Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 34: this is not?


After one meal, the approval was finalized. After Feng Yu went back, he remembered that it seemed that Sino-Soviet trade was going to reach a peak this year, and the higher authorities had already started talking about it. If he ran normally, he should be able to come down and approve the document.

In fact, Longjiang's trade with the Soviet Union has never stopped, including when it fell out with the Soviet Union. There is no official one, but there are quite a few smugglers.

When it freezes in winter, trucks can be driven directly on the river. Once the relationship is established, if the inspection turns a blind eye or closes one eye, won't the product be circulated

As for Lada and Volga cars, Longjiang has the largest number of cars in the country, and the number even far exceeds the number of imports.

Early the next morning, Feng Yu drove to the Foreign Economic and Trade Department. The Foreign Economic and Trade Department shared an office building with several departments, but there were many people queuing at the entrance of other halls. Only the Foreign Economic and Trade Department had a deserted entrance. This shows that Director Li's life must not be easy.

Knocking on the door, a secretary-looking person came out. After Feng Yu explained his purpose, he was invited in.

Director Li was looking down at the newspaper, as if he hadn't seen Feng Yu at all. This method of showing off others might work well against other people, but it was completely ineffective against Feng Yu.

Director Li quietly raised his head and glanced up. Feng Yu was leaning on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking leisurely and contented. This kid doesn't seem to be in a hurry.

"Ahem~~ Xiao Feng is here. When did he come in?"

"I've just arrived. I'm sorry to bother you, but Director Li is at work." Feng Yu said politely. But I cursed in my heart, when I came in, I didn’t believe that your secretary didn’t report to you!

"By the way, yesterday you said that you have a company with export procedures. Now you need to go through the import procedures, right?"

"That's right."

"We held a meeting to study this. We can handle the procedures for you, but the things you import need to be restricted."

"We will never import anything that is not allowed to be imported." Restrictions are nothing. I can make a lot of money from normal products, so why do I need to get contraband

Feng Yu's meaning is very clear. As long as the imported types are allowed, he will make them.

“How much goods can you import and export in a year, I mean how much is it worth?”

Feng Yu thought for a while and slapped him: "There should be five million this year."

Five million in half a year, isn’t it tens of millions in a year? Even if there is some water, the seven or eight million should be there. This young man has a pretty big business.

Feng Yu added: "Ruble."

Hiss~~Director Li~ Take a deep breath, rubles? If converted into RMB, wouldn't it be 30 to 40 million a year? This is not a small business. Some large state-owned factories may not have such a large trade volume in a year. The import task of their Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation this year is only 100 million rubles. Can this guy complete one-tenth of it

Although he was surprised, Director Li pretended to be calm on the surface. He said "Oh" in a nonchalant tone, indicating that he understood.

Feng Yu checked and found that the annual import and export amounted to tens of millions of rubles. Although it was not the largest company in Longjiang, it was definitely the first among private companies. Now that Director Li knows the strength of Feng Yu's company, Feng Yu will ask the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for some convenience.

"Director Li, what do we lack? As long as the Soviet Union allows export, you just ask and I can buy it. Maybe in two years, our province will become the province with the largest trade with the Soviet Union. Import and export companies There will be more and more, and the taxes will be higher and higher. Of course, all of this is done under the leadership of Director Li."

"Hey, it was all done under the leadership of Secretary Zhao and Governor Wang." Director Li Changle said happily, but he was still pretending to refuse.

This company can earn foreign exchange and increase tax revenue. If it was developed with the encouragement of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, then it would be a solid political achievement for him. He might be able to move forward before he retires. Of course, the premise is that this company is really as good as Feng Yu says.

He has asked someone to go to the industrial and commercial office to check today. The registered capital is only 200,000 RMB, but he actually said that the annual import and export quota can reach 10 million rubles. This guy must be taking advantage of the loophole!

In these days, various laws are not perfect enough, and there are many loopholes that can be exploited. For example, if Li Shiqiang is reselling treasury bills in another place, he is taking advantage of a loophole. If, like in later generations, the whole country is connected to the Internet and prices are unified, this business will no longer be possible.

But now not only can it be done, but it is also very profitable, and there is no need to pay taxes. It is also reasonable and legal, but not many people know about it.

Director Li didn't want to care about how Feng Yu took advantage of the loopholes. As long as he could help the department complete its tasks, he didn't want to care about anything else. If this kid is caught taking advantage of the loophole, that would be even better. His property will be confiscated. Director Li is confident that he can turn this Taihua company into a subordinate unit of the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.

The important thing is that with the first private company, he can have an explanation with the leaders and let the leaders pay more attention to them.

Looking at other halls, they are crowded, but the Foreign Economic and Trade Hall is empty!

"Here, take this note and go to Deputy Director Zhang. He will tell you what to do about the relevant procedures."

After receiving the approval note, Feng Yu took a look at it. There seemed to be no obvious marks on it. Legend has it that there was a mystery to the leader's signature, and even the punctuation marks, but Feng Yu didn't notice it anyway.

"Thank you, Director Li. After the approval document is completed, Director Li will tell us a place for us to get together. I also want to hear Director Li's guidance."

Director Li is very satisfied with Feng Yu's attitude, but forget about eating. Now the inspection is strict, especially because he is afraid that Feng Yu will take advantage of the loophole and be caught, and what should he do

Taking the note from Director Li, Feng Yu found Deputy Director Zhang's office.

When he went in and saw Deputy Director Zhang, Feng Yu always felt a little familiar. After looking at some rules and regulations on the wall, Zhang Ruiqiang, the person in charge, and Feng Yu finally remembered.

Isn’t this deputy director Zhang the future mayor of Ice City? Moreover, during the 1997 state-owned enterprise reform, we were scolded by the citizens. But later, many people said that he did the right thing. If it hadn't been for the strong men who had their arms cut off, those people would still not be laid off and live on subsistence allowances, and they would not have had a good life later.

This is a big leg. In the future, you will enter the leadership of ministries and commissions. If you seize it now, there will be many benefits in the future. But I didn't expect that he would be in Qingshui Yamen like the Department of Foreign Economic and Trade now. How to establish a relationship with him seems to have to take a lot of hard work.

I don't expect this person to be able to help Feng Yu much in the future, I just ask him to be fair and prevent Feng Yu from being troubled by others. In a few years, Feng Yu's company will become bigger and bigger. If you don't look for trouble, trouble will find you.

"Director Zhang, let me go through the company's import procedures." Feng Yu omitted the subtitle. It sounds better, doesn't it

Director Zhang raised his head and said, "Have you brought all the materials? Bring them over and let me take a look." The second update has been delivered. Please save it and recommend it. The third update will be at six o'clock in the afternoon as usual. The recommendation votes are in jeopardy, can everyone help me
