Feng Yu will be more responsible. Kirilenko decided to give Feng Yu some sweeteners for future business.

"These are yours."

"No, no, no, that's too much." Feng Yu looked at the twenty thousand rubles in front of him and said righteously.

"You deserve this. We are friends, and you shouldn't refuse. I will come to Ice City in a while, so please continue to help me."

Feng Yu then "reluctantly" accepted twenty thousand rubles. Comrade Kirilenko is so silly and cute! ~~~On Singles’ Day, I’m still waiting for the Bachelor**~ I’m so happy, do you have any recommendation tickets to comfort me
