Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 33: Get approved


From the next day, Feng Yu asked people to load the goods in the warehouse into trucks, and then quarreled with several supplier representatives in front of Kirilenko, as if he was working very hard for Kirilenko. It was like trying to lower the price. In fact, Feng Yu was discussing with them whether he could pay after the goods arrived in Moscow.

A few gritted their teeth and agreed, and the more of course started to quarrel with Feng Yu. It was the first time they cooperated, and the contract was written in black and white. The contract must be implemented in accordance with it. This was quite a quarrel.

Seeing this, Kirilenko thought that Feng Yu was really interesting. He didn't hesitate to offend his compatriots for his sake. He also thought that he would definitely bring some gifts to Feng Yu next time he came, but he didn't know that he was fooled by Feng Yu again.

Kill two birds with one stone. If you agree, write it down and we will definitely cooperate more in the future. If you don't agree, let them go away when someone replaces them!

On the third day, all the goods were loaded onto the truck, and Kirilenko handed a large bag of cash to Feng Yu.

Kirilenko also said that it is inconvenient to carry so much money back and forth, but it is too troublesome to open an international account, and it is difficult for him to withdraw money from China. Feng Yu immediately said that he would come up with a solution, and Kirilenko would send him the money later, and he would help Kirilenko load the things he needed to purchase into the car.

Kirilenko hesitated and said he would go back and think about it and come back next month. There was too much money involved, and Kirilenko had to be careful. Next time he came, he would bring a few people who knew business, and if possible, sign a contract first.

As soon as Kirilenko left, Feng Yu's office was filled with people. The goods have been loaded onto the truck, and according to the contract, payment will be made within one day. Is it time for you to pay

Feng Yu waved his hand: "Let's go to the bank with me!" It's the first time we cooperate, if we don't default or owe anything, it will all depend on who has the discernment and price in the future.

When I arrived at ICBC with 450,000 rubles, the president was shocked. This is a big customer, and he can take out so much foreign exchange at once.

What I didn’t say was that special things should be done, and if there is not enough money in the bank, no problem. Some manufacturers’ representatives said that they can pay directly into their factory’s account, and some said that they can also directly collect foreign exchange.

Collect foreign exchange directly? The president will never do it. Foreign exchange is a good thing these days. Immediately borrowed some cash from the provincial bank and exchanged all the rubles.

After those people left, the president grabbed Feng Yu's hand and asked about where Feng Yu got the foreign exchange.

After learning that Feng Yu was just helping Lao Maozi do a business and that it was a one-time deal, the president's enthusiasm suddenly disappeared. He thought he could find a stable channel to earn foreign exchange.

Feng Yu leaned on the sofa and crossed his legs: "President Zhu, in fact, it is not impossible to have stable foreign exchange channels, but there are some problems with my procedures."

President Zhu immediately asked someone to change a cup of good tea for Feng Yu: "Boss Feng, tell me if you have any difficulties and see if I can help you solve it."

"As for me, I set up a company and want to do import and export trade. I have already figured out the supply of goods and sales, but there is a problem. My company can only get export approval documents. The import approval procedures are difficult to handle. ah."

"I know Director Li from the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. I can help you connect. However, all of your company's accounts must go to our bank, and the monthly export earnings cannot be less than 400,000 rubles."

President Zhu heard that Feng Yu just said he was just doing business once, and now he has established a company. He must have connections, but the connections are not particularly strong.

If he could earn several million in foreign exchange a year, Mr. Zhu might be promoted from a municipal bank to a provincial bank. Even if it doesn't work, the money is very maneuverable.

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Zhu. It's 400,000 rubles a month. It's a bit difficult. I can only guarantee that you can take as many rubles as you have in the account and exchange them for me in RMB!" Just kidding, Kirilenko hasn't done it yet. Feng Yu didn't dare to make random promises to him.

"Then it's settled. Tomorrow I'll make an appointment with Director Li to come out for dinner. The place will be..."

"How about Hua Mei Restaurant? I'll make a reservation."

Mr. Zhu's eyes lit up. Huamei's food was very expensive. This Feng Yu was very good.

"Then it's settled, tomorrow night at five o'clock."

When Feng Yu drove a Lada to pick up President Zhu, President Zhu couldn't help but look at Feng Yu again. In these days, those who can afford imported cars must be very capable.

At five o'clock, Director Li's car appeared at the entrance of Huamei Restaurant on time. Manager Zhu took two quick steps, held Director Li's right hand and shook it up and down.

Feng Yu only stretched out one hand and touched it, which was considered a handshake. Director Li's brows couldn't help but frown. This young man was a bit arrogant.

Fortunately, Director Li was very satisfied with the restaurant. All the dishes Feng Yu ordered were Huamei's signature dishes, including salmon, lamb chops, grilled shrimps, etc.

After eating for a while, President Zhu said: "Director Li, Brother Feng, I still need to trouble you about the company's approval."

Director Li put down his wine glass and said slowly: "This is not easy to handle. As for export trade, the country is encouraging it now. I can help with all the procedures just by saying hello. But import, it is not easy now. Do it."

"Director Li, now the country's open policy encourages us to import and export trade. Although I am importing, I am also enriching domestic products and improving the living standards of our domestic people."

"You mean, you have infinite merit?"

Director Li's words were very rude and full of irony. Feng Yu didn't take it seriously. Governor Zhu was more anxious than him. He had inquired and found out that Governor Zhu's foreign exchange tasks this year were also relatively heavy. Besides, he didn't believe that he could not handle Director Li.

"Director Li, look at this "People's Daily", what is the relationship between our country and the Soviet Union now? It is an important period to resolve the ice and restore friendship. For example, my customers can go to Moscow every time, one by one. Shipping goods is a good opportunity to showcase the development of our country. Speaking of imports, some of the things we need now cannot be manufactured for the time being, but what if we buy things from the Soviet Union and study them ourselves? Is this considered a contribution to the modernization of the country? ?”

Director Li looked at the People's Daily. The meaning was very clear. It encouraged import and export trade, especially with the Soviet Union and the United States, which had signed many cooperation terms.

The coastal side is leading the way, and the inland has national economic control. However, Longjiang is located on the border, and its position is very awkward.

At yesterday's meeting, provincial leaders also asked the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation to focus on the import and export trade at border ports and provide more encouragement to improve people's living standards. They also need to come up with charters from the office to ensure how many import and export trading companies they can have this year and how much their turnover must be.

He is actually worried. Nowadays, few people are engaged in the import and export trade of the Soviet Union. In the minds of Chinese people, the Soviet Union is the big brother. Does it need anything from us? Soviet industrial products are extremely expensive. How can we make money

At this time, President Zhu also leaned over and whispered: "Director Li, please help me once. My bank still has a lot of foreign exchange tasks to do."

Director Li just said that, but he was actually playing hard to get. He wished that someone was doing import trade now, so that he could have an explanation to his superiors, and he also had a mission.

"If you say that, then you can still think about it. Let's do this. Xiao Feng will come to my office tomorrow and I will go back to have a meeting to study it."

PS1: There are three updates today, and this is the first update. Yesterday, the update was late, but it was still updated. All book friends, please click more and vote for recommendations to help Lao Si further advance in the classified new book list!